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----->crazy acid stories! everyone has one

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I was just searching through the archives and I found this topic I wrote back in november, check it out I copy and pasted this(Everyone who took acid has a story, it could be boring but in your mind with that chemical running through your brain it was the craziest thing ever)

check out the philadelphia police cars in the back round of the picture, they wouldn't let me take a pic of them?

list of events that happened to me

new years eve 1995 - 96

*december 30

-at the mixing labs me and Jim mix up 5 two liter bottles of liquir

.jolly ranchers


.minderaser (jeas after that one someone had to relize some liquor was missing from the resturant bar)

.rum and coke (bumped some coke also)

.and cosmipolitan

-of course they all tasted like shit because who the fuck makes drinks in 2 liter bottles?

**december31 .when the shit really hit the fan

-9 am my crew of 12 meet up at the staten island ferry terminal

-drinking starts on the ferry and continues through the train ride up to 42nd street train station

- @ that big train station on 42nd cant think of the name but anyway none of us were able to function right

-after a half hour we find out we are suppose to be at penn station

-we decide to walk since we had 90 minutes b4 the train left

--I buy a new years horn

--two others buy a new years horn

-tourists are out and about at 10 in the morning

--we calmly walk up to them and blow the horn in there face

--Mike not relizing he is blowing so hard that he is actually spitting also

--some pakistani dude gets pissed

--we get some what marker crazy

--writing on everything in sight

--young man gets into a cab and has a few words to say,

--"you hooligans is what brings this city down"

--we said "FUCK OFF"

--he said, "I'll kill all of yous"

???? ?????

--Dennis runs to the cab and spits right in his face

--cab takes off

--we laugh and talk about how weird that was for the next hour or so

**on the AMTRACK to philly

-still drinking

-one hitters start to happen in restrooms

-dennis is brawling with his girl

-the both of them at the top of there lungs screaming

**If you ever rode an amtrack train you would know what I am talking about. There are these seats where the backs can move so you can face another seat or have your back towards it. Its hard to explain

-Dennis gets so pissed he shoves the back of the seat in front of him and it slides forward

-the man sitting in the seat falls on his face

-Dennis tries to appoligize

-the man tells the conductor

-the conductor wants Dennis off the train

-we came up with a deal that through the ride Dennis gets time out in the next car by himself

-we laugh at Dennis while being escorted to the next car

-for some reason the man who told the conductor moved to another car also?

-Mike tells me about a bag that has been sitting without an owner for the last two stops


-Mike finds a check book

-I find a roll of Quarters

-Mike freaks and pulls out five red sticks

-gets up and yells at our friend who were behind us, holding 2 of the red sticks in his left hand and pointing to them with his right

-"It's a BOMB!"

-old people in the back freaked

-drunken girls we were with freaked

-John says, "Road Flares idoit"

-we relize it was the conductors bag

-we put it back

-a stop passes

-the conductor freaked

-he yells, "Which one of you mother fuckers has my check book"

-we all have this look

--->?????????? ???????? ??????

-conductor says I am going to leave when I come back the book better be in the bag

-condutor leaves

-Mike tosses the book on the seat right next to the bag

-I said out load, "he wants it in the mutherfuckin bag"

-Mike says, "fuck you"

-conductor gets the bag and leaves

-we all had a sigh of relif thinking it was over

-train stops

-exactly 8 officers and 3 vans and a couple of cars were at the stop

-all of us kicked off the train


-2 ounces of weed and brass knuckles were found

-everyone scared

-girls crying

-COPS took our weed and LET US GO?

-got in the hotel

-hotel was filled with ravers to the brim

-@the party purchased two hits of x

-SAG1 finds acid


-who cares

-consume the x and acid as it hits 96

-half hour later started seeing crazy shit

-**all the lights come on

-music is still running

-EMS on the hunt

-witnessed someone being strapped on a stretcher upside down

-witnessed someone else being hauled away yelling and screaming strapped in

-while sceaming his head was vigoruosly pounding on the back of the stretcher

-I ask SAG where are they taking him?

-he took 2 tablets so he is tripping even harder than me

-he answers in a calm tone,


-this is becoming too much for my mind

-I flip out

-my hands were whaling across the air

-yelling at poor ravers around me

-"What The Fuk Is Going On In Here?!?!"

-Sag and Cie try to calm me down

-I relize I am next if I keep this up

-I stop

*lights were still on during that whole thing

-lights go off

-I remember giving some kid a weird look

-going up to him and saying out of nowhere


-"You got all these red dots moving across your face"

"You don't understand what I am seeing right now"

-relize after a minute or two he had an acme problem

-I walked away laughing out loud by myself

-left the party at 4 and had plans to come back

-the trip was at it's peak

-it was at it's peak since the first half hour I took it?

-saw some girl outside singing some bullshit about saving the seals

-John walks over to talk to her?

-we grab him and threw him in the cab

-a couple of blocks from the hotel there were 4 fire engines and cops all about

-we ask the driver on what had happened

-he explained that a jeep ran off the raod and fell into the creek about 15 minutes ago

-I said, "stop I wanna see"

-the driver stopped?

-saw a raver chick in the water in the jeep trying to survive and the jaws of life being powered up

-Cie tells the driver "GO, GO Get the fuk out of here"

Quickly written in 20 minutes

I murder the english language so there are some items you may not understand

but that was the last time I took acid

out of the 4 or 5 years expermenting with that drug I never had a bad trip

I did not consider that to be a bad trip I actually enjoyed it

I enjoy the craziness

acid just got to be too much for me

I started to have split second trips when I was sober



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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do i have an acid story thats NOT crazy? if i wasnt to lazy id type one, maybe later




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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oh gawd I'd be here for ages...but...let's just say...New Years Eve Times Square '92

and also finding the kiddie section where they had a little kiddie viewing station (house) at Blockbuster and watched cartoons biggrin.gif

- Pete





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Memorial Day Weekend...New York invades Canada!!! Toronto baby...with spoony to the mutha fukkin d...DJ Divine...Frankie Pep...and some others

web site...Version 1.06



Communism was just a red herring

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Originally posted by schwingep tongue.gifosted 08-31-2000 11:34 PM

"Don't go to Blockbuster on Acid" Jacobs Ladder

3 girl, 3 guys, all tripping out. Went to Blockbuster, girls wanted to stay outside and smoke a cig. We said we would be out in 10 minutes.

We somehow got lost from each other in the store, go figure. I found myself crawling on the floor in the corner towards the kiddie nook, a little play area. I crawled through the entrance to find little toys, and small plastic chairs and a TV playing CARTOONS!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

One by one the guys found me and we were just having a blast watching cartoons!

Finally the girls come in and like are laughing their asses off, "where the hell have you been?" "Waht we've only been in here 10 minutes"...NOT!!! we were in there 45 minutes and had no clue .

Well we ended up renting Jacob's Ladder...Bad move!!! Just don't watch that on acid, it's way too disturbing. A downer...but hey the Cartoons were a Blast..I highley recommend Blockbuster on Acid!!

- Pete

I was just reading your post b4




When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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AHAHAHAHAHA thats mad funny I don't even remember posting that, now I do but LOL...thats pretty funny that you found that smile.gif

- Pete"kindafeelslikeaflashback"





Upcoming shows:

Memorial Day Weekend...New York invades Canada!!! Toronto baby...with spoony to the mutha fukkin d...DJ Divine...Frankie Pep...and some others

web site...Version 1.06



Communism was just a red herring

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Burning Man '96

- Paragliding off the back of a pick-up truck...

- Weird green and yellow guy in a clown suit... Must've been dying of heat in all that make up and costume (was ~100+ degrees)...

- 15 second storms interspersed throughout the day (probably 5 or 6)...

Camp site was done old school wagon circling style (with RV's), a big parachute draped across the middle for massive shade and a trampoline (spent like 30 inutes at a time doing backflips and shit all trippin').

Seeing people after they got back from the mud springs looking like living clay statues...

The most amazing cloud formations...

Nuff said





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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i could write a whole series of books about my adventures on acid. all i gotta say now is that i will never ever ever ever touch that stuff again.




A ho don't make a housewife.





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Halloween 1999 about 3pm...Jersey City(sophia from Golden Girls)

-Already buggin on 2 mollies

-Doorbell rings(ding dong)

-Every1 frantically hides paraphanllia

-Its only my cuz with more goodies

-She has about 50 mics of some amber liqus(first time seeing cid in liq.form)

-All 10 of us buy 2 drops each(on cheerios)

-Consume 1 cheerio treat

-30 min later........trippin balls

-Start to see faces in kitchen tiles

-My girl decides to mop the floor

-No more faces

-Chill on the visuals for a couple hrs

-Decide to roll an l but i cant.....

-Pass the 3 footer around for a lil while

-Peak is over

-Feelin real lovely

-Decide to go to Tunnel

-Pop another acid Cheerio

-Finally manage to roll a blunt


-Everyone leaves to get ready

-Start buggin myself out thinkin bout fucked up shit

-Start to take a shower

-Body poofs start staring at me

-Throw them all in the toilet and close the lid

-Tried to iron clothes...but just put them in the dryer for dewrinkling

-Called like 7 different cab companies to pick me up

-Met everyone at Hoboken path station

-Had some cocktails in the Caddilac Bar

-Here come more visuals

-Everone in the bar is talking about us(we just think they are)we leave

-Get on path train

-Almost everone is dressed up on the train

-Start to talk to Batman

-A deck of cards joins the convo.

-Arrive at 23rd st.

-Decide to walk to Tunnel

-Walk to 32nd and 8th

-Realized we weren't on 27th and 12th

-Arrive at Tunnel

-Buy pot from the Jamaican guy thats always there

-Go inside

-Laugh histerically at all the cool costumes

-Try to figure out how I will get to the bathroom from the stage

-Sit on couches for about 4 hrs

-Talk to the same deck of cards from the train

-Decide to leave bout 7:30am

-Find Everone at 8:30am

-Dark Vader steps on my foot and says "sorry earthling"and scares the shit out of me.

-We leave

-Back at my house

-Pop a mollie each

-Put blankets over the windows for darkness

-Roll up a 1/2 oz into joints

-Acid is over with

-Start rollin hard(now it would become an mdma story)so I'll end here.




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Originally posted by tunnelbandit:

Halloween 1999 about 3pm...Jersey City(sophia from Golden Girls)

-Start to talk to Batman

-A deck of cards joins the convo.

-Start rollin hard(now it would become an mdma story)so I'll end here.



**ecstacy stories are always good also



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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Try seeing casino on a head full of acid. Then hearing all these voices comming from the seats behind you. You really can't make out the conversation though. It's just too much, all you hear is ahh ladfkjei? As if people were speaking with marbles in there mouths. Just a bunch of weird shit, that made no sense. After a few minutes of it,(which seems like an eternity) you gain the courage to turn around and when you do you see 5 deaf people signing at each other...



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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u guys are too funny. would luv to chill one day. as for acid i have yet to go there, but gotta try it. kinda sounds bad that i wanna try a drug, but fuck it.



'nuff said

[This message has been edited by starcapone (edited 06-06-2001).]

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I am truly fucking bored sitting here at 3 in the morning unemployed cwm36.gif

on a lighter note i am drunk, but lately i seem to be intoxicated more days out of the week then usual. Dunno if thats a bad thing?

I have so many other acid stories. Although I am lazy and my mind is fucked. So here's another story of mine, that I copy and Pasted from the archives

I took one of my RCT's for high school tripping

I was out the night B4 @disco2000, tripping off of a tab. I got home at about 5 and knew I had to be in school at 9, tried to sleep but just didn't work. I was fine that morning just tired and restless. My father drove me to school at 8:30, questioning about the time I got home?

I just lied and told him 1 o'clock. I know he didn't believe me but who cares he had no more to say after that.

We were on winter vacation so I remembered it was cold as fuck out. When my father pulled up to the school, I went straight inside and turned around to check if he drove away. Coast is clear so I went back out to smoke a cigarette (now he knows I smoke...shit I was 17 he would of beaten me to a pulp) while outside my boy Mark pulled up, I walked over to his car and invited myself in. He explains to me how he just took the History regents and it was hard as hell. I didn't give 2 fuks about that and explained to him how phat disco2000 was last night. As I was doing this he rolled up a blunt and sparked it. At first I resisted, but I needed something to relax me, I was up for the past 25, 26 hours, plus I ace tests while high on weed, it makes me concentrate more. (really during the years of 91 to 94 it werked) So I smoked and got to the room where the test was being held, just in time. Everything seemed normal I was just on a normal high. The teacher was explaining the breaks during the test, your time limits, essays and all. I comprehended everything perfectly fine.

10 minutes into the test I break my no.2 pencil, as the pencil broke it sounded like a brick was just hurled at the black board *BANG* so loud that I did a little jump sort of like an E shiver. Sat there clueless for the next 5 minutes doing nothing but thinking about the pencil breaking. Finally went into my bag but I could not find a pencil, I tried to be discrete on looking for this pencil but,I thought every movement was so loud, it seemed as if I was the center of attraction for the whole classroom. Finally found the fucking thing, what seemed like 10 minutes looking through this bag could of been seconds was the exact thought that went through my head. Ended up sitting there for another couple of minutes just thinking about that!

Tried to clear all bad thoughts from my head, explaining to myself that I am just high from pot and I stopped tripping out hours ago. As I started into the test again, only thing I could really remember, the only thing that will stick in my head till the day I die, is that I filled in D on a grid for an answer then looked at a second time and A was filled in. After that I was convinced I was sideways on acid again. Could not take it any more (when the going gets weird the weird turns pro, only in certain situations and this was not one of them) So I started to fill in any grid not even turning the pages of the test to sort of fake it, just filling answers in. This girl sitting across from me, just me gave a look of confusion, while I was doing this. I looked over,

and said,

"don't try and cheat from me"

and started to laugh silently to myself like an evil villan. By this time I was done with my grid art. I got up and handed the test in looked at my watch and realized that only 15 minutes has gone by since the test started.

The teacher's response after I handed her the test was,

"done already?"

nodded my head up and down, shrugged my shoulders and said in a calm and collected way,

"yeah not a problem"



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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I was tripping at Limelight and there's this full length mirror up in the Giger room, except I thought it was a doorway to get to the bathroom. So I try walking through it, but this guy is coming the opposite direction directly in front of me. I try side-stepping around the guy for at least 10 minutes to no avail. So I finally point my finger and say "OK, you go this way and I'll go that way". To my surprise, my finger hits the mirror as I point, and I finally realize that I've been standing in front of this mirror trying to walk around my own reflection. God, I hope no one saw this.

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thats funny

mirrors tend to freak me out on acid I would end up looking at it for a good 20 minutes.

friggen shot out drank some nyquil earlier to sleep b/c I start werk again soon and my sleeping patterns is all screwed up.

but obviously that didn't werk?

and I'm sitting here bored and restless. I have many other acid stories just like j303j I could write a book on it.

but here's something fresh still in my head it's definitly not acid but still great times it happened 2 weeks ago at summer of love in vegas check out my sig those are some pics i had to make a animated gif fuck seattle vegas is silicone valley

mid way of the party I decided to take 2 hits right off the bat, back to back. Washed em down with the rest of my martini which was horrible due to the massive amounts of vermouth in it, but my drinking times are over, it's time to wig out.

An hour goes by and I'm tripping my face off on the two hits. I seem to have lost my cousin, which at that point I could care less. He was extremely tired b/c we were out the night b4 and he is working on no sleep, also he is sober, not counting the redbull and vodkas consumed in the past 3 hours, but compared to me he was straight.

So I ventured off on my own meeting new and interesting people from the West Coast, a lot of them coming from San Diego. I hooked up with this hot little Korean girl sumtime during the night, then all of a sudden she was gone too. I was going to look for her but found no reason too, in about 2 hours my flight will be leaving. So I made the best of it wigging out at this party. At 4am I popped my last hit, knowing I was leaving in about 45 minutes but didn’t care, just wanted to be in total ecstasy again. Tried looking for my cousin one last time, but after a few minutes I just said fuck it. I’ll see him in the hotel or if anything hopefully the airport?

When I finally left at 4:45 or so the line for taxis was all the way back to the casino and time was essential right now; I cannot miss this flight. So I went upstairs to the tramcar, which takes you too the Excalibur about ¼ mile away. Got upstairs just to see that there were around 100 people waiting for this thing, most of them from the rave.

I blurted out,

“What the fuck, everyone had the same idea as me?”

It wasn’t meant to come out like this, but I said it with rage and aggression. The thing is I really didn’t mean it like that, I was just stressing out and tripping balls. Everyone looked at me like a jerkoff. I felt like a jerkoff, I couldn’t stay there. I went back downstairs and ran top speed to the Luxor. Which of course there was a line there also for a taxi, but it wasn’t that bad. Finally got in a cab and thank god my cousin was in the hotel room, also made my flight on time.

On our flight we transferred in Salt Lake City Utah, home of fucking absolutely nothing. Waiting for my transfer flight someone announced technical problems with the plane and it is not to take off in another hour. Thinking fast we switched our flight to JFK. As I boarded this flight, I was not tripping but my head still had this empty feeling. It was hard for me to concentrate on any one thing. I wasn’t seated next to my cousin but instead a Portuguese couple that spoke no english. Which is good I didn’t want to talk to anyone. About an hour goes by, I am listening to a Neil Lanstrum tape in my walkman at it’s loudest, annoying the shit out of everyone around me. A stewardess comes around to ask what I would like for a meal. Pasta or steak was the choice. I selected steak and threw my headphones back on. I watch her go back and forth handing everyone the meal coming closer and closer to my seat. Finally she comes to my row, in one hand a steak meal and in the other a pasta. I’m sitting in the aisle seat; first she hands the pasta to someone across from me in the other aisle seat, After she puts the tray right above my head. I grab a hold of it, just for her to jerk it back towards her.

I was thinking to myself, what the fuck is she doing?

So I tugged on it again and she tugged back. A fucking tug of war with this tray 35 000 feet in the air, it made no sense. So I let go and she gives the steak to the immigrant in the window seat, I felt like a big dick. She comes back around with another steak tray. Now I don’t even want to touch this one it probably belongs to the lady next me, again the tray above my head but this time it really looks like she is trying to hand it to me. I don’t touch it I still feel stupid from what happened a minute ago. So she opens up my little table and puts my meal on it. I went from feeling like a dick to looking like an asshole. And it wasn’t like the tram car situation where I can just run off I had to sit there for the next 3 hours with these people.



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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I saw the Pink Floyd laser light show tripping my face off and I thought that the planetarium actually took off for a minute. Just for a minute.

I also thought it might be 'fun' to spice up my boring high school chemistry class until that chart melted off the wall. Then I had English class, the teacher called on me to read an E.E. Cummings poem, and I couldn't figure out how. I was excused.

Saturday morning cartoons/puppet crap is also choice with the sound down and the music of your liking.

mmmmmmm...laser light shows.....


Dance. nothing left for me to do but Dance, all these bad times I'm going through, just DANCE

Got canned heat in my heels tonight, bay-bee

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damn I come home completly mangled, searching for this topic hoping to read sumthing intresting?

check out this very well written, bugged out story posted in the archives


New to the Board

Posts: 12

Reg.: Aug 99

From: NY posted 08-30-2000 12:53 PM


I don't really know many of you. I'm more of a voyeur on this board, than a poster. But being a writer, and given the subject matter, I thought I would post my little acid story. It's an excerpt from a series of stories I wrote called, "Gelatinous Funk." Back in the old school Limelight days...

I only tried acid once. I’m a big fan of ecstasy and mushrooms, but acid was too much for me. I was tripping my face off for approximately 27 hours. To say the least, it wasn’t pretty. I was with Deena, my childhood best friend and Jessie, my college suitemate my freshman year. Jessie and I wanted to take Deena to the Limelight in Manhattan for her first big club experience. We wandered around the city like lost morons and were tripping so hard that once we got to Penn Station we were climaxing and couldn’t even read the signs enough to get on a train to go home. I totally remember it as an anxiety dream, the one when I’m trying to talk to someone and I lose my voice, or I can’t write because my vision is blurred. I always have dreams that I’m trying to shout out to someone and they can’t hear me. That night the anxiety dream was my reality. We were in Penn Station for hours terrorizing civilians. Or shall I say I was terrorizing civilians, especially when some stripper started taking off her clothes to music and I completely freaked out.

I started screaming to her that she was exploiting herself and that she should stop before she lost every ounce of self-respect. Okay, I know, not a good idea (I guess now is a good time to mention I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and I had only been in New York for a couple months. That should explain some things). It gets worse. Seeing that I was getting absolutely no response from her, I turned to the voyeurs and started shouting at them. “Perverts! How can you do this to this poor woman?” I was sounding like a Jew for Jesus. They were probably totally expecting me to whip out a rainbow of brochures that list the positive aspects of joining a cult. Then it got messy. The police came and kind of just observed the surreal situation. I, of course, berated the cops with insults for not stopping the little show.

I must admit that it must have been difficult to take me seriously. Let me describe my outfit, please do keep in mind that I was eighteen at the time. I was wearing a black babydoll dress with flowing sleeves. Sounds normal, but I’m not done. I was also wearing Dr. Seuss “Cat in the Hat” big black and white striped tights with outrageous platform go-go boots. Oh, I was quite a sight to see. But that was what I looked like before I left the club. After the club, in Penn Station, I was wearing my guidette roommate’s black leather trench coat that I borrowed because my coat was stolen at a bar. I also had layers and layers of blue and purple streamers wrapped around my neck like a boa that I had ripped down from the Cha-Cha lounge in the Limelight when they closed.

That night, the Cha-Cha lounge was celebrating something or someone, and it was decorated with blue and purple streamers. The transvestites would part the streamers like velvet curtains and strut their stuff down the imaginary catwalk. Jessie, Deena and I had been following dogboy all night, this beautiful gay man who walked on all fours while being whipped by a huge transexual dominatrix. Jessie and I were completely intrigued by him, especially when dogboy’s master would instruct him to vogue. We loved it. When the lights disappointedly came on at the end of the night, I knew I wanted to take the magic of the Cha-Cha lounge with me so I tore down the streamers and wore them around my neck for the rest of the evening, or shall I say morning.

So, we go to the club expecting another innocent night of dancing and drinking “smart drinks.” We sit down in one of the rooms and some skinny little guy wearing baggy pants and a sleeve on his head whispers one-by-one in each of our ears, “acid, acid.” We all just sort of blankly stare at each other and without even discussing it, come to an agreement. I pipe up, ignorantly not knowing if it would be ten dollars or a hundred dollars, “How much will it cost us?” The sleeveboy grinned and slapped his right palm in front of my face like a bad mime.

“Only five dollars?” questioned the streets-of-Philly-educated Jessie. “Sounds too cheap to be true.”

“Nope,” said the sleeveboy. “One hit each for five bucks, and it’s a bonus cause they’re double-dipped.”

We all just kind of looked at each other for a few seconds, nodded and got out our money. Keep in mind that the three of us were completely ignorant to the drug world. Yeah, we had smoked pot, but that was really the extent of it. No mushrooms, no ecstasy, no nothing, yet. We had never done a hallucinogen and had no clue how it was going to affect us. We turned to the sleeveboy, as he kindly administered little pieces of paper on each of our tongues, as our only ally, our teacher, our mentor, if you will. We asked him everything. When would we feel it? Would we get sick? Would we see trails? Oh, we were just a bundle of questions. He must have hated us. Somehow, he stuck with us, though. I think he was trying to hook up with Jessie, which always helps. Anyway, a good hour went by and none of us felt anything. I got frustrated and went to drink at the open bar party in one of the VIP rooms.

I sat there, sipping a screwdriver, watching beautiful gay men gyrate each other, when it hit me. Its hard to pinpoint the exact moment I knew I was tripping, just that it hit me all at once. I rushed through the ocean of people to find my friends. I got back to the room where I had left Jessie and Deena with the sleeveboy. Jessie was dancing around in circles and Deena was just staring straight ahead. When Jessie saw me she squealed in excitement. “You’re back! You’re back! She’s back! Are you tripping too?” Jessie said as she danced circles around me. “Deena’s was a dud. She’s not tripping.”

I turned to Deena. She was sitting calmly on the bench staring at me. “I’m not tripping. Mine was a dud.” I turned to the sleeveboy for assistance. He nodded to me and whispered, “Yo, I’ll take care of her if she ain’t flyin’ in a half hour.” Enough said for the time being.

We decided to explore. The sleeveboy had rallied up a little army of sleeveboys for our expedition: Alex, George and Terence. We wandered through the rooms of the Limelight, in a hand-in-hand train, enjoying the atmosphere. Jessie kept chanting, “I can’t stop dancing. I can’t stop dancing.” and Deena kept muttering “I’m not tripping. I got a dud.” Jessie and I were off our rockers. We were pointing at Deena and laughing calling her a dud. We meant it out of love. We wanted her to trip too. We begged master sleeveboy to giver her another hit. He did, and let me tell you, she had barely sucked the stamp off the piece of paper before her eyeballs looked cartoon.

The three of us wandered into the bathroom. I guess I should premise this by explaining what the Limelight ladies’ bathroom was like at the time. It was basically a freak show; men, women, sex in the stalls, transvestites, lots of transvestites putting on makeup. It was quite a sight to see. So the three tripping daisies enter the bathroom and I glance in the mirror at my reflection. Big mistake, huge mistake. I distinctly remember looking in the mirror and seeing me face covered in red pimples. It looked so real, I stood in front of the mirror with my hands on my face, screaming, “Oh my God! What happened to me? Look at my fucking face!! I have acne!! Lots of acne!” I turned to Jessie. Her mouth dropped, “ohmygod, Janna. They’re there. I see them!”

It was like a scene out of an oxy commercial, aside from the drag queens and the guy in the gimp mask. I totally freaked out. The drag queen sitting on the counter next to us, observing the whole scene grabbed my hands away from my face. “Sweetie, ya on something, aren’t ya? It’s the drugs, sweetie. You have beautiful skin.” Her soothing words broke the spell. I turned away from my reflection and focused on the drag queen, my God she was weird looking. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against transvestites, in fact 90 percent of the time they’re beautiful and glamorous. Not this one. She really looked like a he, minus the makeup, wig and women’s clothes. She had a five o’clock shadow as well as abnormally large cheeks, which she later explained was from a recent oral surgery procedure. She pointed her long fake blood red painted fingernail at me and exclaimed, “you, you like Brooke Shields!” She was obviously on something too. She then pointed the finger at Jessie, “You, you look like… Not Jennifer Blue, not Jennifer Green, but Jennifer Grey, yes, Jennifer Grey!” She was so excited with her epiphany about Jessie that she leapt of the counter and skipped out the door without a word.

the three of us continued our prancing until closing time. Lost when the lights came on and everyone had left, we stood in the middle of the empty, blindly lit dancefloor, watching the janitors sweep away the trash. Somehow we found our way into the back of a cab. As usual, the cab driver was bantering in some other language over the radio. To the paranoid idiots that we were, this meant he was “on to us” and that he was taking us straight to the police station. We really believed that, too. I don’t know who out of the three of us actually had enough sense to tell him we were going to Penn Station, but somehow we made it. Little did we know that making it there was the least of our problems.

You must consider this – we each took a double-dipped hit of acid, Deena took two, which meant that we were peaking in Penn Station. We were tripping so hard that we couldn’t comprehend the signs or schedules that would tell us which train we needed to get home. We tried waiting in line, but that definitely didn’t work. We were 100 percent unable to communicate with strangers. So, what did we do? We walked around Penn Station for four hours, completely lost. That whole stripper ordeal happened towards the end of our stay at Penn Station. Just when I was about to issue a second round of insults to the apathetic police officers, Jessie ran up to me screaming. “Guess what? Guess what? Kim’s here!”

“What? No way.” It didn’t register in my mind. Kim was one of our best friends from school. She hadn’t gone with us that night because she had already made plans with people in her dorm. Kim was the best. We loved her. So anyway, I turn to where Jessie is pointing. Low and behold, I see Kim in all her strawberry blond combat-boot-wearing glory stomping towards us.

“Janna!!! What do you have around your neck, darling?” Kim pulled me into an embrace.

“We’re saved! We’re saved!” I chanted over and over again.

“Better question, since when do you wear leather pimp coats?”

I didn’t have an answer for her. In fact, I didn’t talk much until we got back to school. The train ride home was the longest commute of my life. It felt like a lifetime. Once we were finally safe back at campus, it was about 7 in the morning and, needless to say, we were all wide-awake and still tripping our faces off. We decided to prank people, let them in on our condition. Again, not smart. We danced around the room a little. I decided I wanted to try on Deena’s new boots that she bought with me the previous afternoon. Deena wears a size 5 shoe. I wear a 7 ½. So, this obviously didn’t make much sense. I managed to wedge my left foot into her tiny little boot and found myself in such excruciating pain that I quickly tried to pull the boot off. Yep, you guessed it; the boot was severely stuck. Deena tried pulling it off; Jessie tried pulling it off. No dice.

I decided to ignore the pain so we could leave the room which appeared to have lost its walls in a severe nuclear meltdown and visit some of our friends in another building who were more than willing to entertain three tripping freshmen girls. It was already about 8 AM. So, I put a sneaker on my right foot and hobbled around with my left foot jammed in the cowboy boot. I wobbled across campus with my cowboy boot peg leg. My luck, the three of us run into one of my nerdy Communications 101 study buddies. We exchange polite hellos when I notice Jessie staring in disgust at my study buddy’s face. She starts pointing at her face and screaming, “Oh my god! Her face is covered in spiders!” I grabbed Jessie’s arm, wobbling away towards our friend’s room.

I think I’m going to stop with this night. Enough already. You guys get the gist, right? The way it ended – Jessie couldn’t stop dancing till about 10:30 that night. I eventually got the boot off, and all three of us had backaches and ringing in our ears for a week. That’s it – my only acid experience – enough material to give me a good story, not enough to make me ever want to do it again. You want to talk ecstasy tales? There aren’t enough pages in this magazine. I’m tired anyway. Goodnight.



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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Originally posted by cazz926:


I also thought it might be 'fun' to spice up my boring high school chemistry class until that chart melted off the wall. Then I had English class, the teacher called on me to read an E.E. Cummings poem, and I couldn't figure out how. I was excused.


high school and acid don't mix

I've tried it and ended up leaving after 15 minutes b/c I was just scared on the outcome of the day while tripping. On the way walking home I started to trip BYMYSELF the 20 minute walk was such a journey.

every van that came by I found myself walking into driveways ready to run thinking they were truants.

Finally got home and watched Ghostbusters?



When The Going Gets Weird...

The Weird Turns Pro

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--ducklings diving into the earth as a menacing army. (stepped out of that one real fast)

--rocks breathing

--lightening shooting overhead,along the sky

--our 'pee-spot'



I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Hmmm odd acid stories. Damn that's a hard one. Odd is so subjective.

i mean is it weird to go to the corner store in Jersey city on a Saturday afternoon to buy sunglasses and return walking to the afterparty, i was attending across the street from the store smoking a 2.5 foot tall glass hookah.

Or is it weird to trash your room just to smoke a joint in Detroit?

Or is it odd to steal the Canadian flag from a group leader of Canadian tourists and run away with it?

Is it odd to go to Great Adventure and use the souvenir cup to fill up with the On tap ketchup they have at Nathan's?

Perhaps it is odd to get in a chase at high speeds running form the sanitation cop in the Bronx

Perhaps playing blackjack in the Taj Mahal and only hitting if the picture cards waved at me and winning the whole time is odd.

Perhaps even dressing up as famous cult journalists and "becoming" them for the duration of a party is odd.

To tell you the truth tho, i have no idea.....



'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:


thats funny

mirrors tend to freak me out on acid I would end up looking at it for a good 20 minutes.

friggen shot out drank some nyquil earlier to sleep b/c I start werk again soon and my sleeping patterns is all screwed up.

but obviously that didn't werk?

and I'm sitting here bored and restless. I have many other acid stories just like j303j I could write a book on it.

but here's something fresh still in my head it's definitly not acid but still great times it happened 2 weeks ago at summer of love in vegas check out my sig those are some pics i had to make a animated gif fuck seattle vegas is silicone valley

mid way of the party I decided to take 2 hits right off the bat, back to back. Washed em down with the rest of my martini which was horrible due to the massive amounts of vermouth in it, but my drinking times are over, it's time to wig out.

An hour goes by and I'm tripping my face off on the two hits. I seem to have lost my cousin, which at that point I could care less. He was extremely tired b/c we were out the night b4 and he is working on no sleep, also he is sober, not counting the redbull and vodkas consumed in the past 3 hours, but compared to me he was straight.

So I ventured off on my own meeting new and interesting people from the West Coast, a lot of them coming from San Diego. I hooked up with this hot little Korean girl sumtime during the night, then all of a sudden she was gone too. I was going to look for her but found no reason too, in about 2 hours my flight will be leaving. So I made the best of it wigging out at this party. At 4am I popped my last hit, knowing I was leaving in about 45 minutes but didn’t care, just wanted to be in total ecstasy again. Tried looking for my cousin one last time, but after a few minutes I just said fuck it. I’ll see him in the hotel or if anything hopefully the airport?

When I finally left at 4:45 or so the line for taxis was all the way back to the casino and time was essential right now; I cannot miss this flight. So I went upstairs to the tramcar, which takes you too the Excalibur about ¼ mile away. Got upstairs just to see that there were around 100 people waiting for this thing, most of them from the rave.

I blurted out,

“What the fuck, everyone had the same idea as me?”

It wasn’t meant to come out like this, but I said it with rage and aggression. The thing is I really didn’t mean it like that, I was just stressing out and tripping balls. Everyone looked at me like a jerkoff. I felt like a jerkoff, I couldn’t stay there. I went back downstairs and ran top speed to the Luxor. Which of course there was a line there also for a taxi, but it wasn’t that bad. Finally got in a cab and thank god my cousin was in the hotel room, also made my flight on time.

On our flight we transferred in Salt Lake City Utah, home of fucking absolutely nothing. Waiting for my transfer flight someone announced technical problems with the plane and it is not to take off in another hour. Thinking fast we switched our flight to JFK. As I boarded this flight, I was not tripping but my head still had this empty feeling. It was hard for me to concentrate on any one thing. I wasn’t seated next to my cousin but instead a Portuguese couple that spoke no english. Which is good I didn’t want to talk to anyone. About an hour goes by, I am listening to a Neil Lanstrum tape in my walkman at it’s loudest, annoying the shit out of everyone around me. A stewardess comes around to ask what I would like for a meal. Pasta or steak was the choice. I selected steak and threw my headphones back on. I watch her go back and forth handing everyone the meal coming closer and closer to my seat. Finally she comes to my row, in one hand a steak meal and in the other a pasta. I’m sitting in the aisle seat; first she hands the pasta to someone across from me in the other aisle seat, After she puts the tray right above my head. I grab a hold of it, just for her to jerk it back towards her.

I was thinking to myself, what the fuck is she doing?

So I tugged on it again and she tugged back. A fucking tug of war with this tray 35 000 feet in the air, it made no sense. So I let go and she gives the steak to the immigrant in the window seat, I felt like a big dick. She comes back around with another steak tray. Now I don’t even want to touch this one it probably belongs to the lady next me, again the tray above my head but this time it really looks like she is trying to hand it to me. I don’t touch it I still feel stupid from what happened a minute ago. So she opens up my little table and puts my meal on it. I went from feeling like a dick to looking like an asshole. And it wasn’t like the tram car situation where I can just run off I had to sit there for the next 3 hours with these people.


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Originally posted by devine78:


smile.gif check this out I wasn't sitting with my cousin, but instead the the Portuguese love connection. Actually the whole plane was filled with foreigners everyone on that plane was basically transferring flights in JFK. Now me and my cousin are south east asian, we blended right in, we looked as if we were going to Manila maybe Vietnam or sumthing.(although I am quite tall) When we got off he told me when the stewardess came around to him and asked for his meal

he said,

"steak please"

But she didn't hear him so

she replied,


he says,

"no steak"

in such a cheerful way the way you would speak to a 5 year old child,

she says,

"yes pasta"

I know him, this next one he must have had such a confused look on his face responding,

"no steak?"

now the stewardess actually got mad,

and said in a disturbed tone,

"no steak right, you want pasta"

he told me after that response he freaked, started biting his lip and shaking his head like a mad man.

then responded whispering in an annoyed way,

"No Steak, I Want The Friggen Steak"



When The Going Gets Weird...The Weird Turns Pro

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Originally posted by darrellg:

yo Gonzo, can you cut and paste my story from the old post, i'm too lazy to type the whole thing over again.



Old Skool

Posts: 378

Gender: Male

Reg.: Mar 00

From: Jerzy, US muthafuckin A

posted 09-01-2000 01:43 AM


OK Here Goes, The Acid Story of all Acid Stories:

Limelight 1994 I was friends with two promoters who were throwing parties in LaLaLandia. The theme of these parties was that every week they would have a different "punch". Sometimes it was X punch, sometimes it was acid punch.

This week, it was acid punch. My friend Shady, the promoter, told me to look for him at 2:30 because that was when he was gonna start giving out the punch. He said he was gonna only give people a little bit, but he was gonna give me a whole cup.

At 2:30, after a full moon and a 40 jar of K, I look up and see a line of people with cups in their hands. I jump up and grab a cup and get on the back of the line. As soon as I get up to him, he looks at me and says "Shit Bro, where the hell were you? There's no more left." Then, he says "wait, here." Let me explain. The acid punch consisted of a glass Tropicana Orange Juice Container and a half sheet of acid. He flips the container over and smacks it on the bottom and the half sheet falls onto his palm. He rips off 10 of them and hands them to my friend Tom and gives me the rest. I look around and see people tripping off only the juice and think, "All the acid was probably sucked out of them." So i put the whole 40 hits in my mouth and start chewing. Remember, I'm X'ing my face off and you know how good it feels to chew shit when you're hit. So I just keep chewing, even after I start tripping, I kept on Chewing and finnally swallowed it.

6:00 and the lights come on. I'm tripping balls and my friends think I'm gonna die. I drove to the PATH train in Harrison, but was in no condition to drive. The friends who I took to the club found other rides home because they were afraid to go home with me (thanks guys) So my friend Tom says he'll drive my car home. Me and him go to The pool hall for a little while and I decided that there were too many god damn people there for me. We were waiting for the train and the walls were breathing, it was sick. We kept hearing this wierd moaning noise too.

We go back to his house and watch the best trippin' movie of all time:


That movie was SICK!!! It was still playing at theaters, but he had a bootleg copy.

11 AM, I go to work at the good old Post Office, Tripping my balls off. I thought this little Indian chick I worked with was an Alien. I kept playing Cranberries "Zombie" over and over and over in my car.

I tripped for three days straight. And for two days after that, every time I smoked, I would start tripping again. On the third day, I actuallly thought about checking myself into an insane asylym.

So that's why I'm One CRAZY MOTHAFUKA!!!






Club god

Posts: 1156

Gender: Male

Reg.: Jun 2000

From: Gaten Island Staten Island ,NY USA

posted 09-04-2000 08:55 AM




half a sheet is quite a lot

about 6 years ago, I attended a party named CYBERIA @ the thunderground in staten island, it was a local staten island thing, a real small party only basically about 200 people showed

the promoter made this punch with the mixture of X, acid, mushrooms, pills that his mother took, and fucked up vitamins he bought. due to expermenting with dust I do not remember anything about that night



When The Going Gets Weird...The Weird Turns Pro

[This message has been edited by gonzojournilist (edited 06-12-2001).]

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he told me after that response he freaked, started biting his lip and shaking his head like a mad man.

then responded whispering in an annoyed way,

"No Steak, I Want The Friggen Steak"

Now thats some funny shit




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