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Junior Birthday Review?

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here it is...at the door they were telling some people "do you know it is gay tonight"..i know of a few straight people that had a hard time getting in..i went with just me and my girlfriend and i know the guy at the door so we had no problems..search was pretty tight..always be real carefull if your bringing shit into the club..the club was dead till like 2:00..there was no music early on like at 12:30..but then around 2:00, 2:30 the music was kicking in...and then junior tore the place up..we thought the music was awesome..he had some nice vocals and lot's of hard stuff..by like 4:30 the place was packed..i have been going to exit on saturdays for over a year now, and let me tell you i have never seen it that packed..usually around 5:00 exit use to die out..we left around 8:30 and the place was still mobbed..it was tight just to get on the dance floor..crazy..lot's of gays..i would say 70% of the club..guys kissing fucking everywhere..i would never go there without my girlfriend..we met up with alot of are friends and when my girlfriend would goto the bathroom,i would be hanging out with some of my boys,and everytime she would leave gay guys would hit on me like crazy..they would not stop..so that sucked...they don't give up..i don't know how the crowd will mix together..they are being selective on letting straight people in..but i could see a problem with straight guys starting with a gay guy that keeps hitting on him..no matter how hard they try to keep the club gay..there will always be more straight people in there then there was in twilo..anyway exit made a smart move bringing in junior because now friday nights and saturdays will be jumping at exit or earth...this will put exit on top again no doubt..i don't know what time junior played till because we left at 8:30..

all in all it was awesome night..we will be there sept 28..can't wait..

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Originally posted by pglkm

here it is...at the door they were telling some people "do you know it is gay tonight"..i know of a few straight people that had a hard time getting in..i went with just me and my girlfriend and i know the guy at the door so we had no problems..search was pretty tight..always be real carefull if your bringing shit into the club..the club was dead till like 2:00..there was no music early on like at 12:30..but then around 2:00, 2:30 the music was kicking in...and then junior tore the place up..we thought the music was awesome..he had some nice vocals and lot's of hard stuff..by like 4:30 the place was packed..i have been going to exit on saturdays for over a year now, and let me tell you i have never seen it that packed..usually around 5:00 exit use to die out..we left around 8:30 and the place was still mobbed..it was tight just to get on the dance floor..crazy..lot's of gays..i would say 70% of the club..guys kissing fucking everywhere..i would never go there without my girlfriend..we met up with alot of are friends and when my girlfriend would goto the bathroom,i would be hanging out with some of my boys,and everytime she would leave gay guys would hit on me like crazy..they would not stop..so that sucked...they don't give up..i don't know how the crowd will mix together..they are being selective on letting straight people in..but i could see a problem with straight guys starting with a gay guy that keeps hitting on him..no matter how hard they try to keep the club gay..there will always be more straight people in there then there was in twilo..anyway exit made a smart move bringing in junior because now friday nights and saturdays will be jumping at exit or earth...this will put exit on top again no doubt..i don't know what time junior played till because we left at 8:30..

all in all it was awesome night..we will be there sept 28..can't wait..

You know, its attitudes like this that make me feel like Junior and Exit are a bad match. When I first heard he was moving there, I was like, "Exit--uhhh, is that where the KTU djs spin?--isn't it a little far uptown?". But whatever, things change, give it a chance. Then, reading these reviews (from only a few people, granted): the music was great, but the crowd was GAY. OH MY GOD!!! Did you people ever go to Twilo? Or did you just catch the last year or so when the Saturday promoters were openly trying to draw in a straight crowd? Besides the fact that house music comes out of the gay underground culture, or even that Junior is gay... This guy in particular must be pretty insecure, or extremely good looking and well groomed, because I'm gay and good looking and don't get "attacked" like he claims even at Roxy. Especially if he left that early (?). And really, unless he was looking, how did he notice? Maybe he's just mistaking good-natured friendly smiles for something else. Hey, when I'm at a straight/mixed club and one of your girlfriends hits on me, I just smile and politely decline.

Sorry to go off, thanks for letting me vent. Maybe I'm just getting old and can't handle the scene changes. But unless someone posts a more favorable report on Exit, I'll be waiting for Junior to come back downtown.

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Originally posted by it290

Hey, when I'm at a straight/mixed club and one of your girlfriends hits on me, I just smile and politely decline.

Girl hitting on a guy in a club? How often does that happen?

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well first of all you must live in a cave or something...you can't tell me what happen saturday night..i was there..my friends were there..and my girlfriend was there..me and my friend were getting hit on like crazy..since i was with my girl most of the night one of my friends was walking around by himself..i felt bad for him..and don't tell me it was a guy who just smiled..it's fine to look at somebody..but come on some dudes just don't get it..if you can't get a hint somebody is not into to you..i have no problem with gays at a club..it's the city..but exit on saturdays was straight with lot's of girls..a complete turn around..and last saturday it was like 80% gay..it was alittle overwhelming...i was expecting maybe 60% gay 40% straight because of junior's following..because exit is so big there was so many dudes..shit..the only way i could relate to you is..what if you went to club expecting 50% gay 50% straight and your gay..when you get in there it's like 80% girls and guys with girlfriends..talking like 4 or 5000 people

so some people expecting exit to be like at least half straight might have a hard time dealing with it..so they will have to find another club to goto like world and factory afterhours..even at the door they tell you you know it's gay tonight..and gave some people a hard time to get in...at twilo they told you it was gay but they never gave you a hard time to get in..like i said we had a good time..we will still go to exit(earth) sept 28..but i'll make sure to bring my girl..here is something funny it was the first time going out my girlfriend didn't get hit on too much..i could leave her alone(with friends) and have no problems..

junior was sick..i'm sure if junior don't like it there he won't spin ...i still think right now danny tenagila is on point and number 1...but junior is crazy too..

no hard feelings...just opinions...

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I think what straight guys experience at gay clubs is a lot like what most women have to put up with when they go out.

Most guys are the same, gay or straight. Basically they are out looking at and pursuing sexually attractive guys/girls to hook up. Now in a straight club it is the women you hear complaining about how guys don't know when to stop, how annoying it is to have guys you are not interested in hitting on you all night. Well now, the straight guy heads over to a club where there are alot of gay men and suddenly he is getting a taste of his own medicine. Now he is the one being pursued instead of the one doing the pursuing. I can see how that might be unnerving.

I think that no matter how progressive people are, it will still be hard for the gay/straight crowd to truly mix at clubs because of this.

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Sorry pglkm, maybe you were dancing near creeps, or maybe you just weren't expecting Junior's scene. Hope you have a better time at his next party.

BTW, mixed parties are working better than before. Anyone remember when Junior wouldn't play if they let women in the door?

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Originally posted by it290

Sorry pglkm, maybe you were dancing near creeps, or maybe you just weren't expecting Junior's scene. Hope you have a better time at his next party.

BTW, mixed parties are working better than before. Anyone remember when Junior wouldn't play if they let women in the door?

I recall may times when Junior got upset over girls. One of my friends told me one night a girl @Twilo got up on the podium to dance and junior stopped playing and got on the mic saying "I don't remember hiring any girls to dance here". I wasn't there but I'm sure the girl quickly got down.

Another fond Jr. memory, was the first New Years he was playing at Twilo, my friends (guy & girl) got turned away from the door guys (darryl & fernando) even though they had purchased tickets, many other people on line that night were also refunded the money!! I can't imagine a DJ having such issues with women as to where they will refund money on a big night such as New Years!!

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I'm straight and barely missed a handful of Junior's parties this year. I don't know what the big deal is. I remember the first few times I went I was a bit uncomfortable but you'll quickly realize they're not as aggressive as you're making them out to be. You give off the impression that if it weren’t for your girlfriend, you would have been raped. Even if I'm dancing alone and shirtless right smack in the middle of the dance floor I barely ever had a problem. Try throwing a girl in a crowd of straight men and tell me it isn't worse. It's so common for a girl to be there dancing minding her own business while guys just come from behind and start humping her. Now that's aggressive. I'm rarely ever grabbed or touched. I've had more problems with straight guys just because I accidentally bump into them in a crowded club than if you were to throw me in the middle of a gay party wearing nothing but boxer briefs.

India22 - I heard about that...but if it's this one girl that I'm thinking of, I can easily understand Junior's reaction.

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Originally posted by MarioNY

India22 - I heard about that...but if it's this one girl that I'm thinking of, I can easily understand Junior's reaction.


Are you thinking of that older blond woman who's used to be at Twilo alot and always on dancing on the podiums, sometimes looking very disheveled??

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Originally posted by india22


Are you thinking of that older blond woman who's used to be at Twilo alot and always on dancing on the podiums, sometimes looking very disheveled??

No, I think you're thinking about another girl. I never gave this girl a good look but I think she's in her 20's. I don't know if she does too much drugs or what but she's always out of it. She walks aimlessly while shoving and pushing everyone in front of her. I've seen her jump on the speaker closest to Junior's booth a few times. She'd get up there and it'll be a disaster...she kept screaming junior over and over and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw records flying her way.

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JV's Bday was off the f'ckin hook!!! I had the best time... Music was absolutely insane and the crowd was great... Yes, the element was very gay, but not upstairs in the White Room, where I spent most of my time...

The cover may have been a little high at $60 but lemme just say that I would've paid $100 for this party - it was that PHAT!!!

Exit in my opinion is such a fabulous space... I'll definitely be hitting this party again, come September...

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Originally posted by executress

JV's Bday was off the f'ckin hook!!! I had the best time... Music was absolutely insane and the crowd was great... Yes, the element was very gay, but not upstairs in the White Room, where I spent most of my time...

The cover may have been a little high at $60 but lemme just say that I would've paid $100 for this party - it was that PHAT!!!

Exit in my opinion is such a fabulous space... I'll definitely be hitting this party again, come September...

The next party is with JR also with the performance of Deborah Cox, hopefully we will have a mixed crowd, or maybe we do like we did to the chineses before 1/2 of the main floor chineses and have the other half mixed crowd , so would be half gay and half straight

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