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Another Crush Question

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Has anyone ever had a crush on someone you see reguarly? The crush is sooo incredible that it makes you plan your outfits, next moves, how to say Hi, etc...

I will go first... When I first moved to NY, there was a guy that took my train every morning, just and average "Joe" I nicknamed him "Train Boy"... I had the worst crush on him and on the mornings that I did not see him, I was disappointed. Well, now the crush has gone away, I know him, and everytime I see him I giggle and think what might have been... smile.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Oh definitely. I used to have this huge crush on this guy in my chemistry class my freshman year of college. I thought that if I dressed for HIM and not for MYSLEF that there would possibly be a little um,....chemistry!!??



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OHG!!! the same thing happened to me when i first moved here. but i called him "SUBWAY BOY". we use to talk all the time but then when i finally decided that was going to ask him for drinks i never saw him again. alas...poor subway boy was no longer. where did he go??

i was sooo sad.

sigh.... cwm13.gif

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OMG.. I have the biggest crush on this guy and there is almost no chance of anything happening frown.gif He's sooooo cute and actually a really cool guy! Every time I see him I just wanna give him the biggest hug and a kiss! But I can't frown.gif Crushes are cute but I like getting them at the end!

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you know who my first crush was in NYC, stacychase. we called him...what did we call him? yours was "OTB" - Original Train Boy - he was the first of about three train crushes!!! but i can't remember what we called "LLL" - something to do with tech something....what was it????

but let me tell you i'm glad nothing ever came of it!!!! when you get over that crush and see the person as they really are, you realize how much trouble infatuation can get you in!!! if he & i had gotten together it would have been a big mess. gawd! dating someone at work is a bad idea!

having crushes is fun, though. like you said, you take more care when you dress, do your make up, fix your hair...and you always have a smile on your face after you have a "crush encounter". i hope i never outgrow them!!!

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Yeah...the (asian) lady that checks ID at twilo...i believe her name is violet....u twilo freaks know exactly who im talking about....wow ....shes such a hottie!!!!


Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

Yeah...the (asian) lady that checks ID at twilo...i believe her name is violet....u twilo freaks know exactly who im talking about....wow ....shes such a hottie!!!!

Im pretty sure its Sharon smile.gif


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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Man my crushes never work out...I always screw up some way, some how...I'm just horrible with timing. Its like everything I touch turns to brass cwm31.gif . But yes alas, I do have crushes out there but I am always too shy to say or do anything.

-Jamms "maybeiamawitchofeastwick"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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why dont we all just decide to move on our crushes? i dont really have one right now, but i always feel better when i do something about them. that way u know one way or the other if the feeling is mutual.


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by playboychick:

I've always been disappointed with my crushes.

I would finally get introduced to them, only to find out they had no sign of intelligence.

alas, the age old problem. cute, but nothing upstairs.


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by drfunk:

alas, the age old problem. cute, but nothing upstairs.

AMEN!!! As far as maturity levels, it always end up that out of the two, I am the more mature person and can handle the "situation" better that they can.

-Jamms "giveemacoloringbook"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by jammy:

But alas lad we have met...on an unchanted night at Twirl, a tall black woman with wavy hair that introduced you to other people from the board...meaning: I met you before cwm35.gif

-Jamms "noluvforjamms"

touche, madamoiselle! i remember and i thank you for your hospitality! you will have to forgive my crackheadedness, as i was a bit tipsy and didnt remember everyones two names. now, about that research...


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by az-tec:

Im pretty sure its Sharon smile.gif

sharon's not asian. ... is she?


it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through

some errors happen they won't go away

won't make us men in marked today

it has best considered as the greatest

yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun

as those who had not yet begun to get it right

ain't nothing wrong

everything all right

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I love having a crush on someone. Its just soo funny. I have a train crush.. but he is married and he rides the train with his wife everyday. but I am crushing on the two of them now.. (not sexually) just their romance seems flawless and soo full of life. And the Groom is just so respectful. He always gets up to let an elderly lady sit down. And me an the bride giggle at his clumsiness when he drops something.

OKAY I AM AN IDIOT! Look at least its got me loving train delays!



I love everyone today!

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aaaahhh...when i was 16 yrs old i had the biggest crush on this guy who worked at a jewelry store by my best friend's house...he was 23 yrs old and was just sooo cute...every friday after school we'd make up an excuse to go there...one time he gave me a pen and his card and i saved it...i think i still have it...u know the good stuff...then one day my best friend went to the store and told him i liked him without me knowing...of course the next friday when i showed up he teased me about it and said that he had a girlfriend...my heart was so broken......aaaaaaahhhh


never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

the most you can do for a friend is simply be a friend...

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Originally posted by playboychick:

I've always been disappointed with my crushes.

I would finally get introduced to them, only to find out they had no sign of intelligence.

LOL!!!!!!!! that is sooo the case with those deluxe BEEFY italians from "the island"

am I on the money with that guess?


B L O W G O A T S!!!

Has been cancelled due to lack of funding.

Next Project:


Bring on the meatsauce.

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I *love* crushes. Crushes let me step back and see myself and how I act when i really appreciate someone for all their positve traits and have the decency to ignore their drawbacks.

I love crushes because it lets me be purely appreciative and skip the judgement. Many days, I have a crush on the world. Kinda like sgbrooklyn says...."I love everyone today!" That's why I like them, and when i finally get to know the person I crushed on, I apprecaite it all the more, because I have the memory of likeing them without finding fault in them, and I always have to keep that in mind. I think it makes the friendship better.



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by jammy:

AMEN!!! As far as maturity levels, it always end up that out of the two, I am the more mature person and can handle the "situation" better that they can.

-Jamms "giveemacoloringbook"

want to go out. we can put ourselves in certain situations and see how we handle them. kind of like dating research. of course, seeing as we have never met there is the issue of whether or not we would even have a crush on each other...


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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I have had a few major Crushes but there was one that lasted 3 years in HS. I saw him for the first time at sports tryouts the summer before my freshman year. Within 2 days I found out his name, his adress, and the places he hung out. Over the next 3 years I stlaked this poor boy. He graduated and went on to college and I slowly began to forget about him. The next year I finished HS and went off to College myself. When I came home for Christmas break my sophomore year I ran into him in a bar. He didn't recongize me but I knew who he was. I had change completely in the few year it had been since he saw me. By the end of the night I had him following me around. I wasn't even interested anymore buy I had to kiss him anyway... He was the one thing I thougth I could never have. cwm38.gif

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Originally posted by drfunk:

want to go out. we can put ourselves in certain situations and see how we handle them. kind of like dating research. of course, seeing as we have never met there is the issue of whether or not we would even have a crush on each other...

But alas lad we have met...on an unchanted night at Twirl, a tall black woman with wavy hair that introduced you to other people from the board...meaning: I met you before cwm35.gif

-Jamms "noluvforjamms"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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I saw my ex crush last night with his wife and two kiddos at dinner.... We just smiled at each other... I was like ahhhh, WTF did I ever see in you.... smile.gif Happy Thursday everyone!


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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I have had an ongoing crush for almost a year now. Thing is, I know her, and speak to her often. The problem lies with her boyfriend of seven years. They both know that I have a crush on her, and we all know that nothing will ever come of it. That's the best part of a crush! There's no pressure in worshipping someone from afar, but it feels so good to have your heart skip a beat at the sight of a relative stranger. Almost like being in love but without alot of the extemporaneous bullshit.

Peace, cwm28.gifcwm38.gifcwm42.gif


AIM: jeremysupp808 or jeremy808

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