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requiem for a dream

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i rented this after a weekend binge, all i have to say is WOW..

i was very impressed with the entire story even with its dark tone and tough subject matter..(ie. drug addiction)

anybody into films and moviemaking should not miss this..

all i have to say is that ellen burstyn was robbed for the academy award

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It was definetly a great movie. I don't think the subject matter itself was very original, but the way in which Arrenofsky handled it (especially through camera usage) was beautiful. Most shocking of all was the ending; I watched the last portion of it high and the mother's dillema is what really fucked with my head a little bit. Out of all the the plots within the movie, the mother's seemed the most tragic. What happened to her really scared the shit out of me. Her ending was too fucked up to even watch. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to love one's family so much, and then be left alone to literally go nuts in one's home. The most powerful element of the film was the point in which the Doctor informs the mother than they were unsuccesful to bring her back from her psychological state. Directly after that, the scene switches to her being electrocuted.

Shocking film, and beautifully directed. The theme music (that was being played when all of the character's were hitting rock bottom) is shocking as well. Listening to the melody while watching the mother's outcome was very disturbing. That would be a NASTY fucking melody to speed up a little bit and put over a sick house beat.


"I hate explanations that are explanatory of something already explained. (Abraham Lincoln)"

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arronofsky's films have SICK cinematography. all of it. the lighting drives you insane, the colors change your mood, the angles make you the character. forget about the acting. always feel like i am the character. you actually feel speedy when they are, crazy everything...

my favorite thing about requim in paticular (and what puts you outside of the character, no longer inside) is the whole eyes thing- not just the pupils dialiting- the two comparitive scenes when Sara is putting on the mascara and red lipstick and when Marion does it- the contrast and what it means they are getting ready for. the whole idea of "putting on your face" your act and presentation.

inspiring flick no? anyone read the book? curious if it captures the same feel...

Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

It was definetly a great movie. I don't think the subject matter itself was very original, but the way in which Arrenofsky handled it (especially through camera usage) was beautiful. Most shocking of all was the ending; I watched the last portion of it high and the mother's dillema is what really fucked with my head a little bit. Out of all the the plots within the movie, the mother's seemed the most tragic. What happened to her really scared the shit out of me. Her ending was too fucked up to even watch. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to love one's family so much, and then be left alone to literally go nuts in one's home. The most powerful element of the film was the point in which the Doctor informs the mother than they were unsuccesful to bring her back from her psychological state. Directly after that, the scene switches to her being electrocuted.

Shocking film, and beautifully directed. The theme music (that was being played when all of the character's were hitting rock bottom) is shocking as well. Listening to the melody while watching the mother's outcome was very disturbing. That would be a NASTY fucking melody to speed up a little bit and put over a sick house beat.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -anais nin

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That movie was so damn good I felt like slitting my wrists by the time it was over. While I didn't see it in the theater, I finally rented it on DVD a few days ago. Much to my dismay, I realized that the DVD was an "edited" version. Does anyone know exactly what was edited out?



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Be careful - there is an editor's version out there on DVD that is not as good as the original version. The editor's version has a few different scenes. Be sure to try and pick up the NC 17 Version to see it in the original format.

Also, PI, by the same director, is supposed to be just as sick!




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i havent seen it yet, however, the website for the movie was totally odd and dimented, i dont understand the tie in with the movie since i havent seen it yet, but the site is like a loop, i spent about 45 minutes on it just going through it, ive seen the trailer def. want to see it...btw what is edited as mentioned above?


It Got Tired

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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finally, a movie i loved!...this is by far one of the best movies i have ever seen.

being a film major i tend to notice sooo much. watching movies sometimes, you become aware that you are watching a movie...but this film in particular was ill! i never once felt like i was watching a movie, it was almost like i knew these people..it was strange. thank god I own it, i watch so damn much.

But anyway, I really couldn't believe marlon wayans did so well, usually you see him acting like a jackass, but i think his preformance was great, and I too think ellen burstyn was robbed!

Darren Arronofsky is a sick director, I really wanna see PI, I heard that was crazy too.

I cant wait to pick up the Requiem DVD to check out the deleted scenes, cause we have it on VHS...



*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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PI is a good movie, but Requiem was better. The plot of PI was far more original than Requiem, but Requiem was far more interesting. One can't associate with the character in PI as well as one can with the characters in Requiem; they are less eccentric than the number cruncher in PI. Some of the same actors from PI are in Requiem; I noticed that the Dr. that Jared Leto's girl was seeing in Requiem, was the main character in Pi. And the mentor to the main character in PI played a brief role in Requiem as the individual who buys the television from Jared Leto in the beginning. He also played Antonio Nappa on OZ, for that matter.


"I hate explanations that are explanatory of something already explained. (Abraham Lincoln)"

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I have seen Requiem a few times now, and it is definitely the most amazing film I have ever seen, including cinematography and editing. Aronofsky used almost all of the actors from Pi, another amazing film, in Requiem. Whomever asked about the edited version, in the final montage, the scene where Marian is stripping at the party is highly edited, I don't recall what else. I saw a bootleg copy of the original version a while ago in film class, and I don't know where to actually get the real version, I've only seen the edited on in stores.

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