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PVD in Boston, a meet-up with your Boston/NYC/Where ever you are from friends!!

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Hey everyone, the big night is almost upon us.... Just wanted to set up a little meet-up inside of the club for everyone to get together. Since you guys where so gracious in inviting me down there for your ICE Bar meet-up I wanted to extend the same hand and get a little meet-up of my own together. As all you of that have tickets know Avalon does close at 2am sharp :( , so I am going to get there early as many of you should as well (9pm doors), since Avalon is not the most organized of clubs when it comes to big events such as PVD. But never the less, you will be guaranteed a good time, as they usually go all out in doing the club up and such... I know that some of you have been to Avalon before and most of you haven't but I am going to try and make the place to meet-up the easiest place possible. When you first come into the club you will walk in through like a tunnel thing, then you come into the main club, there will be a stage directly across the dance floor in front of you. On either side of the dance floor there are bars, you want to go to the side where there is a round bar, it will be to your right when you walk in. Go all the way to that bar and right before you can walk up onto the stage, I and a few other Boston people and hopefully all of you that are going will be standing there through the night. Avalon is not the biggest club in the world, so you will probably have no problems finding people you know....

So if who ever is going wants to drop me a little line on this post and let me know a little roll call, that would be great. So hope to see you there, can't wait to see all of you that I already know from the ICE meet-up, those of you who are going to Ibiza on the NYC trip (pre-Ibiza partying), and all of the new friends that I will be making Friday night....



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Sounds like a good idea! Myrlin, met you at the ICE meet-up! You will probably recognize me when I see ya! But about the stage they don't let people up there until a little later in the night, so go to the right of the stage right where you would walk up and I should be standing there, going to get there early so I will def. be there... See ya...

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Originally posted by prplhz

Go all the way to that bar and right before you can walk up onto the stage, I and a few other Boston people and hopefully all of you that are going will be standing there through the night. Avalon is not the biggest club in the world, so you will probably have no problems finding people you know....

So if who ever is going wants to drop me a little line on this post and let me know a little roll call, that would be great. So hope to see you there, can't wait to see all of you that I already know from the ICE meet-up, those of you who are going to Ibiza on the NYC trip (pre-Ibiza partying), and all of the new friends that I will be making Friday night....



I'll be there. Never met any people from any board, so this should be interesting. BTW, when are you going to IBIZA???!! I'll be there the 1st week of september!!!!

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I'm going, I'm going, I'm going....I just impulsively bought a tix last night, just could't miss out on all the fun....So now the question is----> Anyone have space in their ride for 1? I'm short so I'll take up very little leg room ;-) But however I get dere, I will see you all dere!

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Originally posted by nycx

I'll be there. Never met any people from any board, so this should be interesting. BTW, when are you going to IBIZA???!! I'll be there the 1st week of september!!!!

I will be there the September 12-18th with the Club NYC people, and you??

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