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How many fat chick out here in clubland???????

Guest worldboy

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Guest worldboy

I get the cream of the bitch crop, but I was just wondering who in this forum is fat? I would really like to know. So if you think that you have a little too much cushion just let me know. This question is only for the bitches.

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Guest worldboy

Bitches are bitches!!!!!!!!!!! I know a few of these people on this board and they are not bitches. But if you are a bitch and I dont know you then you probably havent gained my respect so why would I call you a lady! So are you fat? Cuz I have a question for you?

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Good finally a rsponse from Filatioboy. What took you so long? Could it be that yoou were sweating off the pounds of one of those fat bitches that you speak of. Yes I am a bitch and as far as gaining your respect who cares!!! Who the fuck are you? The last time I checked, I didn't pay attention to clubber wannabe's who like to suck dick for crack!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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oh btw I'm leaving the office for about an hour so I hope you come up with something halfway decent to redeem yourself in the eyes of the people on this board. I'll ofcourse put you to shame once again upon my return

ciao' for now!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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ONE reason why IAM COOL with everyone is because RULE::



thats all i know...i got no pick up lines and no skills when it comes to communicating with the opposite SEX...

I THINK if i go GAY i might have BETTER Luck... JAV IS GAY( ALLISON SAYS YES) cwm23.gif KILL~~~~~~~KILL~~~~~~~KILL~~~~~~~~~~

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Gay Jav!!!!!

not bad!!not bad at all!!!! i just dont want to get into JOHNNY fights.. i dont want to put on the TOUGH GUY act!!!

most diff if iam going to start SUCKING COCK i better LIFT weight because if I HOOK UP WITH ONE OF THOSE HUGE JOHNNY (RUA) TYPE guys its going to be tough getting him off me...

so nasty christ!! cwm23.gif Lest Cest Fux

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Originally posted by eviljav666:

Gay Jav!!!!!

not bad!!not bad at all!!!! i just dont want to get into JOHNNY fights.. i dont want to put on the TOUGH GUY act!!!

most diff if iam going to start SUCKING COCK i better LIFT weight because if I HOOK UP WITH ONE OF THOSE HUGE JOHNNY (RUA) TYPE guys its going to be tough getting him off me...

so nasty christ!! cwm23.gif Lest Cest Fux

ya javy bro...i think they put way too much tequilla in your drink at lunchtime...





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Guest worldboy

Wow!!!!!!!!!! Did people really think I was making fun of anyone? Actually I really wasnt but whateva!!! Simple question that I will ask again. Do we have any fat bitches in clubland???? If your not fat dont answer ok!! Why does bitches have to be such a negative word. I actually like bitches I think they rock but not if they are full of butter!!!!!

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Guest worldboy

Sin: you are absolutely, completely and utterely pathetic. Do you really think that you could put me down or blow me away with your pathetic little responses?? Give me a break bitch. I live for losers like you with your little wasted life 9-5 job, come home get your dress on and seem like you're part of the human race existence. So give me your best shot and put me down Sin. It's really going to hurt my feelings...LMAO people like you live in this cyberworld and use as a cushion for your pathetic, wasteful existence. You'd do better to get out of the house on occassion and pretend you actually have something to live for. So bring it on little lady. I love the responses and losers like you just don't have a clue that you stoke me more when you do. Batter up!! You go girl cwm1.gif

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Originally posted by worldboy:

Sin: you are absolutely, completely and utterely pathetic. Do you really think that you could put me down or blow me away with your pathetic little responses?? Give me a break bitch. I live for losers like you with your little wasted life 9-5 job, come home get your dress on and seem like you're part of the human race existence. So give me your best shot and put me down Sin. It's really going to hurt my feelings...LMAO people like you live in this cyberworld and use as a cushion for your pathetic, wasteful existence. You'd do better to get out of the house on occassion and pretend you actually have something to live for. So bring it on little lady. I love the responses and losers like you just don't have a clue that you stoke me more when you do. Batter up!! You go girl cwm1.gif

HUH????? cwm42.gif

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Guest worldboy

Sin just in case you haven't seen

Sin: You like bashing people?? I am almost certain now that you are a fat, ugly, lazy married woman who is pretending to be this cool (yeah right) hip girl who hangs out at clubs. So you're the head honcho here, huh? You're the one that loves bashing people, eh? LOL, this is cyberland bitch. You can have your lead in this play lady. Nobody is really listening and nobody really gives a shit. If you think differently than perhaps you also suffer from delusions of grandeur (look it up). Either that or its a serious case of meglomania. Either way, nobody really gives a rat's ass what you say. So come back to your office and hook back into your addiction (which as far as addictions goes is pretty weak), and bombs away baby. I pretty much think your lower than the lowest level of prehistoric frog shit on the bottom of the NJ scumswamp. Batter up!!!

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Guest worldboy

Sin, you have a fan club here? It's a club of one fool. So you're a conputer nerd, eh? You're not a conputer nerd, you're a COMPUTER nerd. I bet the MENSA (look that up too, bitch) society is banging down your doors looking for advice on proper grammer. Oh boy, "yea though you walk through the valley of fear?" Bitch you're walking there because you're too fucking ugly to walk anywhere else!! You aren't the baddest MF'er there and you sure as hell aren't the smartest MF'er there, but I can guarentee you're the only MF'er there because nobody else really gives a fuck about you. I have a great idea!! Take the keyboard wire, you know, the one that sits at the side of your desk (where you're wasting your day away and charging your employer to pay your ugly ass to waste time in chat rooms) and wrap it around your pimply-pussed neck, find yourself a nice high shower rod and wrap it around. Do the rest of us a favor and hang yourself.

Why don't you bring the rest of your fat, ugly, useless posse' in and let me get a taste of the rest of the dregs of society. Stoke me more baby!!! By the way, just so you don't sink too far into your delusions, the picture you were referring to before about my bug eyes....that was animation you fucking idiot!! Snap out of it, otherwise I have the prime candidate for the lead role in lawnmower man III right in the palms of my hands!! Never assume you THINK you know who you're dealing with. Dumb? Sound intelligent? I'm smarter than you on the heaviest of days of your menstrual cycle!!! You need to be cyber-bitch-slapped and consider it a group slap from the rest of the cool people who hang here. Now crawl back to your hole and stick your head in it where it belongs. Don't mess with the best, bitch. The World has SPOKEN!! I'm done with you! cwm1.gif

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