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Girls - Chest hair on a guy or clean shaven??


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  • 3 weeks later...

hey! i shave "down there" every other day! and let me tell you it has no time to get itchy besides you get used to it.. it won't itch for ever i promise! and my hubby shaves his chest every 2 or 3 days too (

he doesn't have much hair any way)

tee hee i'm new skool now! (i'm such a bratt) cwm11.gif

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Not only do you like grits, you appreciate a man in his natural state - with chest hair. Right on! I can't imagine a more emasculating experience than worrying about the hair on my chest. It grows, so it stays.


i think some women have been surprised by how much they like a little chest hair - once they get close to it. And, it makes me extra warm, which is a big plus when sharing a bed during the cold, mean winter.


Originally posted by shugabooga:

i love a hairy chest, the hair tickles my nipples. a shaved chest has stubble sometimes and is very uncomfortable to my skin. expecting a man to be clean shaven all the time is as ridiculous as a man expecting a woman to shave "down there" - it gets itchy!!!!

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Originally posted by jolie1:

i love a smooth chest, especially if its tan with nice muscles oooooooooh. i like it better when its waxed though its so much better for kissing, and you girls are right, stubble is uncomfortable.



there's no way in hell i'm shaving my chest

going through the pain of hair-removal for what??

i'll leave that up for pretty boyz...

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This post should be for women too. If you have hair around your nipples you've gotta pluck or shave that shit.

One time I was kissin' and suckin' on this girls chest for the first time and when I came to her nipples there was something weird goin' on but I couldn't tell cause it was pretty dark. After a min. or so I figured out it was hair and seriously almost threw up. It was the most disgusting thing ever. All these crying game senarios were running through my head but fortunately she was a girl and didn't have a dick. I never mentioned it to her and never called her again, I was just way too shocked and grossed out.



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do men like for a woman to be clean-shaven all the time? granted, it's fun to do once in a while, but certainly not all the time. too high maintenance!!!

Originally posted by sosultan:

there's no way in hell i'm shaving my chest

going through the pain of hair-removal for what??

i'll leave that up for pretty boyz...

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okay, for those men who do enjoy shaving your chest hair, why do you enjoy it? i've dated three men who shave their chests. one guy did it so that his muscle tone could be seen better and because his chest hair was turning gray (plus he shaved his back and arms all the way down to his knuckles - yuck!). the next guy did it, probably for the same reason - to show off muscles. the third guy, i don't know why he did it, but not only did he shave his chest, but his genitals too. it made him look like a little boy, which is exactly what he didn't want - gay men were always hitting on him cuz he had a baby face and long hair. go figure! i guess it all boils down to vanity.

i hear the cult she sells sanctuary playing somewhere in the office - what's up with that?

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

okay, for those men who do enjoy shaving your chest hair, why do you enjoy it? i've dated three men who shave their chests. one guy did it so that his muscle tone could be seen better and because his chest hair was turning gray (plus he shaved his back and arms all the way down to his knuckles - yuck!). the next guy did it, probably for the same reason - to show off muscles. the third guy, i don't know why he did it, but not only did he shave his chest, but his genitals too. it made him look like a little boy, which is exactly what he didn't want - gay men were always hitting on him cuz he had a baby face and long hair. go figure! i guess it all boils down to vanity.

Shaving the pubic region for guys is a big plus. Not the whole area, just under, around and on the balls. Girls are much more prone to licking and sucking them when giving you a bj, and having them licked and sucked totally rocks.


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that happened to a buddy of mine a few years back. So, we made up a codeword for it - 'flossing'. So, did ya get your teeth flossed? Cracks us up everytime.


Originally posted by crossymaster:

This post should be for women too. If you have hair around your nipples you've gotta pluck or shave that shit.

One time I was kissin' and suckin' on this girls chest for the first time and when I came to her nipples there was something weird goin' on but I couldn't tell cause it was pretty dark. After a min. or so I figured out it was hair and seriously almost threw up. It was the most disgusting thing ever. All these crying game senarios were running through my head but fortunately she was a girl and didn't have a dick. I never mentioned it to her and never called her again, I was just way too shocked and grossed out.

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Yeah, but if 5 of us can laugh about it and have fun at his expense, isn't that a good trade off? Take one for the team, right?

And, he's got plenty a scoop on us, so it all works out in the end.

At least the chick was good looking and had a nice bod - so he get's points for that. it was only the hair thing, and it's blonde, so it's not that bad. it's the dark stuff you gotta watch out for - the man hair!


Originally posted by crossymaster:

Hey man, you shouldn't fuck with him about that, it's traumatizing cwm24.gif I still have nightmares about that freak of nature cwm6.gif


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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

that happened to a buddy of mine a few years back. So, we made up a codeword for it - 'flossing'. So, did ya get your teeth flossed? Cracks us up everytime.


Hey man, you shouldn't fuck with him about that, it's traumatizing cwm24.gif I still have nightmares about that freak of nature cwm6.gif


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