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Ever smoke so much that........

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

I smoked myself out a couple of times that at the end of the sessions I was sober again....it's some F'd up shit let me tell u.

ive dont that a few times also. just keep smoking and you dont get high


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Its a well known fact that for those true champion and professional pot smokers, there is a point where you are so high, your mind clears and you are once again sober. It sucks, but there is only really one thing you can do at that point...Move on and eat some mushrooms.

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Originally posted by arcticshdw:

Its a well known fact that for those true champion and professional pot smokers, there is a point where you are so high, your mind clears and you are once again sober. It sucks, but there is only really one thing you can do at that point...Move on and eat some mushrooms.



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Originally posted by gravity:

HOW HIGH? So high that I can kiss the sky

HOW SICK? So sick that you can suck my dick


i've smoked until the back of my neck literaly was being killed by my high blood preasure... my head almost fell off and shit


to the world, you might be one person... but to one person.. you might be the world..



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Definately smoked myself sober... it sucks.

my boy was rippin a 2 and a half footer one night and he took a ridiculous hit and like had to cough but held it in. He said he went blind for like 5 mins. it was mad funny he got all spooked and vowed never to smoke again. 2 days later he was blazin l's again though. supposedly he didn't get enough oxygen to the brain and thats why it happened.

whatever the case may be we all had a good laugh


Don't you want to grow up to be just like me....

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Ahhhhh....once in College My gals and me smoked some great KB out of a one hitter.....We were soooo messed! All we could do was look and laugh at eachother.

I remember I choked on a popcorn kernel that night...but it went up my nose instead of down my throat from laughing.....


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN

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I've smoked myself sober, but I decided to see if I could get myself high again cause I loves me pot. Az-tec, trippintrance64 and majesticmelodi are all witnesses to the time I smoked myself blind. I could not see anything! I actually saw everything like a picture negative. Wound up walking into a fence and clinging for dear life until trip came over and helped me walk. DAMN I WANNA DO THAT AGAIN!! cwm41.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Hmmm...I don't know...Maybe I smoked myself sober, maybe I didn't. Anyhow I have done lots of things while I'm high getting sober again is one thing that would be new to me...lets try tonite, shall we...



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I smoked myself sober a few times. That shit usually happens if you smoke too much of a certain type of bud. Variety is the key.

One time I was smoking this sick homegrown and it was nuts. My whole body felt like it when to sleep. You know that pin and needles feeling? Same thing, but it was my whole body.



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HOW HIGH? So high that I can kiss the sky

HOW SICK? So sick that you can suck my dick


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places, I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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I smoked myself out a couple of times that at the end of the sessions I was sober again....it's some F'd up shit let me tell u.


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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my old roommate wake and baked once with nothing in his stomach. so he goes to get chinese food, puts the order in, and goes outside to get fresh air. it's really hot out, and he just passes out against the side of the building! scraped his face up, too.

same thing happened to me at a ween concert at tramps. totally blacked out. both of these were incidents were caused by blunts on an empty stomach... always a bad idea.


*i'm in love with the modern world

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Im just glad im not the only one. I once smoked some hash and was about to go into the Lincoln Tunnel to go to the city and these orange cones were making up the lanes. I was so high that right before the tunnel started i grabbed one and took it home.


"Wherever you go, there you are."

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I've smoked myself sober a few times. I was blazed and then we blazed again like an hour later and I became so straight, it was such a nice feeling though.

Also from some crazy dro before, I felt like I was on shrooms, everything was flashing in front of my eyes, like moving in slow fragments, and time was going so slowly. This also happened with G-13.

Another time, one night we blazed $80 of dro and I got so sick I had to jump out of my friends car cause I was about to throw up, I fell down on the grass and he had to carry me back to my friends house.


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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funny you should ask.

last night was by far, the highest I've ever been. EVER!!! I literally couldnt move

then i tried a red bull and i started to twitch. It felt like someone was holding me by my ankles and swinging me around.



peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!

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