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is anyone else out there damaged goods this morning. i am fuckin' hurting. after finishing a keg last night about 15 of my closest friends and i headed to the Village Idiot last night and proceeded to make a scene, puke, break things, fight (with one another) and laugh our asses off until we left at about 3:45 this morning. when i got home, my woman was horny as hell and we went at it til about 6. an hour later i was up and i've been at work since 8 and i fell like dog shit. thank god i'm out of here in a hour.


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im definitely feelin ya on this one... i went out drinkin with my bf last nite and ended up stayin up with him till 5am, only to get up about an hour and a half later to come to work. i really didnt think id make it through the train ride into midtown this morning. thank god the train was runnin ok and didnt get stuck in the tunnels again like they did all day yesterday. i cant wait to go home n take a nice long nap :(

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Village idiot's trouble..

there's bben some nights that I went there and ended up waking up at work (my old job) under my office desk.

That was a really fun thing to explain to the boss...

But if it makes you feel any better I think I'm still drunk!

I hung out with Lavendermenace and got reeeeaaally fucked up at Jah lounge and Lep lounge with spoony and the gang..

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That Mugwump is a BAD influence.

He had me doing all kinds of crazy shit last night. I'm normally a very good girl, i swear!

I'm soooo hunover, I think I'm going to die. The tapping of my fingers on the keyboard is giving me a headache!:blown:

Dear god, if I can just make it through this day, I promise I'll never drink again.

Yeah right. :rolleyes:

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One night a guy takes his girlfriend home. As they are

about to kiss each other goodnight, the guy starts

feeling a little horny. With an air of confidence, he

leans with his hand against the wall and, smiling, he

says to her "Darling, would you give me a blowjob?"

Horrified, she replies "Are you mad? My parents will

see us!"

"Oh come on! Who's gonna see us at this hour?"

"No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?"

Horny as hell he says, "Oh please, please, I love you

so much!"

"No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can't!"

"Oh yes you can. Please?"

Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and

the girl's little sister shows up in her pajamas, and

in a sleepy voice she says:

"Dad says to go ahead and give him a blowjob.

Otherwise I can do it. Or if need be, Dad says he can

come down himself and do it. But for God's sake tell

the asshole to take his fucking hand off the


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maybe this will make you laugh-

so its about 2 last night and a couple of my friends and i are in the back of the bar fucking around when we notice an office type chair, it has wheels and spins around. my friend Dan sits down on the chair and tells me to push him, and naturally i oblige. [for those of you that have not been to the Village Idiot, there is a back area maybe 50 feet deep thats fairly wide open, tables, chairs open area where people dance and then a front area where the bar is, there is just a narrow doorway between the two and different floor surfaces]. now at a full sprint i'm pushing Dan drink in hand towards the front bar area, thinking i'll just roll him into our friends and maybe take a couple out. somehow i manage to navigate through the crowd and i'm lined up nicely to get through the doorway. as we hit the doorway, moving along nicely the chair hits the new flooring where there is about a 1/4 inch rise, the chair stops and flys forward, as it does Dan somehow manages to land on his feet in front of me and slowdown with a few steps (not spilling a drop), i however am now airborne, flying forwards w/ the chair under me, watching his painless landing and realizing i'm in for a hurting, as i begin to come back to earth the metal legs catch my shins and i land on my face on the ground and slide into all my friends legs who i had been planning to annihilate only moments before, to their tremendous enjoyment.

hope that maybe my misery makes you smile, my shins are bruised and swollen and hurting this morning.

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I've been lucky enough to not get hungover much anymore - i think i'm passing through the getting hungover stage and moving on to feeling hungover when i'm not drinking. hehe.

so, i thought this was fucked up - couple of weeks ago some folks are chillin at my place. like 6am on a wed. after bar-hopping. i go to sleep for an hour - when i get up for work my buddy is asleep, sitting up, with a full glass of beer in his hand! not a drop spilled. he woke up, shrugged, took a sip and went to the bathroom (well, not on the couch - he got up and went to the bathroom).

he's got mad skills, but frankly it scared the shit outta me!

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Me and my boys used to get hammered at a Bar in Atlantic City on Friday nights, then Gamble well into the next day and get home at 6 pm Saturday. Would be so tired I would sleep till 12 pm Sunday. Could not move for hours. Those were the days.

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Originally posted by barvybe

I've been lucky enough to not get hungover much anymore - i think i'm passing through the getting hungover stage and moving on to feeling hungover when i'm not drinking. hehe.

so, i thought this was fucked up - couple of weeks ago some folks are chillin at my place. like 6am on a wed. after bar-hopping. i go to sleep for an hour - when i get up for work my buddy is asleep, sitting up, with a full glass of beer in his hand! not a drop spilled. he woke up, shrugged, took a sip and went to the bathroom (well, not on the couch - he got up and went to the bathroom).

he's got mad skills, but frankly it scared the shit outta me!

pretty amazing how some people can

remain in a pose during drunken slumber.

me? i woulda dropped the beer and also

probably slumped down into the chair

or maybe made my way stretched out

on the floor.

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Originally posted by sd

is anyone else out there damaged goods this morning. i am fuckin' hurting. after finishing a keg last night about 15 of my closest friends and i headed to the Village Idiot last night and proceeded to make a scene, puke, break things, fight (with one another) and laugh our asses off until we left at about 3:45 this morning. when i got home, my woman was horny as hell and we went at it til about 6. an hour later i was up and i've been at work since 8 and i fell like dog shit. thank god i'm out of here in a hour.


you only have to work from 8:00 - 11:00?

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