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Q. for guys: Do you need a lot of attention ?

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Just wondering- do you need your GF to sweat you all the time and give you lots of attention and pamper you ?

So guys - do you need to be worshipped by your GF's ?

Also - what can a girl do to show you that you're #1 ( besides sex and compliments ) ?

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 03-02-2001).]

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i think guys r afraid to admit they need as much attention as we do cwm35.gif


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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The worshiping gets old and claustrophobic. Yeah, it’s nice in the beginning when everything’s new and fresh but eventually you start to feel controlled, on a short leash, and like you can’t go the bathroom alone. You start to feel pressure and NO guy wants that pressure. Some guys start to realize that they can get away with anything and then start abusing the relationship. A reasonable amount of attention is nice but just be careful with too much pampering, it’ll easily backfire on ya.

The best way to show a Guy that they’re number 1: Open Communication.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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no we dont need for our gils to sweat us - all we ask for is sex, food, and silence

just please shut the fuck up and be cool - and then will we only realise your love for us cwm35.gifcwm40.gifcwm12.gifcwm32.gif




AIM: ZUinc2000


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no,no,no 100%!!!

constant attention is definitely a neg. Its kinda annoying, but mostly its very scary, especially for young guys who know they got their whole life in front of them and they begin to feel crowded.

As far as for showing them you love them, well just be there in times of hardship, when he's pissed off or depressed - dont give them attitude, but just take the shit he's giving you and know that better times are lying ahead. When my girl is upset, depressed, and so on, she might snap at me and be a total bitch, I just let it slide and wait for a better time to talk about it with her. Also, little things like cleaning up his room, or helping do stuff, and HELPING with his BILLS sometimes when times are ruff, is very much a show of caring. And take time out to learn some of the "man" things that he does sometimes, like sports, or for example some tv shows that are targeted towards men (OZ, tuff guy movies/shows). you know

but every guy is different so I dont know what exactly to say....




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Personally, coming from a guy's point of view, I dont like it if my girlfriend is sweatin me 24/7 you know? she shouldnt have to. I would like it if, and when, i have a girlfriend, if i just know that she loves me, just by the little things, she shouldnt have to show it every second of everyday, that would get very old and very boring, very quickly.



"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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cuz guys feel like they have to be strong and manly... love isnt manly.. aloof is manly... indifferent is manly... at least in their eyes


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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I agree - too much sweatin' is bad for a relationship as far as a guy is concerned. But naturally every guy is different. I KNOW there are guys out there who LOVE attention, the attention-seekers of this world. However, attention-seekers often seek attention to feel a part of something, to feel worthy of someone, and this stems from a lack of security in themselves. Personally, I don't like a girl to be hangin' all over me, especially when I'm with a group of people. There is private time, and there is public time. I think it's rude if your with a group of people and you only talk to each other. It's disrespectful. I am happy with who I am, what I am, and where I am in my life. Sure, it's nice to get compliments from my gf but she deosn't sweat me, or me her. I don't need for her to tell me what a wonderful guy I am or how good I am in bed just to feel good about myself. You just gotta enjoy each others company :-)

"If Silence is golden, Tiesto is Midas"

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Originally posted by Unbound:

no we dont need for our gils to sweat us - all we ask for is sex, food, and silence

just please shut the fuck up and be cool - and then will we only realise your love for us cwm35.gifcwm40.gifcwm12.gifcwm32.gif

couldnt agree with u more bro. well put. cwm27.gif


"Dude, Where's my car?"


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geez, the minutes some dude starts crawling up my ass is the minute the relationship is over.....it's no different for a guy. who want's someone breathing down their neck 24-7??? you ask a lot of relationship questions. the only way you're gonna learn is through experience and making mistakes......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Attention, Attention, all hands on deck!!! I think that attention is something everyone wants from their significant other. However, it's the amount and type that varies. I for instance need my days away. How else are you to reflect on how great the lady/man your with, is? But I also need someone who will listen and talk with me. Not someone who will just be there for ass. Sure ass is great, but after it's done what else is left? I think realizing when your mate wants attention and giving it to them undividedly is far more valuable then just being up their ass all the time. But that is the hard part, knowing when. Today it could be all day, tomorrow it could be for 3 hours. But it's a game of trial and error.


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Attention... you girls got it totally wrong.

Our brains don't need the attention, it's the other head that needs 100% constant attention... wanna keep a man? Make sure the right head is getting the attention...


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

cuz guys feel like they have to be strong and manly... love isnt manly.. aloof is manly... indifferent is manly... at least in their eyes

BAH! Not all guys feel a need to put up a strong and manly front to prove his masculinity. Women however expect men to be jerks and when they are anything differnt most of them get bored with the situation. That's been my experience.

Sure guys need attention. Not 24/7, but in alot of ways our needs aren't that much different than yours. IMO, one of the best ways to show a guy that he's #1 in your book is public displays.

Just as society has drilled into the heads of women that they have to super-slender. Society has also definened what a man's traits are suppose to be. Women expect men to act a certain way and anything different is scary to them.

Anyway just a quick 2 cents worth.




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