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I don't think that any of the fockers are smart enough to read your post, so all I can really think of saying is that you are still a whore in our minds. Sorry to bother you so much but you should really sit home and suck some cock like all whores know how. Thank you all!

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Originally posted by thefockers

I don't think that any of the fockers are smart enough to read your post.

;) Well - at least we have made some progress. May I suggest signing up for sin-sational's proper posting skills class 101. Classes commence on Sept 1. Shall I sign you and your loser friends up? This will help you in delivering much more meaningful posts - and to be able to properly SERVE!!


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hahahahahah.......thefockers....well ,,you really know how to make everybody laugh.........I'm sure that you look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.......anyway.,....why does everything you say begins or ends with we....who the fuck is we......what's the matter you guys can't afford each a computer.......don't bash the italians motherfucker........because you know that I'll find you.....if you don't want me to find you you better change your IP address.

you fucking moron......



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Originally posted by thefockers

The fockers don't focking know who sinsational is nor do we give a shit! So if you feel the need to kiss one of your cyber friends ass go ahead, just makes you look like the BIG WHORE that you are. Fock you!

And you improper use of the english language continues to amaze me and makes you look like the CLASS DUNCE!! Did you spend many hours with a dunce cap on in the corneer while attending school - because if you did that may explain WHY you CAN'T SPEAK!! UGH - talk to me when you get out kindergarten dear because I am having difficulty coming up with things that you may comprehend!! Now run along and go pull Suzy's hair, or tattletale on the other boys for throwing sand at you!! :tongue:

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Originally posted by ladybijan22

And you improper use of the english language continues to amaze me and makes you look like the CLASS DUNCE!! Did you spend many hours with a dunce cap on in the corneer while attending school - because if you did that may explain WHY you CAN'T SPEAK!! UGH - talk to me when you get out kindergarten dear because I am having difficulty coming up with things that you may comprehend!! Now run along and go pull Suzy's hair, or tattletale on the other boys for throwing sand at you!! :tongue:

Lady don't sweet it. You have to much class to deal with this shit. Just smile and let the monkey play.


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WE the focking fockers think that a lady has class and she does not go around flashing people! So if you are talking about class this Whore does not deserve that title. And anyway how the fock do you know if she is classy, what are you up her ass too? Nabuc you have kids why don't you teach them not to be like this hoooker!

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Originally posted by thefockers

WE the focking fockers think that a lady has class and she does not go around flashing people! So if you are talking about class this Whore does not deserve that title. And anyway how the fock do you know if she is classy, what are you up her ass too? Nabuc you have kids why don't you teach them not to be like this hoooker!

oh right, and *thefockers* are classy!! Now that's some funny shit!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Is that the best you can come up with - HOOKER and WHORE?? One would think by now you would be able to come up with better material than that - PATHETIC!!!

:idea: WE THE CLUBPLANET BOARD THINK THAT A POSTER SHOULD BE ONE THAT POSSESES CHARACTER, HUMOR, AND CREATIVITY - all of which you and your posse are lacking. So I am going to give you yet ANOTHER lesson - go post on the deeper board - you may find others a lot more like yourself there!!:eek:

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Originally posted by thefockers

WE the focking fockers think that a lady has class and she does not go around flashing people! So if you are talking about class this Whore does not deserve that title. And anyway how the fock do you know if she is classy, what are you up her ass too? Nabuc you have kids why don't you teach them not to be like this hoooker!

I kiss noones ass (maybe my fiences when I get introuble). Secondly the lady here has class, unlike you. Third your act is getting OLD. Give it up. You had your 15 minutes of fame now move along and let the next ass have his time. Forth, you still owe me a trick you fucking monkey.


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Let me say this again, WE the fockers don't give a shit what a whore/hooker says. And WE care even less what a Spic has to say about us. Face it you two cyberfriends are losers. WE the fockers rule all clubs we go to. So whore go flash some more and cuban nigger go take care of your kidssssss. Actually get married and then have kids!

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Originally posted by thefockers

Let me say this again, WE the fockers don't give a shit what a whore/hooker says. And WE care even less what a Spic has to say about us. Face it you two cyberfriends are losers. WE the fockers rule all clubs we go to. So whore go flash some more and cuban nigger go take care of your kidssssss. Actually get married and then have kids!

Focker you don't like spics? Why you mommy fucked a spic and then your half bred ass was born.

On the serious side don't mention my kid. I'll play games and talk shit, it's all fun. When it comes to my home life SHUT THE FUCK UP. You can make momma jokes and call me what ever. Don't ever talk about my son. I can be nice and play along. but don't fuck with that understand. That's a line that no one on this board has the right to cross.


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Originally posted by whataboutme

Although the skinny Indian is kind of rude--He is right about the Sicilians--The Moors (not Moops) invaded Sicily, Corsica and Spain during the early 700s A.D.--That explains why Sicilians have dark hair and dark skin while Northern Italians are lighter.

Anyway, now that the history lesson is over, what the fuck do I care because my family is from Naples.


Kermzy look at this person's screen name.......whaaaaa.......whaaaa:( :( :(

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Originally posted by thefockers

Hey cuban our mom did actually bang a spic, what does that have to do with my not liking spics. I really don't like spics, nigger or white trash.

You know what they say focker. You always hate what you fear.


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Originally posted by thefockers

Right lady you are so bright, you ho bag!

And here we have YET ANOTHER intelligent statement made by THEFOCKERS!! Is that the best you can come up with?? ACTUALLY, wait, let me answer that for you - YES IT IS YOU BIG WHORE!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by thefockers

I don't think that any of the fockers are smart enough to read your post, so all I can really think of saying is that you are still a whore in our minds. Sorry to bother you so much but you should really sit home and suck some cock like all whores know how. Thank you all!

I wouldn't usually involve myself in something as silly as this. But reading your posts really makes me laugh. Cannot you think of anything else to say except that she's a whore and she sucks cock. That just shows the level of your intelligence and witt. I do feel very very sorry for you, for you must be a very scorned, lonely loser. Go post your bullshit elsewhere RETART!!!!

:blown: :blown: :blown:

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