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the other day, i was on SOBE with one of ,my friends, and i saw my b/f with a group of friends.. so me and my friend were trying to catch up to him, and the crowd began to part, and he was holding hands with another man!!!! WHAT DO I DO!!!!!??? MY B/F WAS WITH ANOTHER MAN!!




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I think it depends on how long you have been with him. If it's a long, honest, and good relationship, ask him about it. Communication is key in a working relationship. Never assume anything. In a good relationship, you have to trust first before you doubt. You never know, it could have just looked like he was holding his hand.

-Scott- cwm29.gif


""mEn UsE thOuGht OnLy aS aUtHoriTy fOr thEiR injusticE, and Employ spEEch only to concEal thEir thoUgHts." -VoLtairE-
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well maybe if u stopped fucking his cousin he wouldnt run to a guy ... and funny how the guy that replied to this post all nice and sweet talkin abotu being honest and what not .. was the same guy that replied to the post about you fucking ur bf's cousin every chance u get called u a total slut ..... i smell scandal ....



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he was deff. holdin hands tho..theres no doubt about it.. and the whole fucking his cousin.. what the hell was i supposed to do, i didnt know it was his cousin the first time, and the second time he hadnt been giving me any for a LONG time because he was to busy with his man... i needed to get it from somewhere.. and the damage with his cousin was allready done.



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