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Don't you just love dreams?

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I had such a dream last night.....

I am on my way to undesignated warehouse club, and the line is all long and shit, when I look across the street to see Bright Pink and Blue crazy lights swirling around the new, side entrance of the REOPENED TWILO!!! So me and my buddy run across the street and cut the line by walking up to some bouncer type she knows, who lets us in a small door which leads down to....

the secret beach house on a cliff overlooking the ocean which happens to be the VIP house for the new TWILO. (bet none of you guys ever got into THAT VIP room). So we go down there and chill with Paul, as in Oakenfold, who was not nearly as stuck up or passe in the dream, but was really cool and looked strangely like my italian ex, who looked strangely like Elvis Costello, and then we wondered around the house party which was strangely like a Fellini movie set, and then snuck out to go dance our little buts off upstairs (BTW, the new Twilo had a pink theme, which in turn attracted a large number of Boa-wearing queens and candy-ravers, but it was all good cause it was the same vibe). Don't you just love the surreal but crystal clear epic dreams??

So here I am at work, trying to concentrate with visions of queens and candy ravers dancing in my head. Anyway, wanted to share that, since only u ppl would appreciate and enjoy the silliness of my subconcious.

(PS I am not actually obsessed with any of the following: the demise of Twilo, Paul Oakenfold, my ex, or Elvis Costello) Don't you just love dreams?

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Last night's dream was so STUPID!

I dreamt w/ one of my co-workers telling me that he hates sitting next to people w/ bad posture. So throughout the dream I kept asking him, "how's my posture? not bad right!"

Now I sit up straight each time I see him.

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see my probel is whenever i dream especially about the club scene. it is usually me being the club owner of new york city's most sick club like twilo and that i am boys with the mayor of new york city so there are no straints or any bullshit that would happen to the club. and in the end i am the most successful club owner in the world. must sound pretty stupid but i would love for that to happen

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well i had major fuckin' insomnia last night so i would sleep all of about 20 seconds and then wake up. but i managed to have a few dreams here & there, just little mini dreams...nothing like yours, saigray. HOWEVER, i did dream about TWILO last night, in a sense. i dreamed that a friend of mine said (remember this is just a mini dream) "I wanna go to Twilo and do a fuckin' SHOT!"

and then i woke up.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

i dreamed that a friend of mine said (remember this is just a mini dream) "I wanna go to Twilo and do a fuckin' SHOT!"

and then i woke up.

Too bad, we could have met at the back bar and done Kamakzies with all the Boa Queens! :D

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Hey lay off the shrooms you "Dead head"chick!

Just kidding!

(Didn't you say you where into the Dead?)

I love lucid dreams..

anyone ever try them..?


sometimes very vivid colors..

love the ones where I can make ANYTHING happen and I know I'm dreaming..

looove to fly in those dreams..

I wake up very inspired.

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Originally posted by mugwump

Hey lay off the shrooms you "Dead head"chick!

Just kidding!

(Didn't you say you where into the Dead?)

I love lucid dreams..

anyone ever try them..?


sometimes very vivid colors..

love the ones where I can make ANYTHING happen and I know I'm dreaming..

looove to fly in those dreams..

I wake up very inspired.

MUGZ - tell us how you do this. tell us everything you know about dreams and understanding the messages from your subconscious. do you ever ask yourself a question before you go to sleep and hope that the answer will appear in your dreams?

one recurring scene in my dreams for the last two years is deep, dark, murky water...sometimes i'm in it, sometimes i'm not. i'm trying to understand what this means...is it literal? i'm in deep water, meaning i'm in trouble? my direction is unclear, like the murkiness of the water?

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Originally posted by shugabooga

MUGZ - tell us how you do this. tell us everything you know about dreams and understanding the messages from your subconscious. do you ever ask yourself a question before you go to sleep and hope that the answer will appear in your dreams?

one recurring scene in my dreams for the last two years is deep, dark, murky water...sometimes i'm in it, sometimes i'm not. i'm trying to understand what this means...is it literal? i'm in deep water, meaning i'm in trouble? my direction is unclear, like the murkiness of the water?


And lots of it...

but if you want technology to help you LUCID DREAM look into getting yourself one of these puppies:



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Originally posted by mugwump

Hey lay off the shrooms you "Dead head"chick!

Just kidding!

(Didn't you say you where into the Dead?)

I love lucid dreams..

anyone ever try them..?


sometimes very vivid colors..

love the ones where I can make ANYTHING happen and I know I'm dreaming..

looove to fly in those dreams..

I wake up very inspired.

More like a Deadhead in remission.

But I don't do as much crack as you, so I find it hard to control my trippy dreams.

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