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schadenfreude \SHAD-n-froy-duh\, noun:

A malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.

The historian Peter Gay -- who felt Schadenfreude as a Jewish child in Nazi-era Berlin, watching the Germans lose coveted gold medals in the 1936 Olympics -- has said that it "can be one of the great joys of life."

--Edward Rothstein, "Missing the Fun of a Minor Sin." New York Times, February 5, 2000

Often the people Pi met in Mendocino wanted to hear these terrible stories, the personal disasters, or they quoted them back to her from what they'd read, with a certain glitter in their eyes -- giving Pi the chance to wonder again as she once had in a Wittgenstein seminar why there wasn't a word in English for Schadenfreude, that very human pleasure taken in other people's misery.

--Sylvia Brownrigg, The Metaphysical Touch

If self-replicating e-commerce baby tycoons get on your nerves, it's schadenfreude time. It's true that the Nasdaq rebounded after its staggering loss Tuesday. Nonetheless, what AP described as "the most volatile day ever for U.S. stocks" left a distinctly bearish aftertaste.

--"Market Motion Sickness." The Industry Standard's Media Grok, April 5, 2000


Schadenfreude comes from the German, from Schaden, damage + Freude, joy. It is often capitalized, as it is in German.


i love music!

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Originally posted by jammy:

schadenfreude??? cwm3.gif ...Its fawked up but I know I do.

-Jamms "heheheheheharhar" cool.gif

yes. but only when i see ppl crash their own cars while yapping on a cell phone.


i love music!

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well i do, more than ever after today...the nasty doctor fockter, dr. goldenhands, the biggest prick in the world, fired my surgical coordinator...he has no idea the damage he's caused....one day he will get his. this girl has worked for him for years and there was no justification for her dismissal...the fault is his and he's cruising for a huge malpractice suit....he'll get his, oh yes he will......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!


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Wow... that's two new words I've learned today. Symantic and Schadenfruede.

And in a clubbers forum!... I love this place.


I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Yeah it fawked up but it does uphold the term what goes around comes around cwm1.gif ...I am not saying I *love* being that way (I don't) but we all suffer from in at different levels frown.gif.

-Jamms " cool.gif"


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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I think everybody does at some level.

It's like when your driving down the highway and see somebody broken down, the golden rule is never make fun of him/her for being in that position - Its bad Kharma.

"What comes around goes around" - So True! I totally believe that!!

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Not to revitalize a long forgotten post but ...yup. A person who was fired 2 weeks ago at work called today and I hate to admit it but it made me feel better about "Me". im glad its not just me. its wrong, but it helps day to day living some times.


Remember, Incase Of Fire You Need To Stop, Drop And…

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

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we get all kinds of tips here too! ClubPlanet was my 2000-01 education cwm15.gif .

Schadenfruede? not this little girl wink.gif

Originally posted by petrol:

Wow... that's two new words I've learned today. Symantic and Schadenfruede.

And in a clubbers forum!... I love this place.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -anais nin

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