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Mugwump You Mutha Fucka!!!!!!!

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ME act that way if front of YOU????

you've gotta be fuckin kidding me.

I don't have to DEAL with your shit. Who the fuck do you think you are, MUGWUMP?? you think all these CP addicts are gonna defend you just because you fill their days with meaningless posts about nothing?

Get over youself.

They'd spit you out like rancid milk if they knew what you did to me.

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Listen babe..

I know you've got your panties all in a bunch because you think I

dis-respected you in public..

Those toys I brought out at the lounge where only to enhance our fun..

But you spilling that drink on me caused one of them to short circuit.,.

and I don't apriciate people laughing at me that way..


Now they are ruined!

I was just trying to love you up MUGZ style..

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UN fuckin believeable!!

DO chicks really go for that bullshit?

Listen, i know you've been out of the dating scene for a while, and maybe your last girlfriend was some kind of sexually submissive deviant.

BUT, some girls actually appreciate RESPECT.

Did honestly think I was going to respond to THAT MONSTROSITY???

Jesus Christ. In front of all those people!!!!

You are a fuckin pervert. You need serious help.

Stay away from me, or I'll slap a restraining order on you so fast it'll make your twisted littled head spin.


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Originally posted by mugwump

So I guess the naughty booth is off this Saturday then huh?:rolleyes:

Oh wouldn't you just love that.

Take me back to the scene of the crime.

I'd love to know what was going through your mind.

I thought you were different.:(:mad:

Oh- and to all you other peeps with your one line responses, STFU. You werent there.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Oh wouldn't you just love that.

Take me back to the scene of the crime.

I'd love to know what was going through your mind.

I thought you were different.:(:mad:

Awe let me make it up to you..

I'll behave I promise..

Back home on Mugwumpia toys are an essential part of the courting ritual..

I forget you Earthlings aren't familiar with our pleasure rituals..

but I'll back off..

Just candle wax this time!


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Sometimes i wonder about you.

I think that on some level you really believe all that MUGWUMPIA stuff.

I'll think about it. but you've got A LOT of groveling to do.

candle wax is a good start.

I can think of a few other things. but I'll have to put them in a PM as I don't want o get kicked off the board.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Sometimes i wonder about you.

I think that on some level you really believe all that MUGWUMPIA stuff.

I'll think about it. but you've got A LOT of groveling to do.

candle wax is a good start.

I can think of a few other things. but I'll have to put them in a PM as I don't want o get kicked off the board.

See now!

That's the spirit!

(hops in his mugship and flies off)


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...cause i love them both. but, yeah they were fighting. it was my drink that got spilt. no more details from me though. wouldn't want to start this whole thing up again....

some people just aren't good at expressing themselves in person i guess. at least i won't have to look out for flying bottles and drinks next time they are around :)

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