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Thank God-there are some nice people out there!

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After being stood up by this asshole last night, losing my earings, spilling coffee on my shirt, and losing my wallet (with everything in it) this morning I was about to give up hope on all of humanity...

When I called to cancel my Discover Card, they told me that a woman called in to say that she found my wallet!!! I called her up and she was very nice and was sorry that I had already cancelled all of my credit cards...I'm going to pick up my wallet from her at lunch time. I would bring her something to show my appreciation- but ofcourse, I have no money:D :D

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You are SOO LUCKY!

A few yrs back I left my wallet at a WENDY's. I realized I left it when I walked into the office. Luckily it had fallen on the floor and the people siiting on at the table didn't see it. I never ran so fast as I did that day.

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Last summer I was living out in LA and a friend from home was visiting us. On his last night there we decided to head up to Hollywood for the night. We headed into Saddle Ranch, which if any of you know is always a great time, its a western themed bar, with a mechanical bull, you can get as rowdy as you want and everyone has a great time. As the DD that night I had a few drinks early on and then settled down to prepare for the gathering of drunken idiots and the drive home. Since the bars close at 2am there I started to look for everyone at about 1:30, as they had scattered all over the place by this time. I found most of them pretty easily except for one of my roommates, a guy I'd grown up with here in Jersey. After about 15 minutes I found him passed out on the bar, one of the bartenders dancing on the bar and pretty much kicking him in the head. I grabbed his hair and picked up his head, and was greeted by his infamous shit eating drunken grin and a garbled "Hey Stevo".

Now that I had found the elusive Jeff I turned around to gather the others who were milling about, trying to work some girls about 10 feet away. In the 30 seconds I did this Jeff somehow managed to disapear (I was later told by the mechanical bull operatror, a college friend of ours that he had been passed out on the bar for a half hour). As the bouncers have now shoved us outside we're standing on Sunset with about a 1,000 other people that had emptied out. I again look for Jeff, calling his phone, yelling his name, after a few minutes I found this girl we'd been talking to earlier who said Jeff was talking to her friend who "liked " Jeff. Thinking he was in good hands and frustrated at the him and the other lushes, I told her that they could have him and I'd pick him up in the morning. Thinking nothing of it I gather the rejects and load up and take them back to Manhattan Beach where they would be easier to contain in the late night mischief they would undoubtedly involve themselves with (and did).

This is where the story gets a little better. This girl couldn't contain Jeff either, and off he went on his own, stumbling down Sunset through Hollywood. We had a friend that lived on the other side of Hollywood that must have been his destination because that's where he was headed. As he was stumbliing along he passed a Denny's and in typical fashion decided that eating would be a good idea, as he walks in he bumps into a posse, this posse just so happened to be Ice Tea and his crew (we'd seen him out earlier), who had to jump out of the way, as Jeff, on a mission charged into this late night mecca. Upon his entrance, he's standing there and decides that since he's on his own he'll get it to go and eat at Ian's which is now only 2 blocks away (he'd walked about 2 miles at this point). He orders some food and is sitting there when the thought occurs to him that he might not have enough cash and he might have to charge it and do they have a minimum. As he reaches into his pocket a terrorizing realization occurs, that he'd lost his wallet.

Now still wasted he's unsure as to what he's going to do, he's starving and can see people all around him eating and it smells incredible. The thought occurs that he could take the food and just run and hope for the best. After pondering this thought for a minute he decides that this is undoubtedly the best course of action. As they call his name he quietly and somewhat calmly walks up to the counter just as he's about to take the food, a sober thought somehow creeps into his mind, "This is a really bad idea" and he turns and bolts. He can hearing the people yelling and laughing as he sprints down the street. A minute later he arrives at our friends apartment and starts ringing the bell for them to let him in, they're not there and so he reaches for his phone and for the second time that night realizes that he has lost a valuable possesion. After 15 minutes of trying to get into the apartment complex he spots an appealing 6 foot by 4 foot section of grass and decides that he'll lie down and rest for a few minutes. Needless to say within seconds he is completely out (its a pretty busy street, with people walking by all the time). About 2 hours later in our best reconstruction of the events he is awoken to the automatic sprinklers watering the grass and flowers.

At this point, the begginnings of a brutal hangover setting in, he wakes up and luckily someone is entering the complex and lets him in. As he arrives at the apt. now soaking wet Ian lets him in, not surprised mind you and asks, "So, that was you sleeping on the grass when I got home". Unsure and wasted Ian opted to leave him on the grass when he saw him.

The beauty of the story is that his phone was turned in to Saddle Ranch from someone who found it around 12, and some guy called his credit cards to say that he had his wallet, that his maid had found it that mornig when walking about a block from Saddle Ranch (the other direction from which he walked), with all its money, cc's and license. I guess someone must have decided he's had enough for one night.

This really restored my faith in humanity when it happened, proving that there are good people out there, not to mention one more story we laugh our asses off at every time its told.

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i watched my wallet once pass me by sitting on

my former seat on a PATH train headed from newport

to world trade center, and was in total despair.

not really knowing what to do, i walked home

(from newport to hoboken - about 2 miles)

and started filing through all my paperwork

to get phone numbers for all my credit companies.

figuring there might be some SMALL chance

someone saw me in distress in the platform

as i watched on in horror as i stared at my

wallet on the seat, i paid a visit to the lost

and found in world trade center, and it just

so happened that someone did, in fact,

return it to the lost in found in hoboken.

after verifying my identity by asking me

questions as to the exact contents of

my wallet, it was returned to me - fully

intact, no money missing.

it's really rare to experience this kind

of basic human decency but when it

happens, it's really Significant, and forces

you to realize "hey, maybe we're not all

out to screw each other over."

unfortunately i wasn't able meet the

person nice enough to go to the trouble

of dropping off my wallet to the lost & found...

he/she definate deserved thanks.

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Originally posted by NYCclub15

as for the guy...........fuck him........his lost!!!!! ;)

good shit......you see, there is a silver lining, among the many, many dark clouds........


come hang out with me tonight.....my treat......just don't forget to smile!:D


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