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I don't know what to do


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This is kinda serious so if you don't want to read it and respond that is fine, but I really need some advice and to vent. Okay, for the past two years (since I lost my virginity) I have had constant burning, symptoms of UTI's, it never goes away. Maybe for one day if I am lucky. I have been to 8 doctors, both urologists and gyno's. No one can figure it out. I have been tested for everything. Well, sex is becoming so painful I can hardly stand it. I just don't know what to do anymore. My boyfriend has been wonderful and understanding over the past two years, but it is getting to the point where I am not going to beable to sleep with him until they can figure out what is wrong with me. I have an appointment at Mayo clinic, but their waiting list is 6 months long. I am becoming very depressed and don't know how much more I can take. I can't tell you how terrible it is to have a constant burning down there. I have started seeing a psychatrist to help me deal with it, but I doubt it will help much. I really don't want to drag my boyfriend through this with me. I think that it would be to much for him on top of med school. I was talking to him last night and he said that we wouldn't have sex anymore that even if I wanted to it was a decision that he was making. But I don't want to hold him back from having a relationship with someone who has more to offer than me. I just don't know what to do. -SIN


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow....

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Ok, first things first.. You are developing an inferiority complex and that is the worst part of it all. I'm not psychologist but girlie, don't do this to yourself or your bf. If he's sticking around for all this time, obviously he's not in it for sex. Do NOT tell him that he'd be better off with someone else because they'll be able to have sex. If you break up with him "for his sake", it'll be the stupidest thing you will ever do and you'll regret it forever. Do not feel guilty or bad for him because he knows exactly what the situation is. I admire the guy for sticking around because god knows not many would. Most guys don't give a fuck about anything, and only care that you sleep with them. So do yourself a favor, keep this guy around and you'll get through the hard times together.

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It's been 2 years and 9 doctors... what if it never goes away. I can't do that to him. I understand what you are saying myst. You have really given me something to think about. Thank you. -SIN


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow....

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listen did you ever have a bad sexual experience?? or do u fear sumtin?? bc i was raped at a young age & it was the day i lost my virginity (if you would even consider it that) and every so often when i get into having sex now i freak..my body tenses and i get unbearable pains...like someone is tearing my insides out with a knife..and i roll over in a fetal position and cry..and it burns for days...i would have to agree with myst, keep this guy around he is there for YOU..not for the sex..and the pain and problem will pass when you find the answer and if for some reason it is mental just relax..and realize this guy love you for YOU..my current BF understands..when he sees my face cringes he goes real slow and talks to me telling me its him he loves me and all this great stuff so i get passed the moment without having the pain...i would just relax..it will work out..but don't leave a man who loves you..for YOU...they are the hardest guys to find. cwm38.gif

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lil... thank you for the advice. Fortunatly I haven't had any bad experiences. The guy I am with now is the only one I have ever been with and I don't have anything too bad in my past. One of my main problems is trying to get the doctors convinced that it isn't a psychological thing. And the few that have actually realized that don't give a damn about making me better. It is so frustrating. -SIN


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow....

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well that must be a GREAT feeling only ONE guy in ur life and he LOVES YOU so MUCH!! so if these few dtrs. have realized what is wrong why won't they help?? is there anything you think you can do?? You mentioned your man is in Med School what if you hit the books and found your own cure..in the meantime stay strong..and try and RELAX!! it will all work out..have faith..and you man is already happy he has you..show him in different ways cwm32.gif

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It is hard to say anything

cos more info is needed

1 do u have good lubrication

2 check u and bf for infection

3 any spasams preventing sex

4 hov are your periods

5 were u checked for endometriosis

6 last any history of relationship problems

or sexual abbuse

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