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She's everything...


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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

...you want

She's everything you need

She's everything inside of you

That you wish you could be

She says all the right things

At exactly the right time

But she means nothing to you

And you don't know why

....anyone ever experience this??

awesome song.....can't say I have experienced it though.....


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."

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Originally posted by scentedpink:

cwm44.gif Unfortunately this is the story of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I let the good ones go and welcome the bad boys with open arms!!

Can anyone suggest a good therapist??

Why do you think it's like that?? ...is it because we don't want someone who's perfect and are seeking balance between a good thing and bad girl/boy ...it can't be totally one way or the other (IMO).



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Originally posted by scentedpink:

Unfortunately this is the story of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I let the good ones go and welcome the bad boys with open arms!!

Can anyone suggest a good therapist??

i'm the same way - i tend to lean toward "bad boys", the ones that are unavailable. the "good boys" tend not to spark my interest, unfortunately. how's that saying go? you always want what you can't have...

it all comes down to chemistry. if the chemistry is there, then everything else falls into place. you accept the good and the bad. a person could seem "perfect" - good looks, good heart, etc. - but if there's no chemistry, no spark - then that person is just not right for you.

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there is NO such thing as a PERFECT mate..it is how that person is PERFECT for YOU and how YOU are PERFECT for THEM! You can have all the HOTTEST chemestry are ALL the DEEPEST talks..and even some FUNNY CRAZY TIMES..its just how you get through them and manage to stay TRUE to yourself..and to them! IT is how you are PERFECT for EACH OTHER..its NOT about BEING or having SOMEONE PERFECT...its just how you are TOGETHER.. it may seem you let the GREAT ones go by..and tend to lean towards the bad ones..it just means you have NOT found your PERFECT match..but all these OTHERS..just teach you mold you & help you find your PERFECT person.. we all search..we all look.. just always stay true to YOURSELF..somehow the rest falls into place...

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