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Originally posted by sistatrixie

Drama why don't you get your honey on this board to tell these punks a thing or too...I am sure he knows he looks good but sure he doesn't have an ego the size of a monter truck.

Linabina...I agree with you 100% (cute name too)

Nubac....right on man, do not lurk in the shadows. Let then have it...we all know that no matter how big they are be it body or brains practically no one on this board respects them. (just there juiced friends that have to back each other up).

Did ya notice too how they never post on any other topic. UH why is that fellas...cause you sit at home wacking off and thinking of ways to fire people up.:rolleyes:

In my eyes..pathetic and I have to say...your boring...oh by the way..guess they didn't win "contest on the beach":D

do you fellas and hoes honestly think that this the way we truly are!! You think we can could have accomplished what we have with this cocky unhumble attitude!! you guys just dont get the big picture do you??

this is fun..we cause drama and portray humor on this board. We usually start these threads for our group of friends (CK1Posse) And we enjoy reading what is written. I check the site every hour to see what was posted and sit back and laugh.....I LAUGH EVEN HARDER WHEN YOU IMMATURE PUNKS GET PISSED AND RILED UP!!!LOL!

We are confident not cocky and each one of us as well as you have insecurities like all human beings. Just take the posts and read them, enjoy them and relax.


You raver punks

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Originally posted by k-hole6969


I can't wait you degenerate. I'll calf raise you.

I'll be there with brass knuckles I dont give a shit.

Be prepared to put all you food in a blender after this weekend!! You havent even seen me yet.

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I see you have picked my post out......

Let me tell ya something sweetie, you all think you are funny and like to get people fired up on this board by posting nothing but the same ole' shit day after day. There is nothing interesting about what they have to say....and to tell ya the truth when I am sitting on the pot taking my protein shake craps reading muscle mag I am not thinking of a stupid post.

Take it for what it is man...no one cares how big they are or how much they can lift or that they think they can get any girl they come across. As you notice we are making fun of them not getting mad. We just don't have respect for people that are ignorant and think that they are so much better then every one and that we wish we were like them. To each his own though...everyone is entitled to there opinion but beware cause criticism can hurt even the biggest of egos. So I will take your comment to the gym later....let it roll of my sweaty tits on be on with it.:laugh:

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Originally posted by ghboy

What do some of the guys here do to start their day ?

I have a light breakfast that is loaded with protein and then i head to the gym. Do 20 minutes of cardio and then its hard weights for an hour at least before work.

I like to do two days on and one off, because you need to rest up a little bit. And eating right is definitely one of the most important things!

On chest days, mon. and thurs. I do 5 sets of flat, 5 incline, 5 decline, in a pyramid of reps 8,6,4,2,1. I then do dumbells sets of 3 flat, 3 incline, 3 decline, reps 12,10,8. 3 sets of flys, 3 sets on the cable-crossovers, 5 sets of dips to finish it out.

I'll finish this post later, my girlfriend needs me.

If you guys had any of the determination that I have, maybe you people could get your grope on like us at the shore. They flock to us!! It's power looking this good..Time for a scoop

Rick bio.miamiheat100.jpg

Bro your not that big? I wish you could hear yourself, you sound like an asshole

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Originally posted by sistatrixie

Good point Drama I have to agree and good for you that your honey isn't like them!!

Hey lets see those B-4 pics!!!! We laugh now...we need to laugh harder.

Oh yeah by the way......300 situps a day....hello clueless...if you do them the right way each time you only have to do about 20-50 a day. We all know that the abs are the only muscles that can be worked everyday...I am a certified instructor so have been in diff parts of the country with the gu-ru's of fitness...obviously you have not and that is why you think you can impress all of us with your workouts...ooohhhh please :rolleyes:

I learned to do abs everyother day because they tear just like any other muscle and need time to repair. If you work em everyday you will get nowhere. Is this true:confused: I'm just telling you what I've learned, am I wrong?

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Originally posted by anthonyp

I learned to do abs everyother day because they tear just like any other muscle and need time to repair. If you work em everyday you will get nowhere. Is this true:confused: I'm just telling you what I've learned, am I wrong?

You are 100% correct. I'm sick of hearing about how these guys work out and meet women are you fuckin kidding me.

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