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Quitting smoking

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Ok people. I need some help here. I have been trying to quit smoking cigs for about 2 weeks now. The problem is, I CAN'T DO IT!!! Damn, I am so weak. I did the whole patch thing and that worked for about 4 days. Then I just became so irritable and obsessed about wanting to have a cigarette. I have majorly cut down but I can't totally quit. I seriously feel like I've lost a friend and I've come to the realization that Nicotine withdrawl is TERRIBLE!

Has anyone here tried to quit smoking before or quit permanently? What worked for you? Hypnosis, patch, cold-turkey, gum?? I need some help over here. It's killing me (literally)!!

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I have quit before for a year or so.......I would say cold-turkey is the only way IMO.......the thing that I found is, you can only quit if you really want to........it's gonna be tough if you are forcing yourself to do it........if you don't want to be a smoker, that alone should give you the power to refuse the cig......it's tough, no doubt, but after you adjust to the new lifestyle, it gets easier with time........good luck..... smile.gif



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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Different methods work for different people but I first cut down A LOT and then just quit cold turkey. I got to the point where i was just smoking one a day and then decided to try quitting altogether.

a couple tips:

-gum is good for the oral fixation. Pez dispensers were made to imitate the act of lighting a cig--could work

-initially try and stay away from situations where you would normally smoke a lot. For me this was at bars/clubs espec. when i was funked up

-spend more time with non-smokers: they will give you shite for smoking and help with the willpower

-never buy packs. if you REALLY REALLY need a cig, then go out and bum. a lot of the time its tough to find someone

Most of all, just keep in mind that you are doing yourself a favor-- most people aren't attracted to smokers, you'll save a lot of money, and most of all, its awful for your body.

best of luck


"Crippled but free, I was blind all the time I was learning to see" -Dead

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you're probably not going to take me seriously, but hey, i'm trying to help here. something that works like a charm is some good anhydrous crystal methamphetamine. if stimulants make your jaws clench, just chew some gum

trust me, works like a charm

or else, cold turkey

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tyco said it perfectly. i tried quitting about 2 months ago. it lasted for about two weeks...the weekends killed me though when i went out!!! you definitely have to want to do it... unfortunately for me...i found that i wasn't ready after all...

cold turkey is the best way to go. the first day is horrible...after 3 days...your body doesn't really need it anymore and it becomes a mind thing. drink tons of water and chew gum! i also found it helpful to talk myself through it. sounds psycho but it helps...


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with a radio and good batteries

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or if you feel dysphoric (ie depressed) while trying to quit which may be making things worse for you... try Wellbutrin. ask your doctor if he recommends it for you, usually even if youre not depressed but the patch didnt work and you dont want the gum, they'll prescribe it for you, it's for people trying to quit smoking, on some it works on a small population it doesnt.. just a suggestion.


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i have no experience on this but i have seen my grandma quit after 50 something years my dad after 25 years and my friends mom after 55 years of smoking, if these people can quit it should be a cake walk for anybody else, its all about will power


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

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Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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I totally agree with you tyco in the respect that the only way to quit successfully is to really want to quit smoking. I know that if I really want to quit, I shouldn't even crave the cigarette or that my own will-power should be enough to not smoke that cigarette.

Also, avoiding situations where I smoke a lot or there are lots of people smoking is quite hard. I go to college. My 3 roommates are all smokers and I am always at the bars/clubs here. I have tried to avoid other things like drinking coffee, sitting around watching TV....or any behaviors that I normally would associate with smoking cigarettes. I just become so engrossed in wanting to have a cig that I think the only option is TO smoke a cig. It's horrible.

I really DO want to quit, b/c as a student who wants to go into the medical profession after school I think it's good for me to promote non-smoking behaviors. Also all the health risks associated with it, blah blah blah. It is seriously one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do. Now I know why my mom was so upset when I started and why everyone always tells me to quit while I'm young. I've been smoking for about 5 years now and I can't imagine what it's like when you try to quit after smoking 30 years. I am willing to do anything to help me, but I just haven't found it yet. I have cut down majorly. Only smoking about 2-3 a day compared to my pack a day habit before. I think it's a good start.

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i think it's a very good start Lolly, and above all you listed very good reasons, but even people with good intentions may need a little help. sit down and just between you and yourself (does that make sense) be honest and reason about what is really driving you to quit. maybe you can stay on that 2-3 cigs a day thing until you really and truly want to quit and are disgusted to the point that you don't even want one, or maybe just that you feel you don't care for it anymore... that may be the only way. and it's natural for you to crave one, i mean it is physical as well, just like any drug, so don't let people convince you that it's just mental, because it may not be.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

you're probably not going to take me seriously, but hey, i'm trying to help here. something that works like a charm is some good anhydrous crystal methamphetamine. if stimulants make your jaws clench, just chew some gum

trust me, works like a charm

or else, cold turkey

I appreciate your help, but I don't think quitting nicotine only to move onto a crystal meth habit is the way I'm looking to go. Substituting one bad habit for another (a much worse habit) is not the way to go.

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lolly, I think with your attitude about it you will be just fine.......if I were you, I would just stop.......maybe even set a date and time so you're prepared and hold yourself to it........till then, smoke away and you may even find yourself itching for that time to stop.......

commenting on the thing about staying away from smoking situations, I don't agree with that........you shouldn't let cigarettes alter your lifestyle because that's not healthy either.......in fact, what I found when I quit was that when I did go out to bars and clubs where a lot of my friends were smoking and I was able to get through the night without having one, I felt a sense of accomplishment and gained more confidence essentially establishing myself as a non-smoker.......you need to do this to adapt and make the transition.......don't get me wrong, it will be difficult but each time you do so waking up the next morning and thinking how you didn't smoke a cig the night before feels quite good.......not to mention the physical benefits........it's all about your mental state.......fuck all those little gimmicks and whatever.......overcome it......good luck! smile.gif



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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I smoked for 12 years (ages 16 to 28) and quit ten months ago with the patch. It worked great for me, but I think that the biggest factor was that at the same time I quit I joined Crunch (gym) and started working out religiously. Before very long I would be sitting at my desk at work and thinking about the gym when I would have ordinarily been thinking about smoking. Somehow I think that whatever chemicals are released by exercise stimulate the pleasure sensors in your brain in a way similar to nicotine. Basically I think you need to find something to replace smoking--just cold turkey isn't the answer. The gym worked for me, but I imagine there are other things that would work too...heard that Zyban stuff is pretty effective as well.

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i've got a friend who likes to post through me here sometimes who likes to be known as "smokey." that nickname isn't so accurate anymore, however, because she quit smoking nine weeks ago.

smokey says that she found nicorette gum to be a necessary part of her qutting process, but without the willpower to quit, she still couldn't have done it. she also found that toothpicks helped with the oral fixation problem (and are also better for your teeth!). to this day, she says, going to bars is difficult, but you just have to remember all of the reasons why you should and have to remain a successful non-smoker.

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Good luck to us all...tons of gum, mints, binaca...two weeks into it. Be strong fellas, it can only be a matter of time


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Ok here I am, 2 weeks cigarette free! Did you guys know that 30% of your lung capacity returns within two weeks of stopping smoking?? I read that a few days ago...

Anyway, the only way to go is cold turkey..I won't say that its not difficult when I go out and my friends are lighting up left and right, but most of the addiction is mental. I held a straw b/t my fingers (where a cigarette would go) and I was fine all night, while drinking...

Good Luck guys! Once you get past the week point, theres no turning back...

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