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Whoes making a freash start on life after labor day....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Labor day is like the New years eve resolution for us club ppl..Whos making changes in their lives..I am, I getting a new CAREER, not a fucking dime a dozen job and I'm moving to Ft. Lauderdale..I plan on hitting the bars up more then the clubs..And I expect to get away from mom and dad..I need to grow up and move out on my own..Get in the gym and stop letting life go by me. I'm 24 and do nothing but get fucked up at clubs..There is got to be more to life...

Whos got big plans...

Carbone I know you are changing shit!!!!

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Originally posted by drama

I already started making a fresh start.....

I realized that it is time to start focusing on the things that matter ...

I am with you. I am already making a fresh start. I CAN'T wait till the end of the summer. I might start saving some money and start enjoying my days off rather then sleeping all day. :D

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Originally posted by Blazz

I am with you. I am already making a fresh start. I CAN'T wait till the end of the summer. I might start saving some money and start enjoying my days off rather then sleeping all day. :D


this is why I am spending my long Labor Day weekend relaxing...

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Guest saleen351

congrad backwards cuba...I hope she is a great gal...Where you buying a house at????? and when is the first cp party at your new house..

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Originally posted by nabuc1

The CP party will probably be the day after NEVER!!!

:laugh: that was good nabuc...

i partied hard on some weekends and stayed sober some weekends down at my bf's shore house in sea isle (exit 17 on parkway)..... so im not completely exhausted.....after my sleepless labor day weekend in Sin City i'll go back to just going out fri or sat, and being lazy on sundays.... cant wait, the shore is played anyway

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Good for you. This is the time and age when you start to look at things from a different perspective. You grow up in a sense and learn how to prioritize your responsibilities. I don't regret anything that I've done in the past. I had the time of my life but now I'm starting to realize that there comes a time when you have to say goodbye to all of those OUT OF CONTROL weekends when all you cared about was intoxicating your body so severely that when you woke up the next morning you actually felt like you shortened your life span by at least a year or two. :screwy:

Well I haven't gotten to this turning point in my life yet but I am almost there. I am getting so sick of the whole club scene and after the finale on Labor Day weekend I am taking a long break or maybe calling it quits to the whole club scene. :confused:

I think I've said the same speech at the end of every summer for the past 3 years but this time it could be for real since I am getting married next year. It's time for a change.... definitely.

:drunk: -----> :book:

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I already started making HUGE changes before the summer even started..I went down the shore twice all year rather than having shore house like past 3 yrs..I rarely go out and when I do it is bars not clubs to get mangled anymore..I save all my money..Im getting married next sept..buying a house or condo more down south..I quit smoking 3 weeks ago,started like 12 yrs ago..And every Monday now I feel great waking up and going to work...Instead of hating life,job,and everyone and everything in general and wanting to kill myself from the depression of all the drugs and no sleep the wknd before...It is time to step out of clubland from the past 4 yrs and concentrate on the more important things in life..it is called responsibilities...Once in a while to go out and get fucked up is ok,but that's it..Iam proud of myself..hehe..ClubGirl...:tongue:

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Getting married and buying a new house.


SOMEONE has to responsible on here.....We do need a vioce of reason:):laugh::)

I don't really go out during the week,(maybe once a week). I only hit the Shore like every other weekend the last 3 weeks. I think you just know when to shape up;)

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I'm with you guys.

I'm getting sick of this narcolepsia I get during the weekdays.

Now for some dumb reason I finally realised that what I have been majoring in school is not for me. I'm changing my major and going to open my books. I really want to take this upcoming semester off to make sure I can be certain to what I want to do but I don't think my parents will like the fact that I'm not going to school. What ever I do I will make sure I will be happy doing it.

I quit partying.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Thanks for the congrats, but by no mean am I responsible. All that credit goes to be better half. I feel sometimes that she is raising two kids our son and me. I'm 26 going on 5.

I always ask my sister how her 4 kids are, my niece, my 2 nephews, and my brother-in-law:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I always ask my sister how her 4 kids are, my niece, my 2 nephews, and my brother-in-law:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's true though. Mad respect for all the moms out there. "Mother is the word for God on the lips of all children" love that saying , heard it in a movie. Dad are great but we are just big kids.


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im with you on this one blazz i will definitlywelcome the end to this summer. dont get me wrong people i have had one of the best summers ever but the money ive spent in the last 3.5 months is unreal what i need is a good weekend of sitting around with good friends and get real high. oh and when nov. comes school ends for good for me and vegas hear i come with blazz of course. i will still be out just not like i do in the summer im not sure how im still living but im thankful i am

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Originally posted by flizz

im with you on this one blazz i will definitlywelcome the end to this summer. dont get me wrong people i have had one of the best summers ever but the money ive spent in the last 3.5 months is unreal what i need is a good weekend of sitting around with good friends and get real high. oh and when nov. comes school ends for good for me and vegas hear i come with blazz of course. i will still be out just not like i do in the summer im not sure how im still living but im thankful i am

I am with you Bro. I don't know how you are still alive. I just can't wait to do the Little things. And oh yeah Getting Real High !!! It's time to grow up and move on to bigger and better things. Vegas in Nov. is going to Be awesome....

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