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Very Sad at the shore......

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Do people on this board have to argue over everthing. You are turning something so serious into a pissing match. Have some respect. Someone died who cares if people feel some type of emotional tie with that individual. I do and I didn't even know the guy. I lost one of my cousins to a DWI accident so I can sympathize. So if you have nothing positive or encouraging to say keep to yourself. Sorry for the outburst but I felt that it had to be said.


Well said nabuc1 and sorry for your loss
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I thank all for the good points, I guess I will take back that hateful wish I just got a little fired up, it was an immature thing to do, by the way I normally don't post here because of all the negativity, and that was proven once again when a serious issue got turned into a pissing match but look to who started it for the negative person. I'm outta here to try to enjoy a weekend at the shore, Peace to all even Saynotodrama.

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Originally posted by thepulse

I thank all for the good points, I guess I will take back that hateful wish I just got a little fired up, it was an immature thing to do, by the way I normally don't post here because of all the negativity, and that was proven once again when a serious issue got turned into a pissing match but look to who started it for the negative person. I'm outta here to try to enjoy a weekend at the shore, Peace to all even Saynotodrama.

HEY WAIT...You didn't tell me where to meet your two girlfriends... I'd LOVE to meet them, so I can "BITCH SLAP" some SENSE into them!

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Originally posted by saynotodrama

PLEASE........ Ever notice how when someone dies, EVERYBODY becomes their best friend.:rolleyes:

I don't know why people do this, but so many do...like you saw the person in 7-11 last weekend, they smiled at you, the next week something terrible happens and you're all of a sudden friends with the kid! "I knew him, I was friends with him!" SAVE IT! ...It's horrible to try to get attention out of someone elses MISFORTUNE or even Death!

..........Sayno - I am so with you on this one.....

Okay first of all I HATE it when people try to gain attention from a horrible tragedy.

Second - what does he mean "we couldn't stop him". I would seriously go down fighting to get the keys out of the hand of my friend if they were in no condition to drive. I would rather they hated me for the moment than not be around the next day

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:mad: :worry2:

Ok I just have to say that is disheartening that I have simply posted a message in all sincerity and it has turned into this boxing match.

I seriously just posted this with the intent to inform those whom may have not known and also to just tell everyone to be careful in there travels.

Is it possible to just say your peace and not argue....this is not a who you know war. People are just trying to be respectful.......

This is a perfect example of people sweating the small stuff.

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His name is Jeff Burstein and he was a 25 year old Newlywed. He grew up in Beachwood and was an athlete throughout his, now, short lived years.

It's a tragedy that a person that young had to die because another person decided to be irresponsible and get behind the wheel of his car.

This is the second person from my childhood years that has lost their life to a Drunk Driver.

His wife is left a widow at such a young age. Their future together is for Kerry to go through life wondering what it would've been like to have children and to grow old together watching their grandchildren.

His parents are left to pick up the pieces and help their other son, Shaun, get through this difficult time. He was a passenger in the truck along with friend, TJ.

The night the accident happened was a horrible scene that left me terrified. I saw the yellow Xterra and wondered if it was Shaun not even realizing that Jeff could have been in the truck with him.

Sure enough the morning after, word got out that Shaun and TJ were in the hospital but that Jeff didn't survive the fatal accident.

How unfortunate that a good person was killed and the driver, whoever he is, decided to be immature and irresponsible and put other people's lives in jeopardy.

The next time you decide to get into a car and drive while intoxicated or a friend decides to drive, think of the innocent bystanders that could have their lives torn apart and not yourselves.

Was it really worth the couple of beers that has ruined so many lives?

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God there have been so many accidents lately around here. I live like 10 minutes away from Rt 37. Like 2 weeks ago a cop car hit a kid crossing the street and another accident..plus the kid that got struck by lighting on the same beach I was on.

How old was this kid. I heard he used to go to South HS?

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you cause a lot of drama don't you? By stating you knew someone in a tragic accident like this, you give a realization to others that this was a person and not just a name or statistic. Obviously he is not claiming to be best friends with the guy, but it hits him hard because he knew the guy.

A girl in my high school died in an accident this year...I barely knew her, but the fact that someone so young around me had died really hits you. It makes you think that it can happen to anyone you know or even yourself.

So please stop being corny, no one was looking for attention.

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