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The Bush Twins

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Is it me, or is anyone else tired of hearing about the Bush twins in the paper? Who cares if they drink under age? Who here hasn't done that?? I know I have plenty of times way before I was 19. In a way I feel bad for the girls because the press is making them out to be so bad.

Sorry about the bitching. I just had a bad day, and opening up the paper made it worse.

And oh yeah, I'm a Clinton fan! cwm12.gif



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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn:

Is it me, or is anyone else tired of hearing about the Bush twins in the paper? Who cares if they drink under age? Who here hasn't done that?? I know I have plenty of times way before I was 19. In a way I feel bad for the girls because the press is making them out to be so bad.

I agree. I'm no Bush fan but the amount of scrutiny those girls are going through is ridiculous. They're just college students, of course they're going want to party.

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Originally posted by rparadox:

Those two are a little too ugly for me.

I think the blonde one is kind of cute, a little thick, but cute. If she lost like 20 pounds, she would be ok....




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Personally if I ever see those two creeps I will gladly slap the shit out of them. Over Memorial Day Weekend I lost one of best friends that I have had since 4th grade. He was 23 years old and the best person you will ever meet. Never did drugs , was always a gentlemen, popular guy and cared about his family deeply. He was vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland. Him and a couple friends went to a bar , respondsible guys that they are they took a cab to the bar. At the end of the evening when they were ready to go home my friend ALex went outside and was hailing a cab from the taxi stand. When another patron of that bar , a 20 year old girl ripped out of the parking lot cutting off the cab hit ALex and then sped off. My Friend, my brother, my heart is now dead because some 20 year old cunt decided to get loaded and not give a damn about the people she might effect. So excuse me if I think you all who say it's not such a big deal are assholes!!!



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So you never drank under age? I sure as hell do, as a matter of fact I am 20. You wanna come slap me? I have never gotten behind the wheel after just one drink. Not to mention who said these two girls were going to get in a car and drive? Not to mention the majority of drunk driver accidents happen with people over the age of 21. Some one needs to give you a good slap. I also love it how people don't freak out about this thing until something bad happens to some one they know, or themselves. These girls didn't even get behind the wheel, and they probably wern't going to. I think you should take your bitterness and try and say something intelligent with it.



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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

So you never drank under age? I sure as hell do, as a matter of fact I am 20. You wanna come slap me? I have never gotten behind the wheel after just one drink. Not to mention who said these two girls were going to get in a car and drive? Not to mention the majority of drunk driver accidents happen with people over the age of 21. Some one needs to give you a good slap. I also love it how people don't freak out about this thing until something bad happens to some one they know, or themselves. These girls didn't even get behind the wheel, and they probably wern't going to. I think you should take your bitterness and try and say something intelligent with it.

quite right... these are two different matters and shouldn't be confused. If however they were caught drink driving... then you can have a go.




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You took the word right out of my mouth. Age has nothing to do with drinking and driving. Just like sinergy said, the percentage of people over 21 drinking and driving far exceeds those that are under 21. Don't hate the Bush daughters or those that feel bad for them, me being one of them, just hate the drunk drivers.


"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

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I'm sick of people blaming the wrong people for their issues that they are having trouble dealing with. I had four of my best friends all killed in the same drunk driving accident, I finally have forgiven the other driver, and I try to do more productive things with the anger I haven't dealt with yet.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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The problem I have is GW started talking shit about morality, religion, and bringing respectability back into the whitehouse!! He had this I am greater thou attitude and was judgemental of clinton and gore. He attacked the character of both men!! Well, before you clean up someone elses backyard, you should go clean up your own!! Once a candidate utters morality and ethics - him and his family are subject to a higher standard - Don't shoot your mouth off about family and jesus, and then you kids are to stupid to realize that they are under the spotlight now!! His kids are fucking idiots, how do they not know they are going to be recognize in the state of Texas - Plus I heard the place really proofs hard, they could go to another place that serves with proofing - they have bars like that all over!! How do you get caught trying to drink in Texas for christ sake!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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yeah i dont give a shit...DRINKING underage is the least of my problems hehe




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3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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SYNERGGRL--- Where are you , I would love to come over and beat you like your mother should have.

Fact of the matter is that for everyone that knows me on this board and especially the people I have worked with, I have never ever ever taken drugs or drank irrespondsibly.

CHEERS to you for being Soooooooooooo cool you had a drink before 21. WOW rebel you. I am happy to hear you weren't quite a complete moron and decided not to drive. However the numbers of underages drunk drivers is at a all time high. And the accident/death rate of those driver is the highest it's ever been aswell. So 20 year old know the facts before you open your mouth.

And yet another fucking lame ass remark you made, "I also love it how people don't freak out about this thing until something bad happens to some one they know, or themselves."

I AM SORRY DO YOU KNOW ME??? NO and if you did asshole I believe in the concept of P.L.U.R.R. something you probably don't give a rats ass about. A I have been a card carrying S.A.D.D. member since I was in HS 9 years ago. So STFU!!


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