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The G spot on guys...


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Originally posted by cutipatuti:

guys where exactly is it??? like i think i know but can anyone verify...AND where do u guys luv to be touched????? Cmon guys let me know how i can turn you on!!!!!!!!!

personally i would think its the spot right under the balls.. i could be wrong though.. alot of guys do not like to be touched there... hehehe




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very true lipz

it's called the perinium (sp?)

and most guys do enjoy it, many though are afraid that this will make them "gay" what ever... any who another one is sticking in your pinky in his bumm hole. if he'll let you of course.. you'll make him purr like a kitty! cwm35.gif

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hit list:

the areas of his inner thighs near where his legs meen his torso

kissing/licking his that baldish spot in his armpits (it's about 50/50 on that one, just try and see)

behind his knees

that area between his balls and his anus - just gently, it can drive him crazy

it's also about 50/50 if the most sensitive spot on a guy's head is the upper part, closest to him when his is erect, or the lower part, closest to you, just below the ridge

let me know what i missed

- me

ps: just practice giving good head. the key is *multitasking.*

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MULTITASKING! do ask much as possible and at variable speeds, then when hes about to bust slow down or stop and squeeze the shaft as tight as possible and this will act as a like a reset button, and pow instant love ...


...don't be afraid to look into my eyes,I'll catch ya if you fall in love...

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