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Where's juiceboy

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I'm worried cwm31.gif

juiceboy, if you read this, I went to my grandma's and she sent some cannolis home with me...stop by later



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AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by blackhaus1:

I stole his IROC and tied him up in my room smile.gif

Just wait until he hears that I've been practicing sticking needles in guys butts...he'll bust out of there! AND...I bought a pimple popper! cwm32.gif

It's just not right to keep him all to yourself cwm27.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Just wait until he hears that I've been practicing sticking needles in guys butts...he'll bust out of there! AND...I bought a pimple popper! cwm32.gif

It's just not right to keep him all to yourself cwm27.gif

I'm sorry, its his BACne-it turns me on. Plus my mom makes some good meatballs, so hes aight...lol



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hey ladies why you making fun of me thats not nice.i'm nice to everybody,i thought i liked you guys,maybe i'll forgive you and let you cruise with me in my blk iroc-z with the t-topps down to the jersey shore this weekend'oh ya if your lucky i'll play the hottest new song out stranger in my house.

and i don't have pimples not everybody who juices does only people who use shit like d-bol or androl or if they have oily skin because of the oil base in juice. i finished a couple of weeks ago with only decca and primo this round,i'm must say i'm looking good 6ft3" 220 shreded

i been doing the same old routine everyday during the week.wake up eat my 15 hard boil eggs with gallon of water hit tanning salon then gym for chest,triceps,and back then back to salon then lunch 10 healthy pieces of grilled chicken then back to gym for biceps,shoulders,andttraps,then back home wax the car while blasting my nyc underground party mixed by ktu own louie devito.i can't get enough of sanstorm.then dinner a lot of protien and carbs then take my cap o g and pass out.

now i'm ready for the weekend hitting tempts tommorow taking about 10 caps of g and going to rule that dancefloor.if anybody wants to meet up i'll be the one with no shirt on.if you want to meet up before hand and pre game at my shore house pm me but bring a spotter because we practice safe liffting before we get all ripped up for tempts.oh by the way did i tell you guys about my blk iroc-z with t-topps.oh ya for the girls i'm currently single.

thank you

your friend



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Originally posted by juiceboy:

then dinner a lot of protien and carbs then take my cap o g and pass out.

now i'm ready for the weekend hitting tempts tommorow taking about 10 caps of g and going to rule that dancefloor.

Check it pal - g before the dinner is da bomb. Drop a bit on empty stomach, and as you're startin to swirl, hit the carbs and you'll be smooth until you finish up the heavy stuff and then you're good sleepin for a couple of hours, wake up like a million. And I'm just a little guy in a big man's gym, so I'm still messin with the precursors, but 5 caps of androdiol before all that sets me up - ladies beware, yeah!


In G We Trust

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Oh juiceboy please don't be upset. I wasn't making fun of you at all! I thought you needed someone to give you needles and pop your pimples but...I must be confusing you with someone else, njguido maybe? Where is he by the way? Have you seen him at Tempts lately? I thought I saw his Monte Carlo cruising the strip in Seaside last weekend.

I meant what I said about the cannolies and please don't be mad. We are still your friends and were not making fun of you. Maybe when you stop by we can go out in the IROC.


BTW, you're single? What happend to your girl? Did you get mad and punch her Dad?

OK bye cwm38.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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cathyo you know your still my best friend on the board but blachhaus is on your ass.

i think njguido69 od ed at surf club opening week.that dumass didn't listen to me i told him make sure you take some k with your g when you plan on downing 20 caps.

anyway did anybody hear that new song castles in the sky. i hope jp remixes a 45 min version.got to go to sleep now waking up early to cruise down seaside early. me and my boys are gbque tons of fat free food and g on tap all are welcome.then we will hit tempts chant are theme song of the night umpa lumpa how many caps of g till you drop.

thank you

your friend



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  • 5 years later...

hi cathyo i'm back from caly. i drove cross country in my black iroc-z with t-topps and braw. i have this new underground track u will love by cascada it's called everytime we touch. it is insane. i woke up early this morning to hit the gym and go tanning got to get ready for new years. i'm short on needles if u can help me don't worry about g i have enuff for a couple of weeks wait did i tell u about my black iroc-z with the t-topps and braw yet? i hope i see u soon we can meet up and have lunch i know a nice little italian place in bayyone.let me know i will pick u up with my black iroc-z with t-topps and braw and maybe u can needle me up.

your friend




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