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Best Cell phone plan?

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LOL!! Guess you're on your own!! So many conflicting reviews!



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

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Originally posted by executress:

In my opinion, Verizon is the best, I've got it and am very satisfied with the service...

As for others, MCI has descent service but they dont send you a bill for like 4 months.. Co's obviously got some problems.. My friends with At&t complain about their service.. Nextel has a competitive rate but they're service sucks...

MCI uses the same service equipment from Verizon. All MCI does is buy service from Verizon at wholesale prices, then parcel em out to customers. I agree, their service is amongst the best but their monthly and calling card plans are a rippoff. Plus they're sneaky, send ya bills months later when it's too late to dispute suspicious 'additional' charges. AT&T has most reasonable rates but service is so so.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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