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What is the point of life?

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What is love? Does life and love go hand in hand? I would hate to believe that our existence is nothing more than a gigantic string of luck. Can I take you on a journey into my mind?

Life came to be from a large collection of the right chemicals and elements at the right time. But we as humans have something different in us. We have the ability to rationalize. We also have the ability to express Love and Hatred. Something very different (chemical X . cwm32.gif ) fell into our beaker of genes. I think that humans were put here to love each other. We are the only species that can actually have an undieing love for something. What happens when we die? Does this love die with us? I really don't think so. I believe that this love is recycled. Somehow people claim that they can see ghosts, or that they ARE someone from hundreds of years ago. What do you think? Maybe they are or have part of that persons love. Maybe even see that love. But that is just me. I'm a fool


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Sorry fella but you are so wrong.. when your looking at a girl you may think.. oh i like her. But what you don't see is that chemical reactions that your subconscious reacts to are causing an attraction..

It's like when a group of girls work together, there menstrual cycles sync to the girl with the strongest pheromones.. there is a reason.. again it's ALL about reproducing.. so like in the animal world if they are all able to 'make babies' at the same time then they can compete over a potential male.. When scientist showed women pictures of men and were asked to rate them, they rated ALL men higher when able to conceive... your girl will always be hornyer during her periods. 90% of ALL our thinking is subconscious, and the subconscious part of the brain is the most accurate.

You should read up on this shit it is fascinating.

And sorry but refusing to believe otherwise... is called being closed minded.

gotta disagree w/ you here bud-

i think people are making too many assumptions.

just a few things to think about-

those chemical reactions your talking about, don't happen..

the physical world doesnt' exist..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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the idea that life is a bunch of chemical reactions is bullshit, it may well be but I choose to believe otherwise

why I think like that??? 'cause when Im looking at some cute sweetheart I don't think

"oh, what a pretty glass of H2O"...no glass of water for ex. will have the effect on me that a pretty girl( a human being) will have

now it may be true that that's all she is but i choose to believe otherwise

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Originally posted by musicbeat:

the idea that life is a bunch of chemical reactions is bullshit, it may well be but I choose to believe otherwise

why I think like that??? 'cause when Im looking at some cute sweetheart I don't think

"oh, what a pretty glass of H2O"...no glass of water for ex. will have the effect on me that a pretty girl( a human being) will have

now it may be true that that's all she is but i choose to believe otherwise

Sorry fella but you are so wrong.. when your looking at a girl you may think.. oh i like her. But what you don't see is that chemical reactions that your subconscious reacts to are causing an attraction..

It's like when a group of girls work together, there menstrual cycles sync to the girl with the strongest pheromones.. there is a reason.. again it's ALL about reproducing.. so like in the animal world if they are all able to 'make babies' at the same time then they can compete over a potential male.. When scientist showed women pictures of men and were asked to rate them, they rated ALL men higher when able to conceive... your girl will always be hornyer during her periods. 90% of ALL our thinking is subconscious, and the subconscious part of the brain is the most accurate.

You should read up on this shit it is fascinating.

And sorry but refusing to believe otherwise... is called being closed minded.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 02-24-2001).]

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Please before reading my reply just remember. Think not the thought but let the thought thinketh you.

I greatly wonder if God had any choice in creating the universe. And in saying that I've already assumed the existence of a God, whatever that or he/she may be. 'Much maddness is divinest to a discerning eye. And much sense starkest maddness. Tis to the majority assent and you are sane demur straight way dangerous and handled with a chain.' -E. Dickenson.

It's difficult to accept Quantum Phyiscs and all it's theoretical laws. That at any ramdom time a molecule/element may act upon it's self randomly without logical constuent of it's mass. Nor is the existence of a black whole easy to accept. That God if there is one could contain such a seemingly horrific entity. Einstien found it hard to believe that God rolls the dice. But Stephen Hawkins feels that not only does God roll the dice he rolls two dice in a dark room where no one can see it.

It's interesting to note that there are people that just believe we are a conglomorate of random chemicals and BOOM here we are humanbeings so different and alike in many ways from everything else observable. If randomness and chemicals created us than what is the driving force of that randomness and what is the creator of the chemicals we are made of.

It's even more difficult for me to understand how there are people that don't believe in the Creative Force "GOD". Difficult for me to see people believe that there is no point and that we are just surronded by entropy, chaos at it's finest and that we are just a bunch of chemicals that randomly stuck together, when there is soooo much beauty around us. Soooo much things that work in harmony so much fluent motion of nature's wonderful work. Soooo much beauty, so much.

Me personally I cry to read this post to see that others feel it's impossible to grasp the point of life or how some people feel that there is none. I don't think they are wrong or right I'm just stating the fact that I do cry when i see someone that truly feels like that. It makes me wish that I could lend my eyes to them so that they can witness God and all beautiful things that surrounded me then and now.

I once dated a girl that asked me how shall I know God through you. I simply said you can't you can only try and I can only try in doing so by being kind and making you laugh with my silly jokes. That is how you will know God through me.

As for the question of this topic..what is the point of life. The point of life will differ from people to people. As many there are people that could answer this question as many as there will be different answers. As for me I could only speak from my intuitive experience and not "knowledge" from reading people's book or study or theories. I mean how do we know how to breath. How does a spider know how to spin a beautiful web. I feel and know that I was alive before I was born. Alive if many forms. Given this fleshly entity was a stage in life but not my life as a whole. I mean if I die it will only take the life of Gambitx73 not the life of me as a whole. My death will only equavalate to the life I've lived not the life I was before or after. All that in assumption that I had a life before I was born. All that in intuitive experience.

So a more direct approach to this question with my answer and remember my answer is mine alone. You may or may not agree.

The point of life? Do you mean the life we are living now the fleshly life, our human body? Well that i believe is temporary a stage in what a great journey for our spiritual life!! And what is the point of it the point of it's existence. It's a neceassary stage to reach spiritual growth and to be home again with our creator.

Yes it's easy to say that life has no point and we might as just live life happily. To live life happily is to have the inability to seek happiness. Isn't the root of all suffering desire. When we desire soomething and fail to attain it don't we suffer. So in attempting to live a happy life doesn't that equavalate to having the desire to live a happy life which would only lead to unhappiness!

I have read many books including the Bible old and new testament. If there is one book I would recommend other than the bible it's the Edgar Cayce book "Ten most important questions"

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Originally posted by weyes:

i don't usually talk about my worldview with people because it's a very strong, unpleasant one. i stopped seeing my therapist when she refused to listen to it - she barely even let me get started because she said i was "sick" and "not a person yet." well, i guess that's another story, because she was, and most likely still is, more fucked up than i am.

anyway, it's really refreshing to hear that translucent is on my wavelength where my feelings on life are concerned. basically i feel that we are all just biding our time till we die. the reason why freud said that all that matters is love and work is related to my theory:

that in order to survive one needs to keep oneself occupied with "happy distractions."

so that's my feeling on the meaning of life. and i know it may sound sad, but to me all that happiness is is just a distraction from the sadness that is life.

but i'd appreciate it if people wouldn't respond to this post by saying that i'm wrong, etc., etc., because nobody's right. and i thank you guys for this forum, 'cause i can't tell this to anybody else.

your therapist's view may or may not be wrong but her attempt in tryin' to change your view is very wrong. Please forgive. It is in forgiveness that we may experience a more meaningful life here on Earth as we live.

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

It's difficult to accept Quantum Phyiscs and all it's theoretical laws. That at any ramdom time a molecule/element may act upon it's self randomly without logical constuent of it's mass. .... If randomness and chemicals created us than what is the driving force of that randomness and what is the creator of the chemicals we are made of.

...Difficult for me to see people believe that there is no point and that we are just surronded by entropy, chaos at it's finest and that we are just a bunch of chemicals that randomly stuck together, when there is soooo much beauty around us. ...Me personally I cry to read this post to see that others feel it's impossible to grasp the point of life or how some people feel that there is none...To live life happily is to have the inability to seek happiness. Isn't the root of all suffering desire..

While I don't want to get into a God/No God debate (since there's no proof either way), one of the reasons why religion does present an answer for many people is because Quantum Phyiscs are so hard to understand. Since human life is linear, we try to apply linear thinking to almost everything around us. Everything must have a beginning and an end. That's why we find it hard to conceptualize that existence might not be a straight line but a circle or a 4-d spiral. Just like matter can neither be created nor destroyed, our universe and all others simply IS. It was never created nor will it ever cease to exist. In religious terms, this is like the notion that God always was and will be.

While I commend you for your empathy, I think you might be misunderstanding where I and some other board members are coming from about our "nihilism." Just because some might think that everything around us is a result of randomness, it doesn't mean that there's any less beauty in it. Quite the contrary; I find beauty in everything BECAUSE of the "miracle" of the statistical improbability of the molecules being in the right place at the right time.

Since you're shedding tears on my behalf, you might think that my life is somehow less complete or happy. You might even find it hard to believe that I have reached inner peace without relying on a Greater Power. I assure you, I'm one of the most happy, content and fulfilled people you'd ever meet. Living happily is not resultant from the "inability to seek hapiness", but rather from knowing when you've found it. The root of all suffering is not desire. The root of all suffering is selfishness.



[This message has been edited by translucent (edited 02-25-2001).]

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There is only possible point in life..


(sorry.. i'm still rolling and horny as hell!!!... where I not in the crackhead state I am, I would pontificate upon philosophy and quotes from "Being and Nothingness" author Jean Paul Sartre.. I believe we cannot rationalize our own existence, to do so would be to undo existence.... but since i'm all cracked out, I wont say anything... shhhhh!)

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.....Quite the contrary; I find beauty in everything BECAUSE of the "miracle" of the statistical improbability of the molecules being in the right place at the right time.

Since you're shedding tears on my behalf, you might think that my life is somehow less complete or happy. You might even find it hard to believe that I have reached inner peace without relying on a Greater Power. I assure you, I'm one of the most happy, content and fulfilled people you'd ever meet. Living happily is not resultant from the "inability to seek hapiness", but rather from knowing when you've found it. The root of all suffering is not desire. The root of all suffering is selfishness.

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** bump **


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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How about this brain tiwster..

Most of us are in our 20's correct?

Here is what's interesting and at the same time makes me Mad. About only 50 years ago T.V's came out.. I mean think 50 years ago there was no T.V.. Isn't that Crazy?? And then when they finally came out they were these huge things that were black and white.. 50 years later look what T.Vs are capable of.. DVD..etc...Same theory goes for Cars... So i imagine that in another 50 years the technology will be incredibly better than it is now. What kills me is that in 50 years i'll be 70 and wont really care for technology.. And in a hundred years we'll all probably die, our kids though will probably literally have access to flying cars... etc.. Maybe in 200 years our gran-gran-gran kids will Inhabit Titan(the next possible earth, one of saturn's moons) and none of us will witness it. All of us have a due date and after that there is nothing left. I'm so mad! If you think about it for a while, you may fall into a big depression!



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after much consideration, pondering and overall experience of 28 years...

I've come to the conclusion:

PUSSY! Gettin LAID, havin fun and doin what the fuck I want cause aint no one gonna give a shit about me except me.

Can I get a AMEN!?!

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The point of life, if you believe in god or some higher being is to purify your soul by living life as true as you can to yourself. The whole point of life is to be as best as you can be, but not set by society, friends, or parential standards. You must endeavor to be true to yourself and enjoy life, confront your fears, stand up for what you believe in and never stop trying to educate and learn new ideas - Absorb as much as you can - All always try to empathic to peoples problems as well as being strong enough person to stand for your ideals!!!

I think - but I feel the meaning changes each day!!

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"always try to empathic to peoples problems as well as being strong enough person to stand for your ideals"

- isn't it somewhat of a contradiction- sounds good in theory but most of the time it cant be done silmultaneously - as you help others - you end up hurting yourself and vice versa




AIM: ZUinc2000


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Originally posted by crobra:

... the meaning changes each day!!

As it should. Someone mentioned that we create ideals of what life is about to give us comfort, purpose and direction. And as we age, our perception about what the point of life is changes based on our experiences and desires. I guess because most of us are in our 20s, we're focused on ourselves right now ... success in work, being loved/getting laid, questioning ideas that we were taught, etc. Maybe this is why there is no greater meaning in life ... we spend the greater part of our prime being so self-serving. It is only in our later years - when we succeed in leaving something on earth that will surpass us whether through family or work - that life has a greater purpose. The circle of life ... a cross between creation and ancestor worship. I guess we can look at this negatively: the only absolute certainty in life is death and therefore life is meaningless. Or we can just make the most of the here-and-now. Make yourself happy, make others happy ... live life and rejoice.

Thank god it's Friday! cwm38.gif


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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The point of life it to wander around searching for you soulmate when it doesn't exist.

How about to be dissappointed about things you truly want!!

Oh yeah I'm in a great mood today.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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