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my kitten is in heat and she is making me sick...

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she keeps staring me in the face and making these off purring noises and keeps her rear end up in the air.

I can't believe this is happening to me!!!!! Where is the nearest vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I love everyone today!

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LOL.....cats get SO horny when they are in heat! It's freaky! My friends cat was in heat and she was trying to hump everything she could get her paws on. It was hilarious.


"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

Acheiving a "brief fleeting moment of sanity" through MethoDs of eMpAthy -

"Music is the answer to your problems" -

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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

she keeps staring me in the face and making these off purring noises and keeps her rear end up in the air.

I can't believe this is happening to me!!!!! Where is the nearest vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



cwm2.gif I looked at your signature after I read that (the little cute mouse running) and all I could think of was your kitty trying to chase the mouse! cats in heat are the horniest things I've ever seen.


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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Originally posted by deanna11:

yo werd. my suitemate says i need some ass. all day she's been watching me eat and stick my rear end up in the air

"Send her over to my place, my housemate will take care of her."

Just kidding, i dont even live with anyone, i just wanted to say that. smile.gif


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

she keeps staring me in the face and making these off purring noises and keeps her rear end up in the air.

I can't believe this is happening to me!!!!! Where is the nearest vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh Gawd! my lil kitty does the same thing...she follows me around the house, makes those purring noises...and keeps her butt up in the air. I really have to take this poor thing to the doctor. She is annoying but I feel bad for her. And why is she follows me? Thats what I don't understand. I mean...I'm not the one who gives her food or plays with her...why not follow my mother or my father?

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The worst female cats in heat I ever seen is a siamese.... They lose their fucking minds... dragging on the floor and all sorts of retarded shit---- seen one try to get a small dog to hump her....


Vet anyone?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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My cat used to love humping girls arms, only girls for some reason. I got it on videotape, he was going crazy on my roomates arm and got really pissed when she tried to take her arm away! Funny shit!!



Forget the gold I want the pot at the end of the rainbow...

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What do you think that your cat is saying about you? ;-)

Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

she keeps staring me in the face and making these off purring noises and keeps her rear end up in the air.

I can't believe this is happening to me!!!!! Where is the nearest vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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HA HA!! Poor kitty. I used to have a cat that did that, but she would also have this horrible "I need to get laid" meow. It was like meeeeeaaaaaooooooowwwwiiii....so funny.

Pulsedriver....BOOBS! I wonder if he's givin any girls some action in Colorado?? HEE HEE!


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN

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