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Originally posted by drfunk:

my one caution would be that these diets are very hard on the kidneys over time, so if u have any renal dysfunction i wouldnt recommend it.

If you have preexisting kidney damage - yes, but there no evidence that high protein diets cause kidney damage in healthy humans.


tweaky is the answer

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Originally posted by nycetouch:

I knew a girl who went from looking good, to looking FIIIINEEE on that shit, and never looked back. Until the bitch got pregnant....

You can still look good after having a baby...or two wink.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by cathyo:

You can still look good after having a baby...or two wink.gif

Oh I know baby, I'm just pissed caused I used to like the girl and then she went on and had a baby with some loser and moved back to her hometown. I'm sure she stills looks fine.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Originally posted by drfunk:

they can be effective for fat lose, as the nitrogen based proteins are not as readily broken down into fats as carbos are. my one caution would be that these diets are very hard on the kidneys over time, so if u have any renal dysfunction i wouldnt recommend it. also when taken with other supplements such as creatine (which is also renal toxic) the effects could be additive.

Uhm...would you mind backup up these statements??? creatine is renal toxic??? WTF???

As for protein diets...scientifically there is no evidence that it works. Really the only way to loose weight is by consistently burning more calories than you consume in a day. Why does the Atkins diet work for some people? Simple...protein and fat take longer for your body to digest than carbs. They are heavy so you feel full faster and since digestion of fat & protein is much slower you feel full for longer. Carbs on the other hand are rapidly absorbed by your body so it's much easier to over eat and consume more amounts of calories than with fat & protein. For the people that do loose weight off of this diet, are more likely doing so by reducing their daily calorie intake.

A no-carb diet is definitely not healthy especially if you're eating fatty foods. If you want to loose weight and keep it off nothing beats a balanced healthy diet with some cardio and weight training. Weight training is too often skipped for weight loss thinking it's sole purpose is to bulk up. Weight training is probably the most important part to loosing body fat. (One of the major reasons being it raises your resting metabolism rate.) How do you think Madonna got those arms and rock hard body? Running on her treadmill?





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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Uhm...would you mind backup up these statements??? creatine is renal toxic??? WTF???

As for protein diets...scientifically there is no evidence that it works. Really the only way to loose weight is by consistently burning more calories than you consume in a day. Why does the Atkins diet work for some people? Simple...protein and fat take longer for your body to digest than carbs. They are heavy so you feel full faster and since digestion of fat & protein is much slower you feel full for longer. Carbs on the other hand are rapidly absorbed by your body so it's much easier to over eat and consume more amounts of calories than with fat & protein. For the people that do loose weight off of this diet, are more likely doing so by reducing their daily calorie intake.

A no-carb diet is definitely not healthy especially if you're eating fatty foods. If you want to loose weight and keep it off nothing beats a balanced healthy diet with some cardio and weight training. Weight training is too often skipped for weight loss thinking it's sole purpose is to bulk up. Weight training is probably the most important part to loosing body fat. (One of the major reasons being it raises your resting metabolism rate.) How do you think Madonna got those arms and rock hard body? Running on her treadmill?

So mario is a nutritionist a good step....and are u twirling sat nite bro?


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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As my secret lover I feel the need to council you, dear friend. These fad diets may work for the time being but I assure you that they are not healthy (kidney strain) and as the others have said, once you go back to eating carbs you put every thing back on. If you seriously need to lose some weight, do it like this-

eat five meals a day, small ones, but consisting of the proper amount of protein, carbs, and veggies (which can be carbs and protein too). But you have to eat "good" carbs, "good" protein and veggies. Good protein- (lean) chicken, turkey, fish, tofu. Even steak sometimes won't kill you! Good carbs- brown rice, beans(good protein too!!), whole grains, fruit (moderation on the fruit cause it also has a lot of sugar) potatoes, mushrooms. Really good veggies- peppers, onions, garlic, spinach. Try to avoid adding salt or sugar to anything. Try to avoid butter, or adding fat to anything, if possible. But most importantly, you have to excercise if you really want to do it right. At least 40 minutes a day, cardio/light lifting. With this diet and excercise, your metabolism will eventually work at optimum levels and you'll never have to worry about pigging out once in a while. Keep the meals relatively small (depending on your body weight) and I guarantee if you start now, you'll look like a million bucks by June!!!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Why does the Atkins diet work for some people? Simple...protein and fat take longer for your body to digest than carbs. They are heavy so you feel full faster and since digestion of fat & protein is much slower you feel full for longer. Carbs on the other hand are rapidly absorbed by your body so it's much easier to over eat and consume more amounts of calories than with fat & protein.

Well, there's something else. Without writing a book here: carbohydrates cause the body to release insulin, which is a hormone that favours fat synthesis. If you cut out the carbs, insulin drops and fat synthesis is minimized.

Originally posted by MarioNY:

A no-carb diet is definitely not healthy especially if you're eating fatty foods.

Not necessarily. Carbohydrates are not essential to body's function. They are nice to have, and you have to have them to grow muscle and train hard, but if you're really dieting gung-ho, then zero-carb is definitely the way to go. But, see below...

Originally posted by MarioNY:

Weight training is too often skipped for weight loss thinking it's sole purpose is to bulk up. Weight training is probably the most important part to loosing body fat. (One of the major reasons being it raises your resting metabolism rate.)

Agreed 100%. If you just diet or just do cardio, you'll lose muscle and thyroid activity will drop; transalation: metabolic rate lowers and you'll have to diet harder and harder to lose anything else. Compare sprinters (lots of interval- and weight-training) to long-distance runners - who's got the best bods?


tweaky is the answer

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

As my secret lover I feel the need to council you, dear friend. These fad diets may work for the time being but I assure you that they are not healthy (kidney strain) and as the others have said, once you go back to eating carbs you put every thing back on. If you seriously need to lose some weight, do it like this-

eat five meals a day, small ones, but consisting of the proper amount of protein, carbs, and veggies (which can be carbs and protein too). But you have to eat "good" carbs, "good" protein and veggies. Good protein- (lean) chicken, turkey, fish, tofu. Even steak sometimes won't kill you! Good carbs- brown rice, beans(good protein too!!), whole grains, fruit (moderation on the fruit cause it also has a lot of sugar) potatoes, mushrooms. Really good veggies- peppers, onions, garlic, spinach. Try to avoid adding salt or sugar to anything. Try to avoid butter, or adding fat to anything, if possible. But most importantly, you have to excercise if you really want to do it right. At least 40 minutes a day, cardio/light lifting. With this diet and excercise, your metabolism will eventually work at optimum levels and you'll never have to worry about pigging out once in a while. Keep the meals relatively small (depending on your body weight) and I guarantee if you start now, you'll look like a million bucks by June!!!

Does a bottle vodka count as a carb?

What about 7 slices of pizza in a sitting?


The music was our teacher...

The DJ was our preacher...

Now tell me if I reach you.

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Originally posted by nicole212:

Does a bottle vodka count as a carb?

What about 7 slices of pizza in a sitting?

Well, followed up by a stamp of black tar heroin, the seven slices of pizza are actually good for you. The bottle of vodka could work too, as long as it's Georgie, and the 1.75 litre bottle at that (plastik). Now, running into Joey Loon at Unos on a Wednesday afternoon after a full scale Loon Alert could be detrimental to ones health, especially after just discussing the rape of Da Nang with Danny and an un-named Greek buddy who apparently hasn't bathed in weeks.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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Ok Alex...getting all technical on me aren't you. You're getting into the G.I. factor...I tried to keep it as simple as possible but nooooooo!!! You're close but not exact there.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index is simply a ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood glucose levels. It measures how much your blood glucose increases over a period of two or three hours after a meal.

Why is this usefull?

Because whenever glucose enters the bloodstream, insulin is secreted, delivering glucose to the cells for energy use OR storage as body fat. Sometimes the body overreacts in the presence of a sudden surge of glucose (as happens when you skip meals and have high GI foods on an empty stomach) and produces too much insulin, which then increases the tendency to store fat and also LOWERS your blood sugar levels, creating a vicious cycle of carb craving.

How do I avoid this?

By eating foods that are low in the GI table. Generally, foods high in fat and protein have lower glycemic indexes than foods high in carbohydrate. Don't let that fool you. These foods appear in a falsely favorable light, according to The G.I. Factor. (This is probably where the misconception of a no-carb diet came out.)

The problem is that even among the complex carbohydrates not all are created equal. Some break down quickly during digestion and can raise blood glucose to dangerous levels. These are the foods that have higher glycemic indexes. Other carbohydrates break down more slowly, releasing glucose gradually into our blood streams and are said to have lower glycemic indexes. (This is why body builder usually tend to eat lots of complex carbs...like brown rice, oatmeat etc. etc. they are lower in the glycemic index)

Important note: Mixing foods that are high in the G.I. (White Bread) with foods that are low in the G.I. (Turkey) will lower the total G.I. of the food. High G.I. foods are not always bad. For example, after a workout is a time when the body profits from foods high in the G.I. table.

Also carbs are very important. They give us energy. Only eating one type of food is never healthy. A healthy diet is a balanced diet that consists of all foods with proper moderation.

Now to make things simple again for the rest of you. Just go back and read my original post.





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renal toxic was a poor choice of words, allow me to rephrase (and i am by no means an expert, but i have discussed this with some physician friends).

1.excessive protein intact requires more filtering work of the kidneys, i would have to agree that in a healthy person this is not an issue

2.creatine, a common nutritional supplement for muscle gain, also taxes the kidneys filtering ability (i realize u didnt ask about creatine, but only mention it as an aside)

ive been told that when used chronically in combinations that these activities are bad for the kidneys. correct me if im wrong, its just what i have been told. personally in the past a high protein/low carb diet seems to keep me more energized and less hungry.



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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1.excessive protein intact

i meant intake



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

You're getting into the G.I. factor...

Yes and no. The GI factor is important, but there's not a whole lot you can do with it.

Ultimately it's the (total calories eaten) - (total calories burnt) that matters for weight loss, but you can tweak (TWEAK!) the process somewhat further.

Warning: serious biochemical geekdom follows in this message. Proceed at your own risk.

Normally the body burns fats via carbohydrate-based intermediates and gets about 9 calories per gram. If you deprive it of carbohydrates fully and just eat fat and protein, fat metabolism switches to a pathway that only yields about 7 calories per gram. In other words, you need to burn more to get the same amount of energy. It also produces ketones (such as acetone) in the process (hence the term "ketosis" found throughout Atkins' book), which are water-soluble and unlike glucose, are not reabsorbed by the kidneys. Therefore, if you drink a lot of water, you can literally pee them out and the body will have to burn some more fat to make more.

Now granted, on a zero-carb diet you don't exactly feel like a million bucks, although after a few days once stable ketosis is established you actually feel euphoric, and the lack of energy and motivation to work out while you're at it may offset any benefit. So generally spekaing, I agree with you, but being my argumentative self, I had to comment.



tweaky is the answer

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...no longer feeling qualified to discuss physiology on this board...



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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Originally posted by resident:

Yes and no. The GI factor is important, but there's not a whole lot you can do with it.

Ultimately it's the (total calories eaten) - (total calories burnt) that matters for weight loss, but you can tweak (TWEAK!) the process somewhat further.

Warning: serious biochemical geekdom follows in this message. Proceed at your own risk.

Normally the body burns fats via carbohydrate-based intermediates and gets about 9 calories per gram. If you deprive it of carbohydrates fully and just eat fat and protein, fat metabolism switches to a pathway that only yields about 7 calories per gram. In other words, you need to burn more to get the same amount of energy. It also produces ketones (such as acetone) in the process (hence the term "ketosis" found throughout Atkins' book), which are water-soluble and unlike glucose, are not reabsorbed by the kidneys. Therefore, if you drink a lot of water, you can literally pee them out and the body will have to burn some more fat to make more.

Now granted, on a zero-carb diet you don't exactly feel like a million bucks, although after a few days once stable ketosis is established you actually feel euphoric, and the lack of energy and motivation to work out while you're at it may offset any benefit. So generally spekaing, I agree with you, but being my argumentative self, I had to comment.



ummm, inevitebly this makes me feel dumb. I couldnt even read beyond the first few sentences, brain cells refused the challenge...




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Now for the rest of us that speak english...

Basically what Alex said is correct. So do this...First lift some weights - your body will be attacking your carbs for energy first...then your fat! After a good 45min of lifting, your carb store should now be depleted. Instead of going home hit the treadmill or the bike for 30 more minutes. NOT HARD...but at a moderate pace...keep your heart rate under 130 bpm (130 bmp is for all you 20 year olds....the older you get the lower your heart rate). Since you've depleted your carb store your body will now start to attack your fat stores. Just don't over do it for this workout regimen is already advanced. Don't spend longer than 30 min doing cardio thinking it'll help you burn more fat. You'll just end up over-training and that we'll get into another day.

I admit that every body type is different and each workout should be tailored specifically to your body type. But in general, this is a VERY affective method in lowering your body fat percentage.





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Protein diet?

Twelve piece chicken mcnugget... forget the french fries... diet soda a must cause of the word diet, it will make you feel betta...

Chicken = loads of protein

Another good exercise program: loads of sex...


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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they can be effective for fat lose, as the nitrogen based proteins are not as readily broken down into fats as carbos are. my one caution would be that these diets are very hard on the kidneys over time, so if u have any renal dysfunction i wouldnt recommend it. also when taken with other supplements such as creatine (which is also renal toxic) the effects could be additive.



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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