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What do you think the odds are of a NY love parade ever happening? (SPREAD THE DREAM)

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Picture this..

a stage with Amps pulls up to Thompson Square Park..

It's a perfectly Legal Parade ..

Permits all in order and security in place..

at around 11:00 am about fitty people start to show up and the DJ goes on (someone like Taneglia)..

He spins well past noon and the crowd grows and grows well into the hundreds..

News channels catch a wiff of something big going on and show up..


Go up as Sasha takes over for Danny....

The Crowd explodes and the Park and streets are full of Dancing bodies..

The hundreds grow into thousands and soon the word is out all over NY as the Parade moves down St. Marks to Astor place..

By Five oclock CNN is there as well as MTV and every major news channel and music entertainment broadcaster..

DJ after Giant DJ go on till 11:00pm and by then Police squad cars are surrounding the dancethon..

They harass the crowds as the music stops and everyone is sent home..

But the message has been sent!

Think of the after parties..

Is this a possibility..

or just a dream?

How many of you wouldn't participate in something like this..?

Who wouldn't be a part of a global News worthy event that could send a meassage that us Clubbers HAVE got the right to dance!


Stay tuned kiddies..

There are rumors floating..

the time is drawing near

and Guliani's NOT gonna like what very well might happen...


(puts finger up to mouth)


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Originally posted by trancend

yeah i was just gonna say...."not with giuliani in office"

Parades are legal..

There's the St. Patricks parade..

Halloween Parade..

Gay parade..


This would be just another LEGAL Parade..

and given the style of music I think it would go as peacefull as it does in BERLIN!

The message would be to let the world see NY..

That IT"S NOT about all drugs and crack heads passed out in clubs!


and if it's free who wouldn't come!

Wouldn't you show up?

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Well, as being from Berlin I do not understand the problem of a something like the Love Parade, apart from that it will not be the same as in Berlin. No sex on the streets, no parties that go on for like 2 days etc. etc. I would not like to compromise if I want to party. If you wanna have a Love Parade you first have to get around the cerfuw of 4 o'clock (is that wright?), because the best thing about the Love Parade are the afterparties. They are f****ng outrageous and stop when the last people leave the club (Usually Sunday evening). Best time and place to party in the world I think.

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I hate to be the one who doesn't think it will happen but the mentality of people here in the US is totally different from people in Europe. I think the people who are "for the music" would handle the parade fine but the people who are against techno and the club culture would not stand for such a parade. Hey, if you can pull it off, I will be there! Good luck, you will need it.

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Originally posted by kmc

If they can get enough corporate sponsorship it could happen. But its very unlikely.

Fuck that. Thats not the idea. The Love Parade in Berlin was originally a demonstration. Unfortunately it now is a commercial event. But since that happened the Parade got worse. Well first time, but anyway.

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I just think the parade thing is lame. It may have worked 13 years ago in Germany but since then there have been so many copycat parades and anti-parades the idea seems rediculous. Don't we have enough parades in nyc?

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Originally posted by nightgroover

Well, as being from Berlin I do not understand the problem of a something like the Love Parade, apart from that it will not be the same as in Berlin. No sex on the streets, no parties that go on for like 2 days etc. etc. I would not like to compromise if I want to party. If you wanna have a Love Parade you first have to get around the cerfuw of 4 o'clock (is that wright?), because the best thing about the Love Parade are the afterparties. They are f****ng outrageous and stop when the last people leave the club (Usually Sunday evening). Best time and place to party in the world I think.

Hey Nightgroover,

I agree with you! At this time NYC is much too ristrictive for something grand like this...

So you are really from Berlin? I am from Dortmund. I hope to go back to visit my folks and see ATB at the Tarm Center on Thursdays of course!

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Originally posted by kmc

I just think the parade thing is lame. It may have worked 13 years ago in Germany but since then there have been so many copycat parades and anti-parades the idea seems rediculous. Don't we have enough parades in nyc?

There are THOUSANDS of clubbers in NY..

Throw a float with big named DJs and spread the word..



Many people who DJ or are passionate about the nightlife (as a way of life)

and who have been around since the start of clubland in NY, only to

watch it dissolve under stupid Cabaret Laws and a power hungry mayor

would join..


The Berlin Love parade started with only 100 people on the street..

I think NY has more than that # feeling the pain of the death of clubland..!



--->See what others are saying: http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2243

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Originally posted by hotelie

Hey Nightgroover,

I agree with you! At this time NYC is much too ristrictive for something grand like this...

So you are really from Berlin? I am from Dortmund. I hope to go back to visit my folks and see ATB at the Tarm Center on Thursdays of course!

Cool. I was born in Paderborn. 75 km east of DO. I now study in Berlin and love it. I feel more at home there than anywhere else. But what is ATB (I am no good with abbreviations). You gotta check out the Bungalow in DO its fucking great. Spent the last weekend there. Check out the web site: www.bungalow-club.de Tarm Center, as far as I know is a kinna commercial place. Other recommondation would be Flamingo in Essen. But well don't wanna tell you where to go.

Naja, hab das mal alles auf Englisch geschrieben. Ist ja nen Forum an dem alle teilhaben sollen. Tschüss

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Well, it would be quite tough to have it in NY like they do in Berlin. I doubt that the cops would let people dance IN the streets or climb on streets signs and lamp posts. There may be thousands of clubbers in this area, but I think the Love Parade draws crowds on the order of at least hundred thousands.

Maybe NY could have an event that draws so many people, but I think one would have be a bit patient to see that happen.

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Originally posted by nightgroover

Well, as being from Berlin I do not understand the problem of a something like the Love Parade, apart from that it will not be the same as in Berlin. No sex on the streets, no parties that go on for like 2 days etc. etc. I would not like to compromise if I want to party. If you wanna have a Love Parade you first have to get around the cerfuw of 4 o'clock (is that wright?), because the best thing about the Love Parade are the afterparties. They are f****ng outrageous and stop when the last people leave the club (Usually Sunday evening). Best time and place to party in the world I think.

Yup about the afterparties... actually there are parties every night during the week before, and for a few days after.

What is also cool is that there are also sound systems set up in squares and other random places on the street, so as you're stopping to grab something to eat, you can also dance for a little bit. Free dancing and partying, if nothing else...

I'd also love to see people in NY dress up for such parties like they do in Berlin! :)

But I can do without the whistle blowing (I know I like doing it at clubs, but I have limits)... unless they can make and sell those that aren't as loud or high-pitched

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Originally posted by dw

Yup about the afterparties... actually there are parties every night during the week before, and for a few days after.

What is also cool is that there are also sound systems set up in squares and other random places on the street, so as you're stopping to grab something to eat, you can also dance for a little bit. Free dancing and partying, if nothing else...

I'd also love to see people in NY dress up for such parties like they do in Berlin! :)

But I can do without the whistle blowing (I know I like doing it at clubs, but I have limits)... unless they can make and sell those that aren't as loud or high-pitched

Yeah, the whistles are the worst thing about the parade. I had a Tinitus for about 2 days afterwards, because some stupid ************* blew his whistle right next to my ear.

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