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Clubbers are to blame for the current state of nightlife and Twilo's death

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Clubbers, with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and posted warnings, have managed to put most of NYC's big nightclubs in disarray--and the closing of Twilo.

This is beside the fact that drug use leads to depression and permanent brain damage, and death at worst.

So now you have it, a fucked up clubscene. If you ever did any illegal drugs at any of these places consider yourself partially guilty and part of the problem.

It's about time somebody stated who's really to blame. And stay away from Vinyl, please.

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Originally posted by musicbeat

Clubbers, with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and posted warnings, have managed to put most of NYC's big nightclubs in disarray--and the closing of Twilo.

This is beside the fact that drug use leads to depression and permanent brain damage, and death at worst.

So now you have it, a fucked up clubscene. If you ever did any illegal drugs at any of these places consider yourself partially guilty and part of the problem.

It's about time somebody stated who's really to blame. And stay away from Vinyl, please.

I agree with only half of what you are saying.

Dealing, Dying and Public ODs brought Gulliani's heanch mob to Twilo..

But Drugs and clubs goes back to the times of Disco..

Hell the times of Elvis even or Jazz with Beatnicks..

Music and drugs IS NOT A NEW THING..

You are dreaming if you think it'll just go away!

It's the Overindulgence and lack of discipline and MODERATION that needs to be restated.

Respect=don't flaunt your use, Dont sell INSIDE clubs!

Have a good time any way that you see fit but know the limits..

that's all..


And keep the scene alive...

It's all about the music The rest are just details!

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It's a double edged sword. CLUBS get tough security the kids hate you, Clubs relax on Security City shuts you down. Fact ofthe matter is that you are respondsible for your own behavious and actions. I personally would not have laid blame on TWILO for the OD's I blame the people taking the drugs and the dealers. Only thing you can lay on TWILO was the actions they took after the kids were ODing. CLUBS are entertainment venues not babysitters. More "ADULTS" should realize that.

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yeh, true. It appears like clubbers are way too open about drugs today. And it harms the nightlife. I remember that consideralble amount of posts on Twilo Message Board was about drugs, and we know what it led to.

The thing I dont get though, why for example clubs like Exit, needless to say how many drugs are in there, having no problems, and Twilo goes...

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Originally posted by musicbeat

Clubbers, with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and posted warnings, have managed to put most of NYC's big nightclubs in disarray--and the closing of Twilo.

This is beside the fact that drug use leads to depression and permanent brain damage, and death at worst.

So now you have it, a fucked up clubscene. If you ever did any illegal drugs at any of these places consider yourself partially guilty and part of the problem.

It's about time somebody stated who's really to blame. And stay away from Vinyl, please.

No. Wrong.

Guliani's crusasde is responsible for closing down a club with no more and no fewer problems than any otherclub in the city. Exit is a great case in point. It is still open, why? Why are so many of the 'Upper crust' clubs unaffected? Maybe since celebs go, Guli doesnt want to upset them?

Rudy's a puritanical hypocrite, and it sounds like you're just one of his toadies. "Stay away from Vinyl"? STFU.

I wont argue with one of the points you very nearly made though. "Clubbers" need to quit exposing the clubs to the outside threat. Use common sense, dont flaunt your behavior if you intend to do something illegal. Would you run a red light in front of a cop? Speed by a sheriff at 80mph? Hellz no. Dont be doing bumps where you can be seen by undercovers, rolling around the clubs asking strangers for E, coke, K etc. Use your head.

Musicbeat, get a clue. Drugs have been a part of human culture before we developed writing, recorded our history, developed science, etc etc. The desire to alter our experience and perceptions is the rule, not the exception. Your puritanical rantings show you are most likely a self important 'joiner', holier-than-thou, republican.

Maybe it's time you go get ready for bed so you won't miss church tomorrow.

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I agree with Petrol. But I think there will never be an end to this, drugs will always be in clubs, no matter where you go. It's just part of life, and one person can't do anything about it. Only the people responsible for doing their share of illegal substances in plain sight are to blame. Petrol is right, keep whatever substances you are doing to yourself, don't look obvious, and don't screw everyone else over in the club not to mention yourself by ODing. Know your limits.

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Everyone who has taken a hit of E or railed a line of Coke, or bumped a piece of K, or sucked down a tab of acid, or drank a thing of G, or any other drug for that matter, in a selfish manner(meaning that they did it in an obvious state, with no care for the people & the party around them) all contributed to the closing of Twilo and the scene as wee know it today....

it is up to us, and ONLY US to turn that around, and become more

consious about that, and then and only then will the scene begin to take a turn back to basics...

myself included....

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Rudy's a puritanical hypocrite, and it sounds like you're just one of his toadies. "Stay away from Vinyl"? STFU.

how dare you to call me one of his toadies.... You misunderstood me. STFU too

the point i was making is exactly the one about keeping drugs related topics to yourselfs! It annoys the hell out of me when i see posts like "Best E" "things to do when rolling" etc. That gotta stop.

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Hey Petrol... I agree Guiliani might be overzealous in some areas but.... it was another club goer who called 911 and brought the cops to Twilo... to help 2 people OD'ing.... then it was Twilo who tried to hide them in the closet and keep the cops out... Don't you think that was a bad move?

And whoever was talking about the cabaret license... they lost their cabaret because of their other problems.....

I think the city needs to work with the clubs. The clubs are afraid to report problems cause they get in trouble. The city should work with them to avoid that. That could solve alot of problems!

Drugs arent goin anywhere.... but club kids could do LESS maybe... LOL

Not passing out on the stairs and having people step over you might bring less attention to the clubs!

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I'm listening madrusso.

If I misunderstood the content of musicbeat's post (or yours; you tell me) It sure as hell sounded like you/he was preaching total sobriety. While I'm behind the concept in spirit, I, for one don't care for it. Sure, I would love to live in a world where reality is so great I never want a vacation, but *that* just isn't 'realistic'.

Listen, I respect your possessiveness of Vinyl, I felt the same for Twilo, but that also is a load. You can't ask people to stay away from a club. All we can really hope is that people won't be fucking morons when they're in the club. To reiterate...

Peeps, use discretion. The drugs many of us take are illegal... enough ammo and a club gets closed, or like Vinyl, they lose their liquor license. Now that they have no license, they're under a hawks eye from the city.

In short, i agree with the plea. Lets not get our clubs closed. But you have to realize the city, the mayor, is targeting us, the 'poor' kids while turning a blind eye to the high-end clubs. And *that* is what makes Guli a hypocrite. And if you're not a toadie, then don't immediately fall in line with the party.

Use your senses. These clubs dont get closed because people are doing illegal things. Clubs are closed because they get targeted. Look around. Bars, clubs, restaurants... anywhere in this city can be a home for illegal activity. It 'the powers that be' who decide gets shut down.

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