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The start of a good weekend turned bad!


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Well Here I was HAppy as @#%#@^% WOOT started my weekend on Thursday Muahahahah:D . Well Friday comes ...had a Great Time in Space DJ was Like WHAT! MAn His sets where of the hook...and I did not mind that The Dam horn only went off like 4 times the hole nite...Well that I can Recall....A measuring stick you all can use if u want to see if u are having fun in a club is if u cant recall how many times the Dam Horn has gone off!....I swear FLA should have a DJ law Cant blow the horn more than 1 time ever 3 hours or etc,.....First time i heard that horn i hit the deck thinking F-16 where on the way or a nuke attack. NYC DJ have been outlawyed to blow the horn and have been know to be killed...Well back to the story like I said Weekend started great...but WTF is with people IN SFLA and driven?? Stupid person cuts me off causes me to go onto on comen traffic while rainning thats always a plus..But Then thanks Crash.. MY DAM Drive shaft! and some other shit breaks all i know ...No Drinks that nite no music just a set of wet clothes and no fun and a nice repair bill......Thanks so much mr i cant drive.....Next nite I Go to a Movie Theater thinking sure good time BAH BLEH blasted rain causes movie theater to loose power......

My Great Weekend lol

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I have driven in foreign countries, and various cities around the country. miami has to be, the worst city of them all, to drive in. rude, ignorant, and aggressive drivers. my car, which is not even a year old, has been hit three times. amazingly, on all three occasions the car was parked. wtf… I think I’ll buy a tank ; next time around.

peace, sobeton

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Ya chk this out goes up to the Ford dealer excuse me but how much are Sherman tanks these days??? Or Hummers???? I would like to be the hummer with the 50 Cal. ....Why 50 Cal??? To shoot who ever gets to close to my car etc.....


Man I thought NYC driven was bad! Lived there 24 + years and well ...If and when they cut u off at least the tell u F U. or something..

Driven In Japan Korea and Haiti and never never never seen so many dum ass drivers till i got to FLA....

Want to adopt a new law if you are a stupid or a Ignorant driver can we please put like a sticker on there car saying " Stupid Driver"???? Now there is an idea.:idea:

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Originally posted by soldado

Well Here I was HAppy as @#%#@^% WOOT started my weekend on Thursday Muahahahah:D . Well Friday comes ...had a Great Time in Space DJ was Like WHAT! MAn His sets where of the hook...and I did not mind that The Dam horn only went off like 4 times the hole nite...Well that I can Recall....A measuring stick you all can use if u want to see if u are having fun in a club is if u cant recall how many times the Dam Horn has gone off!....I swear FLA should have a DJ law Cant blow the horn more than 1 time ever 3 hours or etc,.....First time i heard that horn i hit the deck thinking F-16 where on the way or a nuke attack.

Why must they blow that godawful horn? Here's a poll, does *anyone* actually think that thing is cool?

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