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okay here goes i know this might sound like a newbee question but oh well..crack your jokes away...

I have tried to roll 2 time on back to back days and every time i have tried the rolls on the 2nd day dont hit me the same...

My question is....Is there a way to roll b ack to back days and get the same effect??


since there is a long weekend this week is why i ask :D

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Yeh but i defiantly wouldnt recomend it since neuro tox is terible y dont u just try not rolling or do dif drugs. Try taking speed.... But if not u could take 1 pill the first night and the second night take 2 pills that might work if u dotn roll too often.....

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The sort answer is no. There is a finite amount of seratonin in your brain and it takes about 2 weeks to get back to pre roll amounts.

So no matter what you brain just doesn't have the stores of seratonin to dump the second night. Not that its a bad time, just never the same as the night before.

But I guess, if you took a half the first night and 2 the second night it would about equal out.

btw... thats why god made other drugs besides E!!! :tongue:

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I have done double headers a few times, and sometimes my roll the second night is better than my roll the first. So, I would say (not scientifically but from experience) that it would depend on the person, and the pill...

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I rolled both Saturday and Sunday when I was in Miami and let me tell you... I was fucked up just as much the second night as I was the first night.... I preloaded w/ 5htp all week. I don't know if this helped but I had two of the best rolls I ever had this last weekend and they were consecutive days..... So YES you can get just as high the second day...

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Well besides releasing serotonin, MDMA also causes the release of Norepinephrine and Dopamine (whice are being constantly replaced and consequently not finite like 5HT is). The rush felt on subsequent doses can always be due to high levels of both DA and NE. I'll tell you something else... Wanna know what some psychotic patients have that sane patients don't? Abnormally high levels of DA (dopamine). :laugh: True story. ;)

My point is... it's not a very good idea to multi dose because as Shroomy said, the 5HT just isn't there. As a matter of fact, by taking more you may just be depleting the little bit you have left to get you through the 2 wks. you need to replace what you've used while you were rolling. This = DEPRESSION. Not pretty.

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