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Wicked Exit Scheme


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ok well this is just from personal KNowledge and experience, so if you have any doubts or want to add to this post just Reply and do so, thasnk

first... I was in the white room last night Chillin and as i was watching the lighting effect a friend turned to me and said , "did u know that the lighting is spelling out in MOrse Code "XTC", At this point i got mad chills and started BUggin, LOL

second... Same friend then told me that the reason Draper Plays like shit sometimes, is because He is Trying to sell you YOur goodtime, For example he would play a vicious set , BUild BUild BUild and then PLay some whack shit , or BUild Build BUild , and play some Goodshit , Followed by some Horibble shit, This same friend told me it was a Scheme, so that WHen ur rolling on E, THat U get to BUild and enjoy E WHen the music BUilds , You dance, But then when its whack , Ur roll, gets slower , IT basically Fluctuates - and this is done maybe 13-18 times throughout the night, Just to Make ur E better, Because You cannot BE dancnig like a maniac for 11 pm - 8 am, u would get tired, so when the music sucks, basically its time for you to rest and enjoy, the ROll, but when the BEat drops and The music Starts to play HArd, Get on your Feet and dance.

Third... WHen you take Ectasy, when Naturally happens is that Your Spine muscles tense up, and COntract , Bringing your Spine closer Up into your Brain, which causes You to feel pain and PLeasure Differently, Ur whole Sensory system is KNocked off track and diverted, Now the Most fucked up thing is that The Seats in Exit are designed for you to lean your had on that Cushun thingie , and what it does is Push your spine EVEN farther into your brain. ( fucked up shit right )

I dunno you be the judge, Reply all and thanks

EXIT WAS OF THE FUCKING HOOK , DOmenick Capello TORE UP THE WHITE ROOM , all in all A great Fucking NIGHT!!!

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when i rest mjy head against the padding it feels like my spine is being pushed farther away from my head...thats how i see it...

i always noticed something pretty cool at exit a couple of weeks ago...the blue lights (its a little lightbulb) on the second floor sometimes flash at the beat of the bass...or the song...watch it sometime...its pretty phat

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doesn't seem like a scheme at all it is all very interesting and very true. E does fucked up things to your head.... it screws with ya bad...we all kno this!!!! I don't think I have been to Exit enough to kno exactly what ur talking about... but it seems pretty strange.

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Originally posted by bigart

ok well this is just from personal KNowledge and experience, so if you have any doubts or want to add to this post just Reply and do so, thasnk

first... I was in the white room last night Chillin and as i was watching the lighting effect a friend turned to me and said , "did u know that the lighting is spelling out in MOrse Code "XTC", At this point i got mad chills and started BUggin, LOL

second... Same friend then told me that the reason Draper Plays like shit sometimes, is because He is Trying to sell you YOur goodtime, For example he would play a vicious set , BUild BUild BUild and then PLay some whack shit , or BUild Build BUild , and play some Goodshit , Followed by some Horibble shit, This same friend told me it was a Scheme, so that WHen ur rolling on E, THat U get to BUild and enjoy E WHen the music BUilds , You dance, But then when its whack , Ur roll, gets slower , IT basically Fluctuates - and this is done maybe 13-18 times throughout the night, Just to Make ur E better, Because You cannot BE dancnig like a maniac for 11 pm - 8 am, u would get tired, so when the music sucks, basically its time for you to rest and enjoy, the ROll, but when the BEat drops and The music Starts to play HArd, Get on your Feet and dance.

Third... WHen you take Ectasy, when Naturally happens is that Your Spine muscles tense up, and COntract , Bringing your Spine closer Up into your Brain, which causes You to feel pain and PLeasure Differently, Ur whole Sensory system is KNocked off track and diverted, Now the Most fucked up thing is that The Seats in Exit are designed for you to lean your had on that Cushun thingie , and what it does is Push your spine EVEN farther into your brain. ( fucked up shit right )

I dunno you be the judge, Reply all and thanks

EXIT WAS OF THE FUCKING HOOK , DOmenick Capello TORE UP THE WHITE ROOM , all in all A great Fucking NIGHT!!!

sorry bro but i disagree about your whole post about the music building a draper.......if you wanted to experience a real dj who knows how to build it up with out slowing it down you should have been at factory for VICIOUS.....enough said
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Originally posted by bigart

ok well this is just from personal KNowledge and experience, so if you have any doubts or want to add to this post just Reply and do so, thasnk

first... I was in the white room last night Chillin and as i was watching the lighting effect a friend turned to me and said , "did u know that the lighting is spelling out in MOrse Code "XTC", At this point i got mad chills and started BUggin, LOL

second... Same friend then told me that the reason Draper Plays like shit sometimes, is because He is Trying to sell you YOur goodtime, For example he would play a vicious set , BUild BUild BUild and then PLay some whack shit , or BUild Build BUild , and play some Goodshit , Followed by some Horibble shit, This same friend told me it was a Scheme, so that WHen ur rolling on E, THat U get to BUild and enjoy E WHen the music BUilds , You dance, But then when its whack , Ur roll, gets slower , IT basically Fluctuates - and this is done maybe 13-18 times throughout the night, Just to Make ur E better, Because You cannot BE dancnig like a maniac for 11 pm - 8 am, u would get tired, so when the music sucks, basically its time for you to rest and enjoy, the ROll, but when the BEat drops and The music Starts to play HArd, Get on your Feet and dance.

Third... WHen you take Ectasy, when Naturally happens is that Your Spine muscles tense up, and COntract , Bringing your Spine closer Up into your Brain, which causes You to feel pain and PLeasure Differently, Ur whole Sensory system is KNocked off track and diverted, Now the Most fucked up thing is that The Seats in Exit are designed for you to lean your had on that Cushun thingie , and what it does is Push your spine EVEN farther into your brain. ( fucked up shit right )

I dunno you be the judge, Reply all and thanks


i def. think there could be some merit to this and when I thought about it more, I really couldnt make up my mind. Long heavy builders and dark deep stuff seem to work on my roll the best, and Draper does bust that shit out all the time so I can see where you are coming from. Plus its every dj's job to cater to his crowd, and if a large percent are on whatever drugs, why not make them happy. The reason I doubt this is I honestly think he just doesnt know how to sequence his songs in a logical order. PLus, I doubt EXIT management wants to be associated with havin a DJ that caters strictly to the kids on Extacy. I dunno. Thats my opinion.

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funny how these amateurs are actually making up theories now to why draper sucks...puttin a positive spin on everything doesnt make him a better DJ fellas...

and oh yeah...light DJs are there too be in sync with the music, not to put down subliminal messages that less than 1% of the crowd would understand...

but thanks for trying you idiot

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I really Didint mean to rise that much of an issue, when i was writing this POst, It upset me that "exit" supposedly wants to keep There club Drug free, yet all there Subliminal Message, and hidden Codes are there if u look for them, and another thing exit makes a lot more money Selling Drugs then it does Just running the club,

Running the club helps the Mob Front there money for BigDeals other than that, THe Club Business is a Huge Drug business,

I really Dont care If Draper can spin or not, I have noticed that he sucks, But thats because i wasent a Big Club Goer in the past, But now that i am, i have noticed that the only Reason i like Draper, is that he knows how to Produce Music, that will move you, Im just sick of repeating those tracks, "P, G, LG, LB etc..." but now that i have them, I can Say its a good thing that Exit is closing, Now i can try SF , and Vivnyl or something like that.

IN conclusion it upset me how Everyone Gets searched in the club inorder for the Bouncer or Guards to Find drugs, take it in the back, Give it to the House Dealer, SO THAT he Can sell it to kids like the one That Died 2 weeks , ago,,

ohh ohh ohh lets not forget the OWner of exit did share his Condolences with the family,,

Get the FUCK outta Here

nUff said..........

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You know the Big screen on the Main Dancefloor, well sometimes When there is static, in the screen there are Subliminal Messages, I am Not the ONly that has seen them

They say shit like

"Keep your Mind free"

"Release ur self"

"Let the music control your roll"

I swear im not bullshitting

and some other shit that is fucked up, the only people that can see this Well are people who are Rolling because Your Pupils Get dialieted and You cannot Focus Your eyes on anything, so what happens is that when you look at the Screen what ur suppose to be doing is Looking THROUGH the screen to see the Message, So if ur Sober, U gotta COnecntrate to see it..

SO its for rollers only.

I shit you NOT

Look at it when ur At exit.......

thats it all i gotta say

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Originally posted by bigart

you, Im just sick of repeating those tracks, "P, G, LG, LB etc..." but now that i have them, I can Say its a good thing that Exit is closing,

Yo, I have to ask you, why do u continue to post about having these "unreleased songs".......

Every post u make u seem to subtly mention that u have these hard to get songs. Yet, u also mention, in the same breath,u cant give them out. Why even bother mentioning that you have them in the first place. Its one thing to have these songs but its another to flaunt it, If you got them, good. Either share or shut the fuck up . No need to brag about it. Seriously, I got shit on my hard drive thats mad exclusive and that has to be kept hush hush, but I dont mention in every post "oh, i got xxx song and xxx song, but sorry I cant give them up......If I mention it, and then u ask, I will give. Plain and simple...

Now, I am not bashing those that list tracks that are not yet available such as tranza or dog6 and others. You guys post about good quality songs that are either coming out soon, or music that just hit vinyl or mp3. Lots of the music u posted about was eventually released, unlike the exit cheese thats not yet out, and wont be for a while....


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I agree with Don. Who cares about your unreleased songs? It's like you dont even listen to your Mp3's, you just collect them. Whats the point? I collect MP3's to enjoy the music. I recently read your post of TOP 75?? Come on. You cant possibly listen to all those songs. (btw you do have a lot of CHEESE) Is it that you collect these hard to find Mp3's and flaunt them so you can attain some level of coolness or something? Cause judging from your post about bringing in burnt software CD's into EXIT ( i go to EXIT to dance and meet girls, not to hand out CD's), you sound like a BIG FAT DORK .


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Avalondon, Good point!!! plain and simple,

But now let me tell you why,

in the past 4 months, I have been trying to get these tracks, and the people who had them Just aggrevated the shit outta me, by telling me I cant give it to you because ull just leak them or give them out to your Clubplanet Friends. Then the same person(s) told me ohh and another thing Youll never Get these tracks no matter how Hard u try cuz ur just whack like that etc.. etc..

However to answer your questions, Reason i came into Exit with those cd's was to get those tracks, Some Dj's are in a budget, and they spend thousands of dollars on Hardware, but then when it comes to software they are screwed, SO i supply them the Favor, i get them those 600-3000 audio software and all i ask in return is to Get some traxxx, THAT I DO LISTEN TO, what,, u think these tracks are here just because i like to collect them are you for real bro, am i that Fucken Bored, im new to this board, so i dont want to get of the wrong foot, SOme people just needed to be proved wrong, and when i proved i had these tracks and they Couldnt get it, It was just my declaration, NOthing MOre, I AM however sorry that i posted it, because it would piss off a lot of people, and i apologize for that,

BUt me as well i do go to Exit for 2 things, The people and the Music. hope that cleared up some things

THats it.....

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