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what got youinto the club scene? where did it all begin for you..?

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Pragraphs? spellinG? Run on sentences? Yup I have no grammer skills..I tend to fall more into that Beat style of "free form" stream of consciousness brain diareha type of writing that so few people can stomach. But then again that's because other people know the rules of grammer and mugwump was too stoned in english class to pay atention. I guess that's why I'm a cartoonist club head fuck up and not an average office worker with a normal job. (Although I'm sure you can all relate to the club fuck head part) L* Point taken Myrlin..I'll do my best for the board.. But tell me. When did YOU get into the scene?

Actually it's real simple... run on sentences, spelling errors, none of that matters.

But if you get a block of text, it's really hard on the eyes... usually I skip right over them cause they're so hard to read.

Do this... once you get your thoughts down... every 3 or 4 sentences make a new paragraph. It's much easier to read, trust me.


Dreaming that all poon tang are created equal...


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I moved to NYC 7 months ago and had been to some venues like Centro, Saci, etc. but never got into the music too much. But I work in the same room as Korzo, and he was constantly playing deep house, trance, etc. and he got me to go to Twilo. Fell in love with the music and the vibe. Now, I go pretty much every weekend, to Twilo, Vinyl, or somewhere. I am hooked on it, and hooked on this board.


Living in a constant state of trance......

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Originally posted by drfunk:

toronto, went to a rave in a government owned convention center and was blown away by 20,000 people jumping in unison to Terry Mullen, all wearing halloween costumes! After hours at the comfort zone completed the hook.

TERRY MULLAN IS THA SHIT! He would get anybody hooked on the scene!


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Actually it's real simple... run on sentences, spelling errors, none of that matters.

But if you get a block of text, it's really hard on the eyes... usually I skip right over them cause they're so hard to read.

Do this... once you get your thoughts down... every 3 or 4 sentences make a new paragraph. It's much easier to read, trust me.







it easier











for the tip EZ. cwm35.gif

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Actually it's real simple... run on sentences, spelling errors, none of that matters.

But if you get a block of text, it's really hard on the eyes... usually I skip right over them cause they're so hard to read.

Do this... once you get your thoughts down... every 3 or 4 sentences make a new paragraph. It's much easier to read, trust me.







it easier











for the tip EZ. cwm35.gif

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i was only introduced to the music last may, starting with PvD...my first experience was at Twilo on May 12th, and i had an amazing time. i haven't looked back since....the ride has been too much fun wink.gif



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I can remember it like it was yesterday... at least most of it. I hate to say it, but it was the drugs that got me into the music. We were hanging out with a bunch of kids who somehow talked us into rolling for the first time. We spent the night at this kids house listening to house music off of his computer. The song that made me peak..... ssssst....listen. Then it was all down hill from there. Began to buy house cds, went to London on a school trip and went crazy in all of the music stores (unfortunately some bastard stole all the cd's i bought in London). The first club I went to was SF. I wasn't quite 18 yet and it was the easiest place to get into on looks alone. For my 18th b-day i had my dad rent me a limo and a few friends and I went to Exit (boy have i learned my lesson). Now, Twilo all the way. Still a newbie to the scene, but learning something new all the time.


Is it Friday yet???

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it was a little bit of everything for me.

i have some 500 plus cd's - everything from mainstream to the obscure. at the same time, my progression to electronic coincided with exposure to the music, the clubs and some little round pill...

i hit limelight a couple of times in high school. i remember having born slippy pounded into my brain during late night parties at on old girlfriend's house to some of the best rolls i've had. then two of my boys took me to sound factory.

i actually bought a junior vasquez disk even though i was looking for jonathan peters (wouldn't catch me buying, selling or stealing either now)

my wallet would be a lot happier if i never got in it, but my soul thanks me for everytime i feel it


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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I think the first time I was in a REAL club, and not some cheesy NJ version of a club was when I was 18 and my friend and I went into the city.

We were walking around late at night and saw a line outside of the Limelight. We decided to go in, and my life would never be the same. I got served alcohol, saw people do drugs in front of me, saw a couple have sex on the dancefloor, saw a guy jacked up on heroin in the bathroom.

Discovered a really small room at the very top of that fucked up church, that was playing the most off the wall music I had ever heard in my young life, and I've been hooked ever since.

Now I love Twilo, and I hope it never gets too mainstream, and that it never closes it's doors before 12pm on a Saturday morning!



"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it truely is, infinite." -William Blake

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Well my first club was the Slimelight, I went for my 19th birthday... but I didn't start to get into really clubbing until a few months later. When I befriended this boy at school he took me to this gay club, the Oz, in New Orleans. We would go every Thurs night. Then we did E for the first time and started going out every Thurs AND Saturday night... but the pivotal moment was when I went to Zoolu that Mardi Gras, it was my first rave. And now i've sold my soul and can never go back...


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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I'll try to condense a long story.

I started in the Chicago bar/club scene in my last year of HS. Loved groups like the Cure/ Depeche Mode/ Erasure and the whole Goth scene. etc... I kinda got out of the club scene for a bit, but found myself hanging out in a dance bar simply 'cause it was close to my house. I wasnt really moved by the music, but it grew on me...

Good thing too, because I realized how much I missed dancing. That was about 18 months ago and I couldn't feel better or happier to back.


"Get off of my bed, you fucking psycho!"


AOL IM: petrol01

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