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Ever have to bite your tongue so you don't tell your boss to "eat you, fucker"

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usually too busy "staring at the floor"


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Here's what u do:

Go grab several boxes of staples from the supply shed. Then take off your shoe and sock on one foot, and empty the boxes of staples into your sock. Put your shoe back on, and carry the sock full of staples behind your back.

Walk to his office and tell him that if he wants to suck so bad, you've got a sausage he can suck on. When he's trying to figure out if you really just said that, and what it means, bust him in the eye with the sock.

Try to catch him either in the eye itself or in the throat so he can't do anything. Then when he's down, kick him in the face and chest a few times, and run back to your desk, grab your supplies, and run to your car. Trust me, it always works.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

Every day!!!! Fuckin' pathetic executives...they can't wipe their asses without help...

Tell me about it. For some reason, I'm the only one who knows how to put paper in the printer. Are you fucking kidding me?


You're only young once

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Here's what u do:

Go grab several boxes of staples from the supply shed. Then take off your shoe and sock on one foot, and empty the boxes of staples into your sock. Put your shoe back on, and carry the sock full of staples behind your back.

Walk to his office and tell him that if he wants to suck so bad, you've got a sausage he can suck on. When he's trying to figure out if you really just said that, and what it means, bust him in the eye with the sock.

Try to catch him either in the eye itself or in the throat so he can't do anything. Then when he's down, kick him in the face and chest a few times, and run back to your desk, grab your supplies, and run to your car. Trust me, it always works.

Alright! Who let you out of the psychiatric ward?!? cwm13.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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My lip is very fuckin soar.......


we live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves.

The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone.

Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ectasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain

By it's very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude

Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies- all these are private and except through symbols and second hand, incommunicable.

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Actually I just gave notice at my job. Yet still my boss (who is a major bitch these days) keeps reeming me every day to do certain things.

I keep telling her that I quit and she should do it herself.

My last day is Friday (I work in a restaurant) and we need a waiter to work Saturday (I never am scheduled for Saturdays) and the owner told me that I am responsible to work.

I told her "No fucking way!"

If you are as miserable as I was, you should quit. It is soooo satisfying.



get down on your knees...

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oh gawd everyday. there is this one chick, she was one of my bosses, that for whatever reason cannot stand me. she would just give me dirty looks, get snippy w/ me, i really just wanted to frigin punch her, until i was moved to another part of the office. omg i work w/ the nicest ppl now. no bullshit, no aggravation. i actually like coming to work now!


" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world"- Marilyn Monroe

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