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a ? for the ladies

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Men should have to wax too ~Hairy men are disgusting~Sorry!!! Especially the ones at the beach and u can tell its all nappy and greasy from suntan lotion...EWW!!!!! cwm24.gif I really don't mind what kind of body a guy has~as long as its not to extreme. cwm9.gif ciaooo


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Originally posted by belladiva:

Men should have to wax too ~Hairy men are disgusting~Sorry!!! Especially the ones at the beach and u can tell its all nappy and greasy from suntan lotion...EWW!!!!! cwm24.gif I really don't mind what kind of body a guy has~as long as its not to extreme. cwm9.gif ciaooo

i agree thats so disgusting.. wow its worse when u see a guy far away and can tell they have a hairy chest.. and with the muscles and average built is fine.. besides u dont want the guys to look better than u..



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Hey i like your quote... (new girl with red lettering) U gotta change the coloring!!


Neo now that u asked all these questions... what do u look like??? any pics/ I don't have one but i will def. post one when i get it cwm38.gif ciaoo


Better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you're not...

[This message has been edited by belladiva (edited 02-14-2001).]

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well since u asked i am 5'6" 175-180 lbs, brown eyes and i buzz my hair. i have a go tee and yes i do have a hairy body. i have been planning on waxing, but have been holding off due to the wonderful pain that i got when i did a test strip (wow that hurt), but since these posts i will definately wax now. i have a small frame but due to i am getting very big. i have been planning on changing the way i look to attract more ladies but was wondering what u all felt about how a guy should look. that is why i asked these ?. thanx for ur responses and any more info u have will help. p*l*u*r cwm11.gif

p.s. i will have a pic up soon.


"Dude, Where's my car?"

[This message has been edited by neojunglist (edited 02-14-2001).]

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Doesn't matter, as long as you look good. But if you are going bald and grow and chunk of hair and swoop it over the top to cover the bald spot, that has to go and you need to realize that you are in fact going bald or are bald and shave it.


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you will NEVER be able to wax everything if u are a guy - i tried it on my old boyf and he was in tears after like 2 strips!! (of course we all know women have a higher tolerance for pain but.. smile.gif anyways, we ended up using nair for the body and just a razor for - well u know! smile.gif nair is actually pretty cool - just remember to shake it up really well, dont leave it on too long or too short, wear rubber gloves, and dont let it dry on your skin. but personally i don't like a totally hairless guy, just "cleaned up" wink.gif

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thanx about my quote.. well i wrote my colors to be a blue so idk why it came out red.. but with the ?s like facial hair is good to a certain extent.. u know? not like whoa full grown facial hair like well kept trimmed facial hair is good.. and the hair on their heads depends on the person.. for u i think you should try new things and maybe take like pictures and see over time what looks best.. like i agree, i like the spikey look but some guys look hot with short hair.. but def. not hair longer than mine lol.. cwm38.gif happy valentines day..


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Less hair is better, but I can't stand when you are out in a club and a guy walks by and his stubble stratches the shit out of you. That's annoying.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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thanx for all the feedback. i cant grow my hair back frown.gif it is thinning on top so i have to shave it off. i havent shaved off my go tee in about 6 years and probably wont because i look stupid without it, but if i let it grow just a little bit i look like a biker dude. i hate to give off that kinda impression cause i am a clubber. if i trim my go tee to short then my eyebrows are too dark and my face looks different. if i grow it out alittle then it matches my eyebrows and makes my face look fuller. i dont know, maybe i am too anal about it. p*l*u*r cwm11.gif


"Dude, Where's my car?"

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I personally don't enjoy curling up with a rug. The worst is when it creeps out of the neck of a guys shirt. Take out the damn lawn mower. OR, when they are so hairy all over they need a lawn mower to cut it. EWWWWWW. I am making myslef sick just talking about it. As far as body wise. I would rather see a guy smaller but difined instead of inflated. Sometimes I want to get a pin and pop the over inflated juice heads!! It really isn't attractive to see some bloated asshole walking around like he is THE MAN!!!

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Guest dabiatchka

Definately hate hairy guys. I don't even like facial hair at all. I think a guy should either shave, nair , wax, or something.

Body wise average built guys are a lot better. Those huge guys are kind of nasty looking. As long as a guy is toned then they are fine.

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