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Ea - Exitaholics Anonymous

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Hello. My name is John, and I'm.... an Exitaholic.

I'm too embarrased to admit it to anyone, but I love going to that place. I don't love it... I just go there because it's there. I've been to the other places... but it doesn't fill my need like Exit does. I hate myself for being this way. I'm so torn apart.

So if you ever see someone walking around Exit by him/herself... please know that it's because he/she is too embarrased to tell their friends that they go there, so they have to go alone.

If you're a closet Exitaholic like myself, feel free to walk over to someone who is alone and give them a hug... don't say anything... just give a hug... he or she will know what you're talking about.

If you get slapped or punched... just understand that they're not ready to admit it to themselves yet, but that deep inside they're greatful that you took the first step to help them.

My name is John, and I'm an Exitaholic. Thank You.

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Originally posted by clubbingirl


i feel your pain.

well, except i have others who go with me and admit that they have a problem. :tongue:

Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. You're one of the lucky people who has people around you to suppost you through your addiction.

Share the love, and give hugs freely. Spread the word about EA. My name is John, and I'm an Exitaholic. Thank You.

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Hi my name is Karch. And I'm an Exitaholic. I go to Exit with different people since no one can go every Friday. If worse comes to worse I'll go by myself. I'm hoping this closing for renovation thing is just a rumor. Cause I dunno how I could go weeks without Exit.

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Hi my nam is WiLson and i'm exit holic.... i didn't think there was one until now.. i feel ur pain man.....thank god there's EA ..... i sometimes go into convulsions if i don't go....hahahaha....anyways i luckily have friends to go with me every week. They're EH also... i'm so happy there are people out there like me.... :cry: sigh~ Hey there is a cure it's called E ... it helps you get through the nights when u go by yourself... if u need a friend i'll be there....... love peace and E..

Thank You


exit head for life

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welcome karch and bigwill. please stay for coffee and cookies after the meeting. oh wait... not you bigwill, cuz you won't be hungry anyway (if u get what i mean) Feel free to have a smoke though.

Thus concludes the first EA meeting... thanx to everyone for signing up... and remember... if you see someone alone... give em a hug.... they'll thank you later. we'll probably pass by each other this weekend. i'd suggest a meet up.. but then the ANONYMOUS part of Exitaholic Anonymous wouldn't make sense... and we'd be EXITAHOLICS, WE NOW KNOW EACH OTHER, which is just too long... EWNKEO.

Play safe and have fun this weekend everyone.

My name is John, and I'm an Exitaholic.

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