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Ok sayno and kermzy ain't cunts anymore but trikki and ladybj are!!!!!!

Guest saleen351

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I go after the hole package honey - not just looks. The difference between you and I is I make use of my knowledge of the english language unlike yourself. You rely on slang, abbreviations, and profanity. I don't need to portray myself like white trailer park trash who had no formal education. I take pride in the way I speak, spell, and write - you might want to take note of that if you want to operate your own business. No one will take you seriously if you can not communicate in a professional manner. You don't only need to mature in business, you need to mature as a man. You have gotten yourself all up in some kiki that didn't even concern you and all it has done is make you look more like a fool than you probably are. Each and every post from people other (including myself) has told you to just drop it, and move on. But you are so immature that you can't even take advice from those who want to help. You want to call me a cunt, a bitch, a hog, or any other adjective you THINK suits me, go right ahean. I don't need to resort to that kind of tactic with you because from begininng to end of all your posts you yourself do a FINE job at portraying the person YOU REALLY ARE.

I am done with YOU and this TIRED topic. I have tried to give you some tips - lets see if you actually put some to use. Good luck in Florida - may there be as many easy bitches there for you as there were in NC (maybe then you won't be so hostile!)

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Saleen what is your deal man. What are you trying to prove that your a man or something. Cut the shit it's fucking old. Just remember you came on this board with a holer than though attitude, throwing your weight (no pun intended) around. Now the shit you through is coming back to you ten fold. Don't talk shit if you can't take it when it comes your way. Just drop it and grow up already. The Vinnie Tough Nuts Female Degrading Goomba went out with Dice Clay.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by eviljav666


in front of all your boys

i dont mind being a punk for a night!!!

UT oh a dirty spic is talking trash!!!!

Bro first off you never go to the shore clubs because your gay music is better..LOL

Second if you think for 1 sec that some spic can take me your nuts...2 facts you need to know..

1 I bounced for 3 years

2 Last time I squared up with some one I got arrested on my front lawn at school for taking on a Airforce boxer..I didn't loose!

So do what you have to do but if you come up to me remember to say the things you say on here, IF not your a fucking loser buddy!

Oh and I go out usually alone so you don't have to worry about my boys...They all stopped going out to clubs last year...

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Originally posted by saleen351

once again lady bj you go after looks, but what you never posted your pic..that right you fucking hogger you are scared...:laugh:

I have plenty of money, I've been saving for fla all summer, its been my plan and my goal and soon I will reach it!!!! So I'm not poor or anything assholes.. My whole goal in life is to own my own business, I got the training and backing I just need to mature a little business wise and focus and it will all come to me.....

Also I'll say this if you got the balls to say it to me on here then this weekend come up and say it too my face...Ahhh thats right none of you cunts or pussys (whataboutme and eviljav will)! If you not willing to say it in real life then don't say it on here. HIDe behind your computer you fucking fags! :laugh:

BRO--Cum up to you--yeah like I should waste my time

Dont get all pissy just b/c you rude, offensive and get ripped to shreds on this message board.

And if you have a problem--why dont you cum up to me (and obviously you do if you call people those type of names)

Maybe you should cum up to me this Saturday at XS at Gary's (007 pourer) bar--towards the wall not the dance bar side--

When you do, look for the biggest kid there and that will be me

Then say those words--

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Originally posted by eviljav666


in front of all your boys

i dont mind being a punk for a night!!!

Cuba no te preocupes con el. Tu te comportas como un hombre. Deja que el cea el pendejo. A heste gordo le gusta hablar mierda. Es como un perro le gusta ladrar pero no puedo morderterte.


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Originally posted by tempkid

A wise man once told me

Look both ways before you cross the street

You should have taken your own advice on Saturday night when you blindly ran into the boulevard and almost got hit by around 3 cars.......:laugh: :laugh:

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Saleen was Bouncer..

keep that in MIND!!!

Saleen your a Squid..

when you were younger I think you might have been MOLESTED BY A MAN!!!

your post Lead me to think you might have had serious issues..

and as for me with you doing the TANGO hell No..

Remember I am a SPIC!!! and we are dirty fighters..BITCH!!

I just want to be PUNK BECAUSE YOUR SHIT!!!!!


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Originally posted by saleen351

UT oh a dirty spic is talking trash!!!!

Bro first off you never go to the shore clubs because your gay music is better..LOL

Second if you think for 1 sec that some spic can take me your nuts...2 facts you need to know..

1 I bounced for 3 years

2 Last time I squared up with some one I got arrested on my front lawn at school for taking on a Airforce boxer..I didn't loose!

So do what you have to do but if you come up to me remember to say the things you say on here, IF not your a fucking loser buddy!

Oh and I go out usually alone so you don't have to worry about my boys...They all stopped going out to clubs last year...

Didn't you learn your lesson about calling people names???????

It's old, it's played, leave it alone. For someone who claims to be so smart and such, you keeping making a fool of yourself. I'm not picking on you or anybody else, but come on now........

Whataboutme, shots at XS or Temps Saturday?

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Hey Spygirl--I think its going to be XS

This last week about ten of us went to Merge to see Tommy D and Mendez was awesome--So I think were going to do the same thing--Pre-game at Tommy's bar then go to XS--I be at Gary's bar and if he is not on the dance floor at either John Roll or Keith Paul's bar.

Make sure you find me--I owe you some shots:)

The shirt will be on this time though

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Originally posted by whataboutme

Hey Spygirl--I think its going to be XS

This last week about ten of us went to Merge to see Tommy D and Mendez was awesome--So I think were going to do the same thing--Pre-game at Tommy's bar then go to XS--I be at Gary's bar and if he is not on the dance floor at either John Roll or Keith Paul's bar.

Make sure you find me--I owe you some shots:)

The shirt will be on this time though

Keep the shirt on, Francis!!!!!! Just kidding, bro. If I had it, I would show it too. How was it at Merge? Tommy doing alright?

DID saleen call you out or was that his ECU way of saying he agrees with you guys??????:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by whataboutme


Tommy is doing Well--

Because we havent been there all summer, I forgot how much fun he was

Were definitely going back--plus you know where I'll be around 6ish on Saturday--Thats right Joe and Felicia's bar at Surf

You better stop by

We (about 8 of us) went to THE PARKER HOUSE by limo...then edger's, kelly's, clarks, marlins, the arc, and then fat cat's and the boo......HOLY SHIT, I had to get mangled just to deal......saturday sounds cool for the surf club. I am supposed to go tuna/marlin fishing on Sunday (boat leaves at 5am) so happy hour might be it!!!!!!

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Originally posted by whataboutme

Hey Spygirl--I think its going to be XS

This last week about ten of us went to Merge to see Tommy D and Mendez was awesome--So I think were going to do the same thing--Pre-game at Tommy's bar then go to XS--I be at Gary's bar and if he is not on the dance floor at either John Roll or Keith Paul's bar.

Make sure you find me--I owe you some shots:)

The shirt will be on this time though

Sounds like a plan......As long I don't get food posioning again or anything else, I'll be at XS, Temps, and Mergre. My friends are doing a party there this Saturday.:D

You can lose the shirt, I'm sure you wouldn't get any complaints


Just ask Ceeotter

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Sounds like a plan......As long I don't get food posioning again or anything else, I'll be at XS, Temps, and Mergre. My friends are doing a party there this Saturday.:D

You can lose the shirt, I'm sure you wouldn't get any complaints


Just ask Ceeotter

See ya there--As for the shirt--Ya never know:)

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Originally posted by saleen351

UT oh a dirty spic is talking trash!!!!

Bro first off you never go to the shore clubs because your gay music is better..LOL

Second if you think for 1 sec that some spic can take me your nuts...2 facts you need to know..

1 I bounced for 3 years

2 Last time I squared up with some one I got arrested on my front lawn at school for taking on a Airforce boxer..I didn't loose!

So do what you have to do but if you come up to me remember to say the things you say on here, IF not your a fucking loser buddy!

Oh and I go out usually alone so you don't have to worry about my boys...They all stopped going out to clubs last year...

YOU KNOW WHAT... I am glad you BOUNCED for 3 years because then...


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