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25 members have voted


    • Yes. (It is could perserve those that should not be lost and help humanity)
    • NO..(It is a souless ..EVIL wasted science in an over populated world.)
    • Could care less..

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Well Mugz is no stranger to cloning..

a few months ago his ship hit space junk and he was pulverized..

luckely we where able to find remains of DNA on his headphones and cloned him..

(quite a standard procedure in Mugwumpia..reserved ONLY for those that work to better

the Mugwumpian race..in Mugz case I think it was just politics..ie: who he knew!)


So now that I've managed to pass Mugz after eating him and beamed him back up tio the Lab..(for Mugz clone #2)

I turned on the TV and on CNN there is a huge debate about Cloning!


Talk about concidences!

You humans have your ethical panties in a bunch over such a basic technology!

silly things...

and dreaming up all those scary Horror movie scenerios..!

What a pessemistic race!


So It made me wonder you CP guys feel about this science?


or just an inevitable leap in our technological evolution.

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Originally posted by sexybitchjenny

How so?

Real easy... you're screwing with human nature.......There are just to many what if's, in cloning humans....besides why bother? what's the purpose? It's not like we're fighting an intergalactic war...
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Originally posted by nitro449

Real easy... you're screwing with human nature.......There are just to many what if's, in cloning humans....besides why bother? what's the purpose? It's not like we're fighting an intergalactic war...

DNA is nature!


Our understanding of it is nature!


Our rights and abilities in itself to manipulate it IS nature!


How is science (the understanding and movement of nature) not NATURE?

Is the preservation of life NOT nature?

if controlled (as most genetic and medecine is now days) how can it be wrong..


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Originally posted by sexybitchjenny

DNA is nature!


Our understanding of it is nature!


Our rights and abilities in itself to manipulate it IS nature!


How is science (the understanding and movement of nature) not NATURE?

Is the preservation of life NOT nature?

if controlled (as most genetic and medecine is now days) how can it be wrong..



are you that niave that you think it could be "controlled"?

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Originally posted by PFloyd40


are you that niave that you think it could be "controlled"?

How many basement labs do you know that make test tube babies?

Or how many garage stem cell researchers do you think exist..

this isnt like making UNCONTROLLED substances with a home chem lab.

This an expensive technology..

that is no less scary than Test tube babies or Heart transplants..

Which are "controled" (in amore broad scientific defenition)


Humanity ALWAYS screams Evil at new medical breakthroughs!

If it where up to popular opinions we would still use leaches and bleedings!


Mugz is being cloned right as we speak..He'll jump in this thread once his memory of his life

clears up from the fog!

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Originally posted by sexybitchjenny

How many basement labs do you know that make test tube babies?

Or how many garage stem cell researchers do you think exist..

this isnt like making UNCONTROLLED substances with a home chem lab.

This an expensive technology..

that is no less scary than Test tube babies or Heart transplants..

Which are "controled" (in amore broad scientific defenition)


Humanity ALWAYS screams Evil at new medical breakthroughs!

If it where up to popular opinions we would still use leaches and bleedings!


Mugz is being cloned right as we speak..He'll jump in this thread once his memory of his life

clears up from the fog!

no its not like making chemicals in a basement..

but in no way does that in turn make it so easily controlable.. there are enough corrupt people out there that this would leak.. hell, we're selling weapons to countries, why not people..

yea!! we can sell the clones HAMAS and they can strap bombs to them and send em into Israel..


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

no its not like making chemicals in a basement..

but in no way does that in turn make it so easily controlable.. there are enough corrupt people out there that this would leak.. hell, we're selling weapons to countries, why not people..

yea!! we can sell the clones HAMAS and they can strap bombs to them and send em into Israel..



look the debate you got going in here...!

(I'm still pissed ff at you though for eating me!)

Umm.selling Clones?

Don't they already Sell babies?

it's called the Black market..!

wow talk about dark visions..

here's the deal..

CLONING is nothing more than a cellular reproduction of a perant for couples that can't have children..

It dosen't mean that it'll have the same brain of the perant!

It will just have GENES of that perant and be an exact copy.

That's all..

How's that like selling Bombs or making Nazi children?

I don't understand?

shouldn't the Parent have the right to deside what his or her child looks like..

and if he's healthy and disease free?

animal testing is TOTALY different from human clonning..

I've read up alot about this and know that it IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

and all paranoia aside..we WILL get use to it..

Just like the first Test Tube baby that lives today is no longer a sensation..

so shall Cloning be just another example of our understanding of our molecular make up.

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Originally posted by mugwump

shouldn't the Parent have the right to deside what his or her child looks like..

and if he's healthy and disease free?

wanna play god?

It will just have GENES of that perant and be an exact copy.

That's all..

yea man!!

thats all!! we can create perfect people!! the perfect human race!! blonde hair blue eyes baybee, its hitler's vision finally realized!!

how is it like selling bombs?

well, jenny seems to feel it will be so easily controlled.. i made a comparison to weapons b/c there is big money involved.. obviously not all countries have this ability to generate clones, as this country does.. therefore, selling to those less scientifically advanced as us, would also mean big money..

shouldn't the Parent have the right to deside what his or her child looks like..

you can't be for real...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

wanna play god?

yea man!!

thats all!! we can create perfect people!! the perfect human race!! blonde hair blue eyes baybee, its hitler's vision finally realized!!

how is it like selling bombs?

well, jenny seems to feel it will be so easily controlled.. i made a comparison to weapons b/c there is big money involved.. obviously not all countries have this ability to generate clones, as this country does.. therefore, selling to those less scientifically advanced as us, would also mean big money..

you can't be for real...


these are the same arguments of infetral fertillization..

Suprise dude:


And even if you take a religiouse perspective than what do you think of this question:

If God gave us a brain and is omnipotent then it is also GODS plan that we have the ability to concieve Cloning!

genetics =s Natzis?

well that's what the Vatican claims!

Eugenics=genetic research?


This goes in the same boat of abortion and the right to choose!

If it's available to a mother why can't she deside what her child will look like..

We have already done this with many animals;

It's called "breeding" producing desired results through long term selective breeding..

Hitler had reasons for selective breeding...

But I think they are about as far removed from an infertile couple's intent of having a cloned child!

How drastic do you wanna push paranoia?

How do Holocausts and genoside fit into the argument of cloning?

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Mugwup posted :

It will just have GENES of that perant and be an exact copy.

DOn't tell me you believe everything that they tell you about cloning?

Yes, right now , they probably say all the positive things about cloning ppl and how it will help humanity, etc...

But they have no clue (or if they do, they dont want to reveal it)

on what cloning will be like in the future and what purpose it is going to be used for. You never know whether or not some big corporation has alternative motives for cloning in the distant future.

Use your imagination!, cuz there are probably a shit load of smart ppl using theirs to think of some wierd things that cloning could be used for.

You have to realize that science and technology are not only used for good things. There are a load of bad and destructive things that got created by s&t.


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Originally posted by mugwump


these are the same arguments of infetral fertillization..

Suprise dude:


And even if you take a religiouse perspective than what do you think of this question:

If God gave us a brain and is omnipotent then it is also GODS plan that we have the ability to concieve Cloning!

genetics =s Natzis?

well that's what the Vatican claims!

Eugenics=genetic research?


This goes in the same boat of abortion and the right to choose!

If it's available to a mother why can't she deside what her child will look like..

We have already done this with many animals;

It's called "breeding" producing desired results through long term selective breeding..

Hitler had reasons for selective breeding...

But I think they are about as far removed from an infertile couple's intent of having a cloned child!

How drastic do you wanna push paranoia?

How do Holocausts and genoside fit into the argument of cloning?

how drastic do you wanna push naivety?

why are you sitting there as if the intention of eveyone in this world are so innocent and for the best?

wake up!

if you start this, people are all gonna want there children to look beautiful.. be geniuses..

humans are individuals! you wanna mass market the ability to make "perfect" children? tell me what is so good then can come out of this as compared w/ the negative possiblities...

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Originally posted by Rad_Z

Mugwup posted :

It will just have GENES of that perant and be an exact copy.

DOn't tell me you believe everything that they tell you about cloning?

Yes, right now , they probably say all the positive things about cloning ppl and how it will help humanity, etc...

But they have no clue (or if they do, they dont want to reveal it)

on what cloning will be like in the future and what purpose it is going to be used for. You never know whether or not some big corporation has alternative motives for cloning in the distant future.

Use your imagination!, cuz there are probably a shit load of smart ppl using theirs to think of some wierd things that cloning could be used for.

You have to realize that science and technology are not only used for good things. There are a load of bad and destructive things that got created by s&t.


exactly my point about not seeing the best in people.. jeez why would you think for a second that there are such positive affects only coming out of this?

and the opportunity to give parents who can't have children the ability is not anywhere near a good enough reason..

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Originally posted by Rad_Z

Mugwup posted :

It will just have GENES of that perant and be an exact copy.

DOn't tell me you believe everything that they tell you about cloning?

Yes, right now , they probably say all the positive things about cloning ppl and how it will help humanity, etc...

But they have no clue (or if they do, they dont want to reveal it)

on what cloning will be like in the future and what purpose it is going to be used for. You never know whether or not some big corporation has alternative motives for cloning in the distant future.

Use your imagination!, cuz there are probably a shit load of smart ppl using theirs to think of some wierd things that cloning could be used for.

You have to realize that science and technology are not only used for good things. There are a load of bad and destructive things that got created by s&t.


Let me guess..

you've been watching that movie with Arnold Swartzneiger where they clone him and take over his life!

Or Judge Dread..with Evil clones taking over theworld!

(That's like attack of the killer Twins..Clones are just Twins man..do you think the'yll have super powers or something?!)

the only alternative motive for Cloning that's realistic (besides Genetics and fertalization) is this one:


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Not exactly on the cloning point but I've always thought that genetic engineering is the next step in the evolution of homohomosapiens. (Not a statement of approval or disapproval) I mean Natural Selection in humans ain't happening anymore.

This is pretty deep shit for someone just looking to check out an possible Friday night scene.

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no one's taken the scholarly argument yet (nor am i claiming that that's the approach i'm going for here, nor do i claim to be a darwinism scholar), but:

using the strictest definition of darwinism, without any undue bias (i.e. human emotions and/or sympathy for those and/or family members who stand to benefit): you're fucking with natural selection.

that is, as an example, according to darwinism, if those who are "weak" (infertile parents) and are incapable of reproducing young, then by all means, that lineage of genes should "naturally" die out, by way of their own inability to reproduce offspring, and hence, their inability to pass on their genes.

"Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up and knows that it will have to outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.

And, every morning in Africa a lion wakes up and knows that it will have to outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death."

survival of the fittest. don't fuck w/ mother nature.

Originally posted by sexybitchjenny

Our rights and abilities in itself to manipulate it IS nature!


i don't know what it means in dog language, but in english, anytime "manipulate" is used anywhere, in whatever context, it ain't nature and it sure ain't natural.

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