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Deep Dish: Yoshi2


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I'm sorry. I didn't write this, though I wish I had. I stumbled across it at Amazon.com and felt I had to share it with you. It's listed as a review of the CD, and ... well ... enjoy ...

A Poltergeist for the Soul, July 11, 2001

Reviewer: Faustine McNamara-Guggenheim (see more about me) from Bilbao, Spain

As the sun sets behind the hills, yet another lazy Bilbao day draws to a close. I am here in my rented villa on the outskirts of town wearing nothing but day-glo body paint and a pair of Dries van Noten clogs. The make-up on my face is three days old, tear-stained, and starting to crust over. My hair, a rat's nest of black and yellow extensions, Kiehl's products, chicken wire, and infected fluid. As I gaze into the distance, with the lights of the city just beginning flicker below me, my thoughts turn to Dubfire and Sharam...

I first experienced Deep Dish ages ago in a club outside Rotterdam called Das Boofenhaus. I worked there at the waffle stand inside the men's restroom. My gender-neutral friend, Zero, was a cage dancer there and had fulminant liver failure. Oh, those were the days when jaundice and Thierry Muegler were chic, and Zero was always decked out in both. Well, Zero was the one who introduced me to Deep Dish. Zero came to me at my waffle stand one night, breathless from his/her routine to Injected with a Poison by Praga Khan, and said to me, "Faustine, Faustine, you must come at once; it is Deep Dish!" I replied, "Zero, get out of here! You know you are not allowed in the men's--or the women's--restroom! You know the club's rules: You are supposed to go in your cage!" But Zero was adamant, "No, Faustine, you're not listening to me. I am summoning you, for it is Deep Dish!" Zero was right; I was not listening. I was too preoccupied with my waffle stand, which was slammed as usual (it was a Saturday night, after all), to really pay attention to what Zero was saying. A minute or two later, there was much commotion at the entrance to the loo and suddenly a ball of flame erupted in the doorway: Zero had doused him/herself with petrol and ignited it, hoping the spectacle would attract my attention and alert me to Deep Dish's presence. Many clubgoers attempted to extinguish the fireball with their boathorns, but that only fanned the flames. Eventually, my vat of waffle batter was dumped onto Zero's convulsing body, smothering the flames. Much of the batter remained cooked and adherent to Zero's skin and clothing, as the paramedics arrived and whisked Zero away. I will never forgive myself for ignoring Zero's plea that fateful night: FAUSTINE, IT IS DEEP DISH....

Now, whenever I listen to Deep Dish, the ghosts of that moment torment me. Yoshiesque II continues to haunt my consciousness with memories of that night. Those memories have pursued me in my journeys from Rotterdam to London to Silicon Valley and Yokohama...And now here to Bilbao, where the sun setting behind the hills reminds me of Zero's fireball, a beacon in the growing darkness, a beacon to Deep Dish. I cannot resist.

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