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Mugwump's Friday night at Twilo!

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Ok.. so I finally got to meet some of you! I must say I had a great time (even if I was a bit dissapointed by Warren) I swear I can't remember who was who but I'm sure next time I'll get the names down for sure. But let me back track.... So I started out the night meeting up with Power puff and Caribee in Astoria at Cafe Bar and then got our asses down to Twilo at around 12:30 or 1:00 (?) The line was long but not unbareable. My comps where a bit screwy since Kat (my GF) wasn't with me yet so I tried to persuade the door man to leave my +1 open with a name. Being the Dick headz that they are they said no, so I had to spend the first half of the night running around looking for my friend Adam (the bouncer) to go to the front and wait for my girl. In any case by around 2:00 she finally made it and got in (props to Adam who've I've talked into joining the board soon. All of you can vent to him what cock suckers security are at Twilo. L*!) OK so we make it in and I catch the last bit of Sander's set..(thumbs up..hard and techy and Chunky enough to make me jump emediately into the crowd and start dancing) By the time Warren drops his first track I'm thirsty so I go towards the back bar and get a Red bull and some water. As I'm walking back to the floor this dude taps me on the shoulder and goes,"yo are you mugwump?" I was like..woe this is totaly freaky. As it turns out the entire club planet gang are all around the sub woofer at the back end of the floor. I meet everyone and (forgive me guys I forgot all of the names allready) find an emidate feeling of belonging and warmth radiating from the group. No attitude,no beef..just some really chill headz totaly digging the beatz and having something in common. I deside that I was gonna drop my roll then and there with Kathy and we swallow our pills. They don't kick in till about 20 minutes later but man was I glad I didn't take two. "Now or laters people kick ass!"(but the crash is heeeavy) At the same time I got too distant and what started out as a very UP night with the dancing bug up my ass ended up with me sitting on the sub woofer chewing on a straw. By that time I'd lost Puff and Caribee who I must admit,even though they are great girls, seemed kinda distant and withdrawn once inside. No matter , everyone else was hugging and smiling and greeting me with such a good vibe that I did'nt want to leave any time soon. Then my roll went from mellow to a crash too abruptly and I got that "I think I want to go sit somewhere cushy and rub myself" kinda feeling. Kat was feeling the same way so by around 5:30 or 6:00 we desided to go back home and crawl into bed with our puppy. (Puppies are the best to cuddle with while rolling) In the end my review is this: Great night because of all the clup P headz and the rolls..the music I've heard better. Warren dissapointed me, sanders was better (whatever I did catch), Kleinenberg got the "techier" vibe back that Warren was missing but all in all I must say I've heard better sets than last Friday at Twilo. But I hadn't had a night full of so many friendly faces like that in a looong looong time. Thanks all of you for making my night. OH and on another note..next time let's make that sub woofer the meeting point. I must have passed by the Power bar like ten times at 3:00 to see if any one was in there. see ya around at the next one~ (Hope you enjoyed the red Bull EZ..) Peace......Mugz******************* cwm35.gif

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Great that you had a good time...

One correction, however...

It was Pascal FEOS that openned the night, not Sander Kleinenberg.

Sander closed out the night at 8am with one of the best sets ever played at Twilo. Period. My salute to the best DJ on earth.



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Originally posted by furnace:

Great that you had a good time...

One correction, however...

It was Pascal FEOS that openned the night, not Sander Kleinenberg.


Good to know!(My bad) Too bad I missed the rest of it. Next time I'll stay to my regular two shot and a stacker combo. Never failed to Keep me dancing the entire night!

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How are you bro? Just wanted to say that it was a total pleasure meeting you and your girl. You guys seem to be VERY cool peeps. Im glad that you got to partake in our little family's vibe. Isnt it fuckin awesome? The very fact that we all find a common bond in this lifestyle, music etc, despite all our diffferences is a beautiful thing. Im glad you came out, and i hope that we will be seeing more of you guys on fridays to come wink.gif


-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master.......... Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpglovepeacetwilo.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Yo TrippnTrance..remind me again of the real name ..is it AL? I have to place faces with "screen names". Too many new faces in one night. Thanks bro..I will be chillin with yall again soon! Deffinately! Peace~

yea bro....name's al. and i totally understand not being able to remember names....especially when you are meeting such a huge group....in an altered state wink.gif LOL


-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master.......... Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpglovepeacetwilo.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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didnt get to make it over to the meetup but i do have to say that it was an AMAZING night for me at twilo... warren, like everyone else said was OK... wasnt really impressed and i'll be content from here on out to listen to his cds...just not groovy enough for me... but Sander...shit ..sander...that guy is seriously one of the

best dj's out here...very progressive... good

breaks ...at about 6:45 or 7 thats when he really started to pull out some big guns... there were points when he was building up so high that didnt think it could could get any hotter..but that man kept doing it... he was really responding to the crowd energy towards the end and was having a helluva time...thought it was a great set... have to say thank you to all the random people i met(carter & cristen from chicago, carl and rick from UK)... the guy who hooked me up with the *cough* *cough* at around 7 ...really took me there...haha... and all the people who were still dancing their asses of till they kicked us out... btw i was the guy wearing the blue sweater around his neck like some fucked up tennis player... sure i saw some of you guys

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:


remember me?

*white shirt, and beard*

pleasure making your acquaintance

Oh yea of course man! Righton..! see now I start to place the peepz! Will you be at the Dinner meet ups? I'm sure we'll get to chill again before then..take care

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