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It happens every now and then

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It happens every now and then

The heavens emit false erections

With our mouths wide open, we swallow these perceptions as orgasms

Fondling my nuts like the sun atop horizons at dusk, we fuck, me, the Earth, and the sky, the afterbirth of a God's whisper

Who gives the jitters when a tongue flickers tastebudded whiskers on pink pussycaps

Only the oldschool cat that taints morals with dickslaps



Who the fuck be this drifter, the giver of shameless bliss, the forecaster of creamed thongs, the owner of platinum bongs and golden cannabis smoke?

WHAT THE FUCK, BE YOU DEAF? Have you not inhaled my scent?

Your erection is but dead in my Pinocchio silhouette

I am the blush in your pussy

Who had the liberty to envy my dignity

Only the lucky

Only the lucky charmed my third arm

Polish my mushroomed-fist with a kiss of your dripping lips

Horny I be like a rosy bush

Like Sumo, I push

And push

And blow your labia down to the ground to its knees—it’s lips

Boned like a skeleton

Consuming tear-moistened cheeks, I devour her meat…to the bone


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You call that poetry?? This is poetry:

and so I lay there?panting in the heat of the pure extacy that was tearing through my body?like liquid sunlight was pumped into my veins?my eyes trying to take in the wonder of my surroundings?my body moving as I quivered with raw energy?molten steel?solid ice?all within me at once?from far away came sounds?music?music so sweet it filled the air with a magic honey?a honey that dripped from my tongue and left me dying for more?and amidst it all I turned to see her?and had I thought I had known true beauty before?had I thought that I had been in love before?everything changed?my heart racing within my chest?my brain whirling as my eyes ran over her body?drinking in every curve?every inch?every change of color?oh the color of her?eyes?blue so clear that I had no choice but to dive in?so compelling was her stare that I gave her myself at the first glance?and as we touched?no words can describe what I felt?something more electric than lightning?more powerful?and as the energy ripped through me?I could feel a rising surge within her?heat from her body washed over me in waves?glorious waves of perfection?of poetry?of her?and as my hands worshiped the lines of her body did I feel for the first time?something more perfect than anything my imagination could devise?skin softer than silk?softer than a summer breeze that passes over two lovers?so perfect?and quickly did I wrap myself in her?twining arms and legs into such?that our bodies were one?music?poetry?artwork?divine creation did we become?and then came the first kiss?and my heart raced so hard I thought it stopped?pure energy of love?pure extacy?tongues and lips meeting only to part a moment later?gasping for breath?for everything I am I put into that kiss?my heart and soul and body?my everything?and so did she?total unflawed passion racing into each other?thought escaped me?words and the knowledge to speak them fleeting from my mind as we became?and still moving hands stroked every nerve as we rested?so that our break still sent ripples of?love?through my body with every finger touch?and to lay there thinking about that kiss?to relive it within my mind and body over and over?while she did the same?both of us building up the nerve to try again?to risk again the rush that seemed to steal our very souls?but the passion of our bond would drive us on?and so did we let mouths meet again?and not one second of it less than the first?intensity so strong it tensed every muscle in my body?so pure that white flashed in my head?as though hit by something stronger than ever I had known?love?no?Her Love?and oh did I give her my heart that night?and my soul and body and everything else that makes me?how I wanted to speak?to tell her the love that filled me more completely than anything I had ever known?but not only did I give my all?she gave as much?for in all great things of the heart?all things are equal?and now do I carry within me all that is her?and cherished do I hold them?her heart before mine?her thoughts before I bother to consider my own?she shall always come first?her happiness?for hers is mine?and never have I been more entranced by any one thing?so simple to love someone?and so amazing the return?so marvelous that words will never describe that night?and only with her will I recapture it?and so I lay here?remembering ?waiting to see her again?wanting to see her again?knowing that with her all things are possible?for her I can do anything?and now?I dream.

Sweeps me off my feet every time i read it...


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

music: indispensable component of life... recognizes no limits and no confines... uniting black with white, young with old, and the good with the bad.

Do you want another taste of my ice cream?

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Funny, never called anything...'poetry'

Never labeled your rhymes...monotony

Never hijacked an asscrack for dollar stacks

Never wiggled my stick like a prophet

What I did done did WAS prolific

Just one hit of my dick vein you'll witness

What I am will be and always shall be seen

I am the memory of your fallen poetry

Not that your shit IS shit

But a poet knows the difference and stays silent

For every word turns to verbs in a certain context

Every mattress that I freak on gets wet

Every drop that I spit is milky substance

Drink my beverage for a decent boneage


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Originally posted by cathyo:


do you still lurk saint? or is this a special appearance? tease...

I lurk towards special appearances wink.gif

Sup sup. Just trying to get back into doing normal things. Been crazy busy doing poet-type-stuff. Almost finished my first book...almost...shit. Anyways, I've been out of the whole club scene for ages trying to get down to business, and I'm almost ready to get back into things. You'll be seein me around...Saint!!!

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Im sorry... I really didn't mean to say you cant write poetry... I thought it was really good.. It was more in response to they guy who said that girls would be turned on by your poetry.

I neglected to clarify that in my post.


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

music: indispensable component of life... recognizes no limits and no confines... uniting black with white, young with old, and the good with the bad.

Do you want another taste of my ice cream?

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Saint---you got some skills. I like your style. Not too swirly and just gritty enough.

Thanks for that.


(((((((Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the light))))))Dylan Thomas (Even early 20th century poets hated to leave the club)....

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves.

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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You have been missed. Back at the right time, too.

Where's Tupac?


I'm mean when I wanna be mean...I travel when I want to get away...I shout when I want to shout...I get high when I wanna get high...

Cuz I'm a woman...I'm a woman

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May you continue to encounter many such sources of poetic material. I think I will want to be insipired tonight like that too.


"Tragedy absorbs the highest musical ecstasies,

and thus brings music to a state of true perfection"

F. Nietzsche


G L O W G O A T S!

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