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Does E bring out the truth or all bullshit, in you?

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E... shit when im on 3 pills and a few bumps, im a mathmatician and have the world figured out.

i would have to say 90% of the time for me, E brings out the truth and helps honestly figure out some problems I have been faced with.

shit prolly does sound corny but you know what, thats just for me

and like i said, when im all E and K'd up, holy shit do I have the world figured out for 3 hours or so wink.gif


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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Originally posted by translucent:

That depends on how much E you take. Let's not forget that E's original clinical purpose was to allow patients to temporarily overcome their fears, anxieties and other emotional barriers in order to delve inwardly. The idea was that any insights or emotional outpourings that they would have during the treatments would carry over when sobriety would be regained. What made E so effective as such a catalyst was that when taken in moderation, it let patients remain lucid enough to understand the insights that they would gain.

Having said that, let's face it, many of us use E as no more than a club drug and take so much of it that our perception of reality is distorted while on it

...and there ain't nothing wrong with that either.

I do not believe the E that the masses are taking in NYC clubs is the same you reference as used for clinical purposes, in in a clinical setting with a qualified therapist. So I agree with your latter part of your statement.

Therefore, my vote is to assume that most E users spill bullshit

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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

gggrrrr....E brings out the.....iwant2fuckeverygirlthatmoves....in me!!! or the

...damncanigetapieceofthatass.... cwm7.gif <----take me

LMAO cwm2.gif

::shaking head::

uhh horrible-

you boys are all walking balls of raging hormones. cwm27.gif



~*~**~REACH high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. DREAM deep, for every dream precedes the goal ~**~*~

AIM MissIncognito13

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Okay, here's the sitch...I can definitely admit to doing at least a couple of things I may not have done, had I not been rolling. However, as a general rule the things I say are always straight from the heart. It's almost like an inability to bullshit. Granted, I have told virtual strangers how cool they are, and possibly shared some personal info. But I certainly felt they were being cool at the time, otherwise I would not have told them anything. The moral of my story is...just because you're sharing a feel good moment with someone you may not know, doesn't mean you're bullshitting them. You're just being true. Does it really matter if you never see them again? No one is losing, right? You both walk away feeling good and spreading the pos!!


Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born....Anais Nin

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Originally posted by vamptrix76:


I also like what Leatha said...

Basically I am absolutly surprised by some of these posts. Just as a good tree will bring forth good fruits ..Being on E just allows you to spread the joy and speak opennly of truthful things.

Just as a bad tree brings forth bad fruit...then a liar is a liar with or without E...

E does not make one bullshit... a person that tells a lie may or may not be considered a liar. Who ever dictated that a person's action constitutes their identity. But as for me I'd like to say.....As for me I can only speak for myself but there are mutliple layers of thought process occuring and I just willingly choose to be happy and think happy thoughts. I couldn't even imagine tryin' to bullshit.

I have this friend that claims not to like this girl..but i know intuitivly that he does (he practically wanted to fight me after he found out we went on a date). When he was on E he talked her ear off and said a whole bunch of lovey dovey shit to her. The ride home from that nite he went on sayin' Oh I was just saying that to get down her pants! Well regardless, my point is is that it depends on the person and their integrity. No drug can make you honest. NO drug can make you lie. You are who you are. Some drugs may allow you to loosen up your inhibitions but that's all.

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