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SexOnThaWeekdays Or SexOnThaWeekends?

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Goddammit people!!! It'z not both!!! Both iz not a damned opshone!!! It muzt be one. Or ze other. Do not mix zese two up and get zhem twiz-ted. Zhou know? Ok, now. Let us twy zis onze again.

ZexOnZeWeekdayz Or ZexOnZeWeekendz?


"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . . asthanos.gif

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

AIM - Gre1P


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Originally posted by daveespa:

SEX 24/7!!!!!!!!!!

I have to agree with daveespa!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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Does it even matter?


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

music: indispensable component of life... recognizes no limits and no confines... uniting black with white, young with old, and the good with the bad.

Do you want another taste of my ice cream?

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