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Surf Club

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Is it just me or has anyone noticed that even with a VIP card, you ALWAYS pay at least $10 to get in? I thought the back says FREE ADMISSION on regular nights???

The bouncer at the door was questioned about it being a special event and he replied, "Nah, it's just a regular night." He was then corrected by another worker saying..."You're supposed to say it's a special event."


Has any Sunday been free lately?


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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I have paid every Sunday that I've been there, whether it was 5 or 10. Not EVERY Sunday can be a special event..........I'd hate to see if were a REAL special event.

I so agree. One word for this kids.....



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lets see "Special Events" Playboy playmates, djs from Cancun, Live performances, a different guest dj every sunday from 9-2am all summer, Foam Parties, etc. These are all defined as special events. If they just had the same djs and nothing else going on, I'm sure there would be no cover. Surf Club by the way is not the only club charging vip card holders on their busiest nights!

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Originally posted by thepulse

lets see "Special Events" Playboy playmates, djs from Cancun, Live performances, a different guest dj every sunday from 9-2am all summer, Foam Parties, etc. These are all defined as special events. If they just had the same djs and nothing else going on, I'm sure there would be no cover. Surf Club by the way is not the only club charging vip card holders on their busiest nights!

Whassuppp you fucking tool?

Does the word jerkoff ring a bell? Oh wait, if you heard a bell that would mean you could distinguish between a musical sound (bell) and the sound of someone smacking wood (you getting smacked in the teeth). There's no love here at all for pricks like you so take a long walk on a short pier, DEEK!

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Originally posted by thepulse

lets see "Special Events" Playboy playmates, djs from Cancun, Live performances, a different guest dj every sunday from 9-2am all summer, Foam Parties, etc.

Honestly, with the exception of the guest djs, I wouldn't consider those other things special events.......more like excuses to charge more......

sadly enough, clubs like Exit and SF do the same shit with things like "Beach Party" or "Underwear Party".......it's bullshit IMO.

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As management of the Surf Club I would like to justify the reasons for the special event clause on the back of a VIP Card. First, think when was the last time a VIP card got you in anywhere for free. Period. This year at the surf we have tried to do things a lot different then we did in the previous years. Its called variety. Every week something or someone special that u won't get anywhere else. These things are not cheap. How much do you think a DJ from Cancun cost or any of the special guest DJs that we get. Do u honestly think the Foam is free at our Foam Parties? This all cost money and that is why there is a special event clause. Are u saying u would prefer the same djs every week for 10 hours every sunday. The one party we had nothing special going on people came in free with a VIP, June 17th. We give you variety more than u can say about any other club down on the shore. Not the same dj every week not saying the other clubs dont have great residents but we provide a difference. I hope you now understand why our VIP card does the same thing that every other VIP card does on the Jersey shore.

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Originally posted by smokee

Yo Ad...there's only one VIP card that works and that's the keychain. I know Tory & BJ & them have the keychains and they get in for free.

The cards are bogus!!


The VIP card I have gets me in without waiting on a line and special drink prices, with a discounted cover on "special events"! We are talking about friggin' 10 bucks here. What's the big deal? I copuld see if it was 20 but it's not.

The surf club is a shore main stay and will be for years to come. Unless the 7 story parking garage is built (remember that rumor).

YO STIGS!!!! Keep it real and keep up the good work!

p.s. 1) When is the Hawaiian tropic contest and

2) Did you guys hire Mulch back? I swear I saw him in uniform 2 weeks ago.



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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sha-sha

I heard a rumor that this is Surf Club's last yr. open. That it was sold and is closing down. Someone please tell me that i misinformed.

A builder went in front of the planning board and tried to get condos built on the site the board didn't like the idea becaue he would have to build like a 6 story building to recoup the money he spent on the surf club, the owner of the surf is charging a fortune for it... As of now and my mom checked into it for me (she is a realestate agent) no sale has been confirmed...

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Originally posted by goodfella73823

those vip cards are useless they should just get rid of them then.:knife:

That's really more the point of this post. Not to complain about $10.

Hell Factory/Twilo VIP cards used to mean something, but then went out when they started charging you even with them. Same should happen down the shore.


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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I do have VIP cards that I have used this summer, and never been charged. I agree w/ Addaboy on this one. It's not the 10 bucks, it just the point of the matter.

Variety is a good thing, but what happen to consistency too?

Point taken ladies/gentleman. How about a VIP card that seperates you from the ordinary joe. you know, as in VERY IMPORTANT PERSON.

STIGLIERO: Why not have a private entrance or a no line rule for the vip holders? I'd gladly pay the cover to not deal with the meat heads on line. what do you say? What about a reduced cover, say 50%. We all know the shit you do costs money, but we are drinking friggin' corona cans now for christ sake!

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Point taken ladies/gentleman. How about a VIP card that seperates you from the ordinary joe. you know, as in VERY IMPORTANT PERSON.

STIGLIERO: Why not have a private entrance or a no line rule for the vip holders? I'd gladly pay the cover to not deal with the meat heads on line. what do you say? What about a reduced cover, say 50%. We all know the shit you do costs money, but we are drinking friggin' corona cans now for christ sake!

I agree w/ you JBR. That's what I thought VIP meant. Last summer the most I paid to get into Surf was 5 bucks. I was there most holidays and mad Sundays. The Corona in can DOES blow. What are our bars coming too.........:blank:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Point taken ladies/gentleman. How about a VIP card that seperates you from the ordinary joe. you know, as in VERY IMPORTANT PERSON.

STIGLIERO: Why not have a private entrance or a no line rule for the vip holders? I'd gladly pay the cover to not deal with the meat heads on line. what do you say? What about a reduced cover, say 50%. We all know the shit you do costs money, but we are drinking friggin' corona cans now for christ sake!

JBR, Corona makes a can beer..WTF that should be against the law....I hate places that will not give you a bottle.....Drinking corona in a can is like drinking Beast or Buch in a bottle..Just ain't the same., LOL

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Saleen, are you going anywhere different this week? AZTEC tomorrow or RICH MEYER Thursday? Let me know so we can have a meet up!

The same meat heads I want to avoid on the damn line are the reasons I have to drink corona cans. They are also the dickheads who spend 175 on dom and pout it all over each other. MAKE THEM PAY THE COVER and give us VIP's a break for christ sake!

By the way, is BUCH beer that new lesbian Lager I heard about? LOL

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Point taken ladies/gentleman. How about a VIP card that seperates you from the ordinary joe. you know, as in VERY IMPORTANT PERSON.

STIGLIERO: Why not have a private entrance or a no line rule for the vip holders? I'd gladly pay the cover to not deal with the meat heads on line. what do you say? What about a reduced cover, say 50%. We all know the shit you do costs money, but we are drinking friggin' corona cans now for christ sake!

*applause* Now we're getting somewhere! Well said.


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i think the reason why coronas are in a can is because alot of people are walking around bare foot because of the beach. i can't remember seeing any coors light or any other bottle being served. i could be wrong but it doens make sense not to server bottles where everyone is pretty much bare footed:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

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I don't blame them for not having bottles. There are always fights in that place and All the MEATHEADS will be looking to start throwing bottles, hitting people with bottles, etc....You get the point......

As far as the VIP cards.......They are a waste ... They mean absolutly nothing.....

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Originally posted by stigeleiro

I am trying to create a huge party for all us messageboard junkies. So if u like the surf answer to Dave the Administrators post.

How about answering our concerns regarding the VIP cards and such. I think we have some valid and candid points that are worthy of a response. Also, keep up the good work on the variety!

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