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Originally posted by tempkid:

OK this was either in july or august.

There was almost a huge fights by the bar next to the bathrooms,I was walking out of the bathroom all the girls were screaming and running intp the bathroom lobby. Somebody called the big black bouncer a Nigger and he whent ape shits no one could control him all the bouncers had to hold him back, just looking at his face almost made me run into the girls bathroom.

The biggest idiot I ever seen at Tempts is the asshole that wore the cowboy hat or big glasses sometimes. He would come outside when the club would close and scream "I'm a sex machine" and "who wants a piece of me"

What a moron.

I know exactly who your talking about.That black bouncer threw me out by my neck last year for no apparent reason.I think I was having to much fun and he didn't like it.I wasn't about to stand up for myself,so I just laughed at him when he threw me out and he got more angry.He's a scary motherfucker and I hope he's not there this year.



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Originally posted by anthonyp:

I know exactly who your talking about.That black bouncer threw me out by my neck last year for no apparent reason.I think I was having to much fun and he didn't like it.I wasn't about to stand up for myself,so I just laughed at him when he threw me out and he got more angry.He's a scary motherfucker and I hope he's not there this year.

Okay Mr. Innocent.................as I recall you were on the steps and the bouncer told you to get off about 100 times as you repeatedly laughed at him. But I guess I could see where you were thinking you were doing nothing wrong..........as mangled as you were at the moment.

I still love you though.


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Okay, glad to know that DARKDICK won't be at TEMPS this summer. DARKDICK, why not stick to what you know best...having PHILIPINO FLAMES FUCK YOU UP THE ASS!!!


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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Originally posted by bumparella:

Did anyone see when that WHORE (that dances on the bar every single week)got knocked off?? The best is that all the people around were cheering! biggrin.gif

Unfortunatly she was caught by a bartender. I wish he would have dropped her.


HAHAHA! my friend was just talking about that yesterday(we were saying we can't wait for summer!!)....wish i could have seen it!!



*~*i DOn'T nEeD yOur AttiTudE~~>i BrOuGht My OwN*~*

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Originally posted by Kermzy:

I was at Temps every weekend last year and I can honestly say I only saw a handful of fights. No more then at any other club. I see all the same people who go to Temps at SF, Twilo and Exit so your saying they turn into different people when they walk through the doors of Temps and decide to fight? Their true personalities hibernate and don't come out till Memorial Day? Don't go to

Temps if you don't like it but don't criticize it and exaggerate.

have you even been to sf or twilo??? trust me, most people who go to tempts definitely DO NOT go to TWILO. the only fight i've ever seen at twilo was when a bunch of juiceheads invaded twilo from either exit and yes, sf... prolly stupid tempts kids. tempts kids definitely do not go to twilo... they wouldn't even know who's djing.


the bitches in full effect!


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Originally posted by ladybijan22:

One of the Rude Bashing Bitches here!! So once again darkhorse - you come out from under whatever rock you live and do what you criticize others for doing. You jumped all over a few of us a few weeks ago for not having anything nice to say, or lack of manners, or being a bitch, and rude, and whatever else you spewed from that hole you call a mouth. And now look what we have here - you bashing a club, a DJ, and it's patrons. Tisk Tisk!!! Doens't that go against your own beliefs??

actually, no... it doesn't go against my beliefs... i believe the letimate reasons are given not only by myself (roid rage, fights, bad music, horrible dj) but also by the many of the people who responded to this thread. eg - fights, hoping people get hurt (dancer on the bar), fights, people pushing and shoving, fights... did i say fights???

need i say more? i guess that's your idea of a great club...



the bitches in full effect!


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Originally posted by darkhorse:

have you even been to sf or twilo??? trust me, most people who go to tempts definitely DO NOT go to TWILO. the only fight i've ever seen at twilo was when a bunch of juiceheads invaded twilo from either exit and yes, sf... prolly stupid tempts kids. tempts kids definitely do not go to twilo... they wouldn't even know who's djing.

Have I ever been to SF or Twilo? Didn't you read what I wrote? I said I see the same people there, you think I do that w/my exray vision? Twilo I'll give you, not as many but they do go and do know who the DJ is even when it's not Juinor. And they especially go to SF. I have to say I'm friends w/a lot of those Juiceheads and they happen to be some of the nicest most respectful bunch of people. In my experience it's usually the skinny little drunk kid who thinks he can take on the juicehead that starts the fight and as a result the juiceheads get blamed cause they are bigger. They also happen to know a lot about music. You judge all the people who ever get into fights as one person but they aren't. Have you not ever been in one? Never made a fool of yourself in any way? Perfect huh? Perhaps it's people like you who bring Temps down. Karma baby!

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

actually, no... it doesn't go against my beliefs... i believe the letimate reasons are given not only by myself (roid rage, fights, bad music, horrible dj) but also by the many of the people who responded to this thread. eg - fights, hoping people get hurt (dancer on the bar), fights, people pushing and shoving, fights... did i say fights???

need i say more? i guess that's your idea of a great club...


Wasn't the topic of this post to "NAME THE MOST FUCKED UP THING YOU SAW AT TEMPTS?" I believe so. That is what people here were doing. They weren't bashing the club - they were talking about things happened in the past that stuck out in their mind. Do you mean to say that you have NEVER seen any of the things brought up here at any other club other than Tempts?? If that is the case - then you either A) don't get out much, or B) walk around in a state of oblivion. Every club I have ever been to (which has been many unfortunately), I have witnessed things like these, and other things that I would care not to mention, that make these occurances look like childs play. There are are much worse things that go on in city clubs than those that go on in Tempts. There are fights in every single club every night - there are stabbings and shootings that occur on a more frequent basis, there are bouncers who hide kids are are obviously in desperate need of medical attention, and there are club owners who practically scout out the most popular drug dealers to be in his/her club on any given night.

The difference with what goes on in the city and what goes on in Tempts with respect to the fights, is that due to the layout, size, and number of bouncers that pounce off the stage when they perceive what may not even be a fight, no matter where you are in the club, you see it. In Exit, or Twilo, or SF, or most other clubs in the city, the reaction of the bouncers is a bit more subdued, and due to the size of the club, you generally won't see the fights.

YOU are the ONLY one who ended his post with "I can understand why tempts has such problems since the music is pure cheese and the DJ is horrible." So what would be your explanation on why people get shot or stabbed in city clubs?? Is it due to the music being cheesy there also?? Maybe if you would have paid a little bit more attention to what the topic was rather than being consumed with that misplaced anger you have towards Denny and his style of music, your own personal feelings towards him wouldn't be so prevelant to all reading your idiocracy.

BTW- what is "letimate?"

Please, now close your door, tell your assistant to hold all your calls, and spend your morning thinking of ways to put me down, put denny down, put Tempts down, and just be the dick that you let us all believe you are! cwm3.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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ladybiatch - i'm stating my opinion. you don't like it? too bad. i gave LEGITIMATE reasons for why tempts, in general, sucks.

BTW - are typos the only thing you have to try to get me on? you're reaching... think of something better, OK?

i have no personal agenda v. denny. i'm stating facts - he plays cheeze and can't mix very well. if you don't believe me, why don't you take a poll on the nj board and the ny board asking about denny skills as a dj and see what the responses are.

and i actually agree with you for once. i was not clear in my initial posts. being "big" is OK. being big, with nasty attitudes "juicer" is not. tempts has too many juicers. sad but true.

and NO, you will not see fight this or fight that if a similar "what was the craziest thing you seen at sf, or exit or twilo" and you know it.


the bitches in full effect!


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Originally posted by darkhorse:

ladybiatch - i'm stating my opinion. you don't like it? too bad. i gave LEGITIMATE reasons for why tempts, in general, sucks.

BTW - are typos the only thing you have to try to get me on? you're reaching... think of something better, OK?

i have no personal agenda v. denny. i'm stating facts - he plays cheeze and can't mix very well. if you don't believe me, why don't you take a poll on the nj board and the ny board asking about denny skills as a dj and see what the responses are.

and i actually agree with you for once. i was not clear in my initial posts. being "big" is OK. being big, with nasty attitudes "juicer" is not. tempts has too many juicers. sad but true.

and NO, you will not see fight this or fight that if a similar "what was the craziest thing you seen at sf, or exit or twilo" and you know it.

You may think they have a nasty attitude, but I would take one of them over you any day. At least juice heads provide me entertainment- they are fun to watch when they get in there packs and jump around. You are on the other hand - you equate to less than the stubble on their arms in my book!

If you are going to quote- make sure you are accurate - the question was the most "FUCKED UP" thing seen. Not CRAZIEST. And there were other things people brought up other than fights, but you decided to dwell on that topic. And as for the events that go on at other clubs, I guess JP playing the same song for an hour or so b/c he can't see anything else in front of him rates really high in your book, or BORIS at Exit completely destroying each record he plays because he is too consumed with what is going on in the booth. OH - and don't even get me started on the condition of the crowd in SF - I have NEVER seen that many mangled people who can't handle their *elements* all in one place before. It is quite a site!

The funny thing about this is that all the same people go to all the same places. People who go to Tempts, go to SF, and Twilo, and Exit, and wherever else there is to go for a party. They are all searching for the same thing - A KICK ASS TIME!! And if they find it at Tempts over the summer - SO BE IT!!! If they find it at Twilo,and SF and so on over the winter, so BE IT!!

I just don't get why it frustrates you so much that people have positive things to say about a place and a DJ they enjoy?? Just because you have your opinion of dissatisfaction doesn't mean that all will see it your way. If you don't like the place or the person, don't post on the topic. And if Denny and Tempts bother you so much - I suggest you go over to the NY board because from now until September I can gurantee you one of the major topics of convo here will be those two things!

I have dispelled enough of my energy on you for the day. Say all you want about me the one and only *ladybiatch*, sticks and stones baby!! STICKS AND STONES!!! cwm28.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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