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human cloning?

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Richie Hawtin should be cloned, then all other wanabe Richie Hawtin's should be rounded up at Exit.

Then we could all 'experiance' THE man at the same time.

It's a very dangerous thing though, and it's such a broad suject... i think most people here are talking about cloning a whole human.. there are other types of human cloning that would be less contriversial, such as stem cell cloning.

Don't worry..someone will always be scared by any kind of break through like that. Stem Cell cloning is already contriversial any way because it comes from an embriotic cell. and that's a big no no with the Bible thumpers.

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Originally posted by wizard:

...a close friend received a complete dual lung transplant less than a year ago, thats amazing certainly but it came at the cost of anothers life.

Whole-E-Shit!!! A very good friend of mine just had a dual lung transplant three weeks ago! And yea...someone had to die. Small world ain't it? His init: JPL -- U no him?


Originally posted by wizard:

...sure maybe one day someone will make a brand new einstein, and then again perhaps someone else will make a new hitler.

Chilling thought and most definitely true.

Thanks for the clarification.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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sure maybe one day someone will make a brand new einstein, and then again perhaps someone else will make a new hitler.


Science is like child hood..You can not learn how to walk without falling.Mistakes WILL be made but that's how the world grows. The ones that live forever will earn it and live on..like the Elohim. If we reach that level of advancement where we clone complete and total minds we will have surpassed the carelesness of mishandling our new found knowledge. Put it to you this way..we disscovered Atomic energy and we ARE STILL HERE! We are aware of our mistakes and grew past them. Now there are efforts to correct all the errors Science has caused and yet we continue to grow as an advanced civilization.

Technology dose not have to be a dark theme. On the contrary..It is a candle in a demon haunted world. Cloning will cast a light on religiouse, ethetical and superstitiouse stubborness. There wont be any way to stop it. And you WILL hear more about the Raelians as the topic grows. The only kind of Punch we drink is that of the Elohim's wisdom. Sorry..no Heaven's Gate cult here. Just one that teaches Love and wisdom and embraces technology in a time of ignorance.

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Originally posted by drfunk:

One could argue that much of modern medicine is playing god.

Absolutely true. And as a matter of fact, this is not the first time we humans decide to better ourselves by screwing with the gene pool. Anyone heard of the term "eugenics"? Recently in the news there has been a blurb that the State of Virginia refused to apologize to a man who was castrated in the 1940's so that he could not reproduce because he was genetically imperfect and deemed unfit to have children by the state's then-eugenics law. His imperfection? "Innate tendency to disobey authority" - running away from his alcoholic father that beat him senselessly.

But here's a doomsday scenario. Screening of one's DNA for genes that may predispose you to a disease is nothing new - it's been done for years. But even if you find a gene that predisposes you to, let's say, cancer, there's nothing you can do about it now. What if human cloning was developed and accepted? Well, think the executives of insurance companies, it's bad business to insure people at higher risk, so why not lobby the politicians to require by law to genetically engineer humans and cut that gene out? Sorry folks, can't just go on a honeymoon and concieve a kid by having sex, gotta jerk off in a cup so that we can take your DNA apart and put it back together.

Didn't mean to rant, but this is the most disturbing news I've heard this year.


tweaky is the answer

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Thats what we said!

Its just me, myself & I.....



-beat slacker mac-

AIM= thomaskm1/ Parish@clubplanet.com

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pac-Man

affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music."

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Originally posted by resident:

Absolutely true. And as a matter of fact, this is not the first time we humans decide to better ourselves by screwing with the gene pool. Anyone heard of the term "eugenics"? Recently in the news there has been a blurb that the State of Virginia refused to apologize to a man who was castrated in the 1940's so that he could not reproduce because he was genetically imperfect and deemed unfit to have children by the state's then-eugenics law. His imperfection? "Innate tendency to disobey authority" - running away from his alcoholic father that beat him senselessly.

But here's a doomsday scenario. Screening of one's DNA for genes that may predispose you to a disease is nothing new - it's been done for years. But even if you find a gene that predisposes you to, let's say, cancer, there's nothing you can do about it now. What if human cloning was developed and accepted? Well, think the executives of insurance companies, it's bad business to insure people at higher risk, so why not lobby the politicians to require by law to genetically engineer humans and cut that gene out? Sorry folks, can't just go on a honeymoon and concieve a kid by having sex, gotta jerk off in a cup so that we can take your DNA apart and put it back together.

Didn't mean to rant, but this is the most disturbing news I've heard this year.

There was a movie a while back with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman . .. remember? It was all about creating the perfect baby.

It all comes down to this. The NATURAL reproduction of humans require a man and a woman . . . not a room full of scientist poking at some gene cell. Imagine if they (scientist) find what they would call the perfect human? Can you imagine the standards that would be set for us? It's so dangerous what they're doing. We'll become more of a system . . . a robot and lose everything that makes us human. All those imperfections are what makes us an individual. I for one embrace my imperfections as well as my quality traits.

Cloning, if and when successful, is going to destroy the one thing that divides us all. The diversity.



“Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.” - Woody Allen


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it's a Brave New World folks, no doubt.

ancient- i don't know your friend, but best of wishes to him.

resident- right on!

mugwump- think for yourself man, thats all i can tell you.


we must cultivate our gardens...

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Originally posted by bassboy:

I hate how scientists just strive for "progress" with no consideration of it's moral consequences. Can you say Abomb?

Can you say medecine? I hope you never end up in a hospital or have a loved one get really ill with cancer or AIDS. By the way hope you are enjoying your computer..and electricity and......

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