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In regards to ShaneNYC's tougher penalties for "e" post

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From CNN.com

The change makes ecstasy five times more serious to possess or sell than heroin on a per-dose basis, said the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

I felt this comment deserved it's own thread. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!

I just really don't understand how e is getting lumped in w/ drugs like heroin and alcohol is perfectly legal. rolleyes.gif

It really amazes me. Logically and factually it makes no sense.




~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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I worked from home yesterday, which entails me doing nothing. I was watching CNBC and they were talking about "Americas War on Drugs".... E sales have increased over 50% in the last ten years, with marijuana, herion, crack, coke sales decreasing... I just want to know how the hell they get this info. How do you decide which drug is worse or does the most damage. EVERYONE reacts to drugs and alcohol differently....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by cathyo:

From CNN.com

The change makes ecstasy five times more serious to possess or sell than heroin on a per-dose basis, said the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

I felt this comment deserved it's own thread. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!

I just really don't understand how e is getting lumped in w/ drugs like heroin and alcohol is perfectly legal. rolleyes.gif

It really amazes me. Logically and factually it makes no sense.


Heroin is legal? ON WHAT PLANET??!

And what exactly don't you logically and factually understand??






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Originally posted by stacychase:

I worked from home yesterday, which entails me doing nothing. I was watching CNBC and they were talking about "Americas War on Drugs".... E sales have increased over 50% in the last ten years, with marijuana, herion, crack, coke sales decreasing... I just want to know how the hell they get this info. How do you decide which drug is worse or does the most damage. EVERYONE reacts to drugs and alcohol differently....

Stacey..before I respond to you in my ususal manner, I just want to know how old you are? Because you sound pretty fucking stupid. Especially if you have no clue about how the DEA gets thier info.






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Originally posted by stacychase:

..."Americas War on Drugs".... E sales have increased over 50% in the last ten years, with marijuana, herion, crack, coke sales decreasing...

There's your answer ..."itz all 'bout the bejamins baby"!


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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Originally posted by iliana:

Heroin is legal? ON WHAT PLANET??!

And what exactly don't you logically and factually understand??

Hehehe, you got me there. It was a poor way to word it...I just woke up cwm32.gif ...hadn't started actually "thinking" yet.

Like Stacey said, I was talking about how utterly ridiculous it seems to me that alcohol is legal, and "e" is being compared to heroin.

As far as the factually and logically comment, I was stating my belief that if you took actual facts and statistics, regarding alcohol, e and heroin, it makes no logical sense to compare heroin to e or have e be considered a more dangerous substance than alcohol, or worse yet, heroin.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by petrol:

::sigh:: Can we please focus on the topic of the thread and skip the drama/flame war?

CathyO, I can't agree more. The hypocrasy of Cigarettes and alcohol being legal, while marijauna and other drugs are not has never failed to sadden me. I dont even like pot, but it has the strongest argument in this whole mess. As for E being more harshly penalized than Heroine? Give me a break.

Tobacco was found to be as addictive as heroine, yet it is still legal. E is psychologically addictive, nothing more. Where is the logic?


Let me begin by saying that the fact that you people question the difference between heroin and jack daniels shows the level of morality and intelligence that is greatly lacked on this board. I'm the last fucking person to be moral...or even fuckign preach about it. But the point being is that common sense will tell you that having a couple of martinis is not the smae as shooting up

AFter you finish smoking a cigarette you don't act stupid and dopey, you can still operate machinery, you can still drive in heavy traffic. Weed fucks up your senses.

(* note that it's a crime to drive drunk..so there ARE restrictions on alcohol itself)

Heroing, weed, coke, all destroy your body in an immediate way. People don't usually nod off after have a drink, nor do they waste all their money on cigarettes and liqor like a crack addict would. I'm sure you all have heard stories about doctors and lawyers become junkies during the crack epedemic in the 80's. DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL BECAUSE IT CAUSES DESTRUCTION TO A SOCIETY AS A WHOLE.

And even though liquor and cigs causes long term effect, they are not controlled by underground drug dealers and they are not fatal, unless used irresponsibly. With e and coke, etc, one sniff or drop and you could be dead.

It comes down to fatality. It comes down to dealing. The government will allow ppl an addiction like cigs (which they are slowly taking away) only because THEY control it and they can tax it and PEOPLE CAN STILL FUNCTION NORMALLY.





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I agree with Illian actually.

But as regards why i think it's semi-rational to make the penaties worse for E than heroin. Is the pertential for damage. Most kids won't and don't ever try Heroin. But due to these Raves and incresed amount of kids are getting in to pills, and an increasing amount of kids are dieing, i guess they want to try and nip it in the bud before it get's out of control.

And like Illian says it's not just what it does to the users, it's what it does to society as a whole.

Besides i was reading the crack & heroin laws are being looked at as well. It may just be a case this legislation was passed quickly due to the average age of the user.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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::sigh:: Can we please focus on the topic of the thread and skip the drama/flame war?

CathyO, I can't agree more. The hypocrasy of Cigarettes and alcohol being legal, while marijauna and other drugs are not has never failed to sadden me. I dont even like pot, but it has the strongest argument in this whole mess. As for E being more harshly penalized than Heroine? Give me a break.

Tobacco was found to be as addictive as heroine, yet it is still legal. E is psychologically addictive, nothing more. Where is the logic?



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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You make some excellent points which I'll continue to ponder.

I do disagree with the premise that "drugs are illegal because they are destructive to society". I think if we examine reality we'll discover that some drugs are illegal and some aren't, nothing more. We keep tobacco and alcohol legal because we humans want to alter our states of consciousness and those drugs have a long precedence of legality.

Regarding the damage to society which occurs because of drugs... I cannot believe that E could ever approach the amount of damage done by tobacco and alcohol in even one year. Your arguments, with the exception of that one, are very good. Thanks.

B2B made an excelleent point which I failed to consider... E is harshly penalized, far out of proportion (IMO) as a way to discourage new users. This *does* make sense in the whole scheme of things.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

It may just be a case this legislation was passed quickly due to the average age of the user.

this may be true, but it is deplorable logic on the part of the lawmakers, and too many laws have been passed because of the preceived "immediate threat" to minors. this is a very common justification for poorly conceived policies.

as for iliana's points, sure someone could die from on hit of e or a sniff of coke, but they could also die from an allergic reaction to one peanut. that does not mean all peanuts should be illegal.

also, the arguement that these things are bad because they are controlled by "underground drug dealers" is ridiculous; if you legalized it, it would most likely be put into the safe hands of doctors. this argument reminds me of the sickest part of 'traffic', that it was not necessarily so bad that this young girl was doing drugs, but that she had to go to a BLACK neighborhood to get them, and that her drug addiction would eventually escalate into a situation where daddy's little WHITE girl gets consensually raped by a BLACK man. that is what you meant by "underground drug dealers", isn't it?


*i'm in love with the modern world

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