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how bad is YOUR memory???

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this is definitely not something to brag about... and those of u whose memories have not somewhat deteriorated need not reply b/c u prob wont find this the slightest bit amusing....... this is actually a pretty funny story but like i said its not something im proud of!

last friday when i went to see American Pie 2, my boyfriend and my best friend randall were with me. the movie was playing in 2 theaters and we waited on a line to get seats in one of the theaters. b4 we got into that theater though, we went across the hall to check out the other theater cuz there was no line for seats- but when we got in there, there werent any seats left anyway so we went *back* across the hall to the 1st theater and sat down along the right side. now after like, 5 minutes, i got up to use the bathroom and to wait outside for 3 more friends to meet us there.

they finally got there and i started walking us back to the theater to our seats... *lol* <sigh>...so i went into the theater and walked down toward the right side where my bf and randall were sitting. BUT they werent there. so im buggin out not knowing where they went...so i called randall and asked where the hell they went. she said they were still sitting in the seats and that they never even got up..

so then i stood there and im like "omg... theyre across the hall"....E-TARTED me *completely* forgot that we left that theater to go BACK to the first one we were waiting in line for in the first place.... so i felt like such an ass *lol* and went back to the right theater and sat down in between gary <my bf> and randall who were shaking their heads at me b/c im retarted. *LOL* :rolleyes::laugh:

if u read all this and dont find it funny.... im sorry! but i guess u really hadda be there... it was ridiculous...its one thing to say something or hear something from a while ago or somethin like that and never remember what it is u said or did or heard... but to physically go thru that whole seat changing thing and completely forget an entire part of what happened is so fucked up!! it scared the shit outta me too...

anyone else have a story like this one?? was there ever a time when ur loss of memory really got the best of u......??

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I do stupid shit like that ALL the TIME. Walking into a room and forgeting why you went there. Putting something down and not being able to find it 5 minutes later. I have NO short-term left.

Perfect example: I saw this thread about a half an hour ago and I was going to reply, but then I guess I forgot because I just noticed it again, and thought, duh, wasn't i gonna reply to that...

brain dead.


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i walked up and down the stairs to my apartment 3 times today. everytime i got to the bottom i remembered something i had forgotten. then i'd open the door and stand in the apartment for a minute trying to remember what i had remembered i had forgotten. then back down the stairs again.

up, down, up, down, up down.

someone please place everything i need for the day in one nice neat pile!!!

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Originally posted by randall16

this was hysterical......she called and asked where we were sitting and man it was just tooooooooooooooooo funny....a def had to be there moment...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

this was definitely a "had to be there moment", but it was fawkin histerical. this was funnier than any part of that movie. it was definitely the highlight of the nite.

linabina.....sorry hunny, dont mean to make fun of u, but it was so goddamn funny. but i love u!!!!

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Originally posted by barvybe

someone please place everything i need for the day in one nice neat pile!!!

do it yerself...

i find that doing exactly this right before going to bed

makes me sleep more soundly; as everything that's

on my mind regarding the next day is cleared out

and organized into what i'm bringing along for the

next day's adventure.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

this was definitely a "had to be there moment", but it was fawkin histerical. this was funnier than any part of that movie. it was definitely the highlight of the nite.

linabina.....sorry hunny, dont mean to make fun of u, but it was so goddamn funny. but i love u!!!!

dont be sorry! lol... i posted this story pretty much making fun of myself... b/c i found it quite hysterical too!! *hehe* so, no offense taken. and i love u too... :)
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Originally posted by lavendermenace

I do stupid shit like that ALL the TIME. Walking into a room and forgeting why you went there. Putting something down and not being able to find it 5 minutes later. I have NO short-term left.

Perfect example: I saw this thread about a half an hour ago and I was going to reply, but then I guess I forgot because I just noticed it again, and thought, duh, wasn't i gonna reply to that...

brain dead.


hahahahaha.... thats so funny cuz ive definitely done that before... :laugh: :laugh: :D

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